1 – transactions_field
This field gives the number of completed database transactions. This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have executed.
2 – verb_successes_field
This field gives the number of intermediate recoverable operations that returned a successful status code.
3 – verb_failures_field
This field gives the number of intermediate recoverable operations that returned an error status code, including deadlocks and other exception conditions.
4 – node_fetches_field
This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched an index node during index retrievals. This number includes the number of leaf nodes and duplicate nodes fetched. Therefore, the calculation for the number of upper-level index nodes accessed is: this "node fetches" field minus the sum of the leaf and duplicate node fetches. The result can indicate the depth of the database indexes.
5 – _leaf_fetches_field
This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched bottom level (leaf) nodes during index retrievals. This number, along with the "index scans" field, can indicate the length of scans in terms of index nodes accessed. There is one leaf node fetch for each "index lookup" retrieval.
6 – _dup__fetches_field
This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched a duplicate node (as opposed to a leaf node) during index retrievals. This number can indicate the lengths of duplicate node chains in the database indexes. When a duplicate node is retrieved, the operation always includes one leaf fetch.
7 – index_lookups_field
This field gives the number of direct single-key retrievals performed on the database indexes. This statistic shows up only on unique key retrievals and not on duplicate key retrievals.
8 – index_scans_field
This field gives the number of scans, or range retrievals, performed on the database indexes. In an index scan, Oracle Rdb searches an index from top to bottom to find the starting point (low value) of the retrieval. Oracle Rdb then searches the bottom level nodes of the index, including duplicate nodes, until the scan's end condition is met.
9 – _primary_entries_field
This field gives the number of unique keys found during the index scan.
10 – _dup__entries_field
This field gives the number of duplicate keys found during the index scans. If an index has two entries with the same key value, the first one is a primary entry and the second is a duplicate entry.