1 – transactions_field
This field gives the number of completed database transactions. This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have executed.
2 – _commit_field
This field displays the number of transactions that have been committed to the standby database.
3 – _rollback_field
This field displays the number of transactions that have been rolled back prior to being applied to the standby database.
4 – _prepared_field
This field displays the number of distributed transactions that have been successfully prepared in anticipation of eventually being committed to the standby database.
5 – Area ready field
This field displays the number of physical storage areas that have been "readied" during the recovery operation.
6 – AIJ records field
This field displays the number of AIJ records applied.
7 – _erase_mixed_field
This field displays the number of "erase record" operations performed on a mixed-format storage area.
8 – _erase_uniform_field
This field displays the number of "erase record" operations performed on a uniform-format storage area.
9 – _modify_mixed_field
This field displays the number of "modify record" operations performed on a mixed-format storage area.
10 – _modify_uniform_field
This field displays the number of "modify record" operations performed on a uniform-format storage area.
11 – SPAM updated field
This field displays the number of SPAM page modifications that occurred as a result of the AIJ journal record. SPAM pages are typically modified due to a live data page changing its threshold information.
12 – Num failed updates field
This field displays the number of failed updates that are currently pending REDO. In general, this field should always be zero. However, it may temporarily increase in value and subsequently return to zero.
13 – TTl failed updated field
This field displays the total number of failed updates. A failed update is a database modification that cannot be immediately applied due primarily to the order in which AIJ journal records are recorded.