Designates a file specification for the target database, which is an Oracle Rdb database. Replication Option uses the file specification to create and access the target database. You can use either a full or partial file specification or a logical name. The file-spec parameter is required. If you do not specify the node, device, or directory, Replication Option assumes the SYS$LOGIN of the user defining the transfer. If the file type is not .RDB, the transfer will fail during the creation of the target database. The default file type is .RDB. When you specify the name of a remote node as part of the file specification, you can include an access control list (ACL) for login. However, the most effective method of allowing access to a target node uses proxy accounts. If you use DECnet/OSI note that Replication Option expects node names in file specifications to be from one to six characters long. DECnet/OSI permits node names to be much longer than this. In order to use Replication Option in a DECnet/OSI environment, you must define and use short synonyms for the long node names. Node name synonyms can be registered either in a local or distributed name service database. For details on establishing node name synonyms, refer to the documentation for DECnet/OSI. Note that the file specification is resolved at run time. All logical names used for the file-spec parameter are resolved within the copy process after it executes the transfer definer's login initialization file, LOGIN.COM. If the target database name is a logical symbol name, when it is translated, the default directory is the one pointed to by SYS$LOGIN. Replication Option makes no attempt to verify whether a database or file of the same name already exists in the target directory. When you issue a duplicate file specification, Replication Option creates a second file with the same name, but a higher version number. If the database system (Oracle Rdb) returns an error while attempting to create a database in the target directory, the copy process writes the error in the copy process log file and returns the error status to the transfer monitor.