RDOHELP72.HLB  —  Replication Option, DEFINE_TRANSFER, Format  RSE  sort-clause
  (B)0sort-clause =

  qqq> SORTED BY qqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqq> value-expr qqwqqq>
                   x tqq> ASCENDING qqqqu                    x
                   x mqq> DESCENDING qqqj                    x
                   mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj

  (B)0value-expr =

     qqqqqqqwqqqq> database-field qqqqqqwqq>
            tqqqq> quoted-string qqqqqqqu
            tqqqq> numeric-literal qqqqqu
            tqqqq> arithmetic-expr qqqqqu
            tqqqq> missing-value qqqqqqqu
            tqqqq> concat-expr qqqqqqqqqu
            tqqqq> ( value-expr ) qqqqqqu
            mqqqq> q  qq> value-expr qqqj

    Allows you to sort the records in the record stream by the values
    of specific fields. You can sort the records according to a
    value expression called a sort key. The sort key determines the
    order of the records in the record stream. You can use the sort-
    clause for an extraction or an extraction rollup transfer. If
    you specify a sort-clause for a replication transfer, Replication
    Option issues an error message.

    Specifying ASCENDING (the default) causes the records to be
    sorted in ascending order. Specifying DESCENDING causes Oracle Rdb
    to sort the records in descending order.

    The value expression specifies the sort value. This value is
    called the sort key.
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