RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  AIJ Journal Information screen
    This screen provides online information about all of a database's
    after-image journals on the current node. Most of the information
    displayed on the screen is obtained in real time, which means
    that the display is automatically updated as AIJ database
    parameters are modified, or as AIJ operations such as a backup
    or journal switchover are performed.

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    Because the AIJ Journal Information screen provides real-time
    information, the output is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

    The AIJ Journal Information screen contains multiple pages,
    the number of which is determined by the number of allocated
    journal slots. The pages can be scrolled by using the right angle
    bracket (>) key to go to the next page, or by using the left
    angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page.

    The AIJ Journal Information screen contains information relating
    to AIJ journaling in general and information on each individual
    journal, including reserved AIJ journal slots.

    The following fields provided in the AIJ Journal Information
    screen header provide information that applies to all journals:

    o  Journaling

       Displays "Enabled" when after-image journaling is enabled and
       "Disabled" when after-image journaling is disabled.

    o  Shutdown

       If highlighted, indicates that an AIJ switchover is in
       progress and identifies the number of minutes remaining until
       the after-image journaling system shutdown is complete. If
       no switchover is in progress, the default shutdown time, in
       minutes, is displayed. Note that this field displays shutdown
       information for the current node only.

    o  Notify

       Displays "Enabled" when system operator notification is
       enabled and "Disabled" when system operator notification is
       disabled. This field does not identify the specific operator
       classes that are enabled.

    o  State

       Displays "Accessible" when the AIJ journals can be written to
       and "Inaccessible" when they cannot be written to.

    o  ALS

       Provides information about the AIJ log server (ALS). If the
       ALS is not running, it displays the startup mode for the ALS,
       either "Automatic" or "Manual." If the ALS is running, this
       field displays the value "Running."

    o  ABS

       Displays "Enabled" when the AIJ backup server is enabled
       for the database, "Disabled" when the AIJ backup server is
       not enabled, "Suspended" when the AIJ backup server has been
       manually suspended, and "Denied" when the AIJ backup server is
       not permitted due to AIJ files being overwritten or in a data-
       lost condition. Note that the AIJ backup server is not always
       invoked even though it is enabled; output from the RMU Dump
       Header command provides more information in those situations
       where the AIJ backup server is enabled but not invoked.

    o  ACE

       Displays "Enabled" when the AIJ cache on electronic disk (ACE)
       is enabled and "Disabled" when the AIJ cache on electronic
       disk is not enabled. This field does not identify the name of
       the file that serves as the AIJ cache on the electronic disk.

    o  FC

       Displays "Enabled" when the fast commit transaction processing
       feature is enabled and "Disabled" when it is not enabled. The
       fast commit options are not displayed.

    o  CTJ

       Displays "Enabled" when the commit to journal optimization
       feature is enabled and "Disabled" when it is not enabled. The
       commit to journal optimization options are not displayed.

    o  ARB.Count

       Displays the number of AIJ request blocks (ARBs) that are in
       use for the database.

    o  ARB.Avail:

       Displays the number of AIJ request blocks (ARBs) that are
       available for the database.

    The following information is provided for individual after-image

    o  After-image journal name

       Identifies the name of the after-image journal (this is not
       the journal filename). If the journal is not allocated,
       identifies the number of the available journal slot. The
       current journal is highlighted for quick identification.

    o  Sequence number

       Identifies the sequence number of the journal. If the journal
       is unused, "Unused" is displayed.

    o  AIJ size

       Identifies the size, in blocks, of the current after-image
       journal. This value typically corresponds to the after-
       image journal allocation size for fixed-size journals. If the
       physical end-of-file has not yet been established, the default
       allocation size, in blocks, is displayed.

    o  Current end of file

       Identifies the block number of the current end-of-file of
       the current journal; this information is only displayed
       for the current journal because it is meaningless for other
       journals. This value corresponds to the location in the
       journal being written with data. If the journal is current
       but the logical end-of-file has not yet been established,
       "Unknown" is displayed. If the journal is not current, "Empty"
       is displayed.

    o  Status

       Displays "Current" if the journal is currently being written
       to, "Written" if it was written to in the past, or "Latent"
       if it has not yet been written to. A journal that has been
       written to and is not current should be backed up; the warning
       "*BACKUP NEEDED*" is displayed to help identify when a journal
       needs to be backed up.

    o  State

       Displays "Backing Up" when the journal is in the process of
       being backed up, "Overwritten" when the journal has been
       overwritten, "Accessible" if the journal can be written to,
       and "Inaccessible" when the journal cannot be written to.

    Note that information on the AIJ Journal Information screen is
    for the current node only. Because an after-image journal is
    accessed by all nodes modifying the database, the information
    for one node could become stale. Therefore, the Refresh option on
    the horizontal menu at the bottom of the AIJ Journal Information
    screen is provided. The Refresh option causes the current node's
    information to be synchronized with all other nodes accessing the
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