The RdbALTER utility provides a low-level patch capability that allows you to repair corruption on Oracle Rdb database pages. In addition, it allow you to relocate database root, area, and snapshot files to other disks or directories. This is helpful when you move a database from a single node to a VAXcluster or VMScluster environment. You must have the RMU$ALTER privilege or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use RdbALTER. RdbALTER can receive command lines through command files or directly from the user's terminal. You can abbreviate any ofthe RdbALTER command keywords. The only restriction is that you must specify enough characters to avoid ambiguity. RdbALTER interprets the exclamation point (!) as a comment character. Any characters on a line following an exclamation point are disregarded by RdbALTER.