RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Custom Statistics screen
    This screen shows a customized display of any of the base
    statistics information (for example, non-by-area and non-per-
    process statistics).

    The size of your Custom Statistics display determines the number
    of statistics fields you can add to the display. The header and
    horizontal menu take up eight lines of the Custom Statistics
    display; you can add a statistics field on each of the remaining
    lines, up to a maximum of 36 different fields. Each statistics
    field is placed on a separate line of the display.

    The Custom Statistics screen is an ordinary screen; information
    can be displayed graphically as a histogram or in numeric tabular
    format. Also, the Time_plot and X_plot options are available for
    any of the selected statistics fields.

    Initially, the Custom Statistics screen contains two statistics:
    database binds and transactions. These statistics can be moved,
    removed, replaced, or annotated.

    There are two different methods available to populate the Custom
    Statistics display: fields can either be Yanked from an existing
    statistics display and implicitly Put on the Custom Statistics
    display or you can manually create a statistics field. Oracle
    Corporation recommends using the Yank and Put method, which is

    To Yank and Put a statistics field, use the Yank menu option on
    the statistics display page containing the statistics field you
    wish to select. The Yank menu option is not available in the
    Custom Statistics display.

    When you select the Yank option by pressing Y, a menu of the
    selectable fields is displayed; this menu is similar to the Help
    on fields menu. Select the letter of the statistics field you
    want to yank and that field will automatically appear on the
    Custom Statistics display. Note that once you select a particular
    statistics field, you cannot select it again unless you first
    delete it from the Custom Statistics display. This means that the
    field selection menu changes every time you select a field.

    The selected field will be positioned on the first available row
    of the Custom Statistics display. You cannot specify the row of
    the Custom Statistics display on which the field will be placed
    using the Yank and Put method. However, once the field has been
    put on the Custom Statistics display, you can change the position
    of that field.

    The Yank and Put menu will automatically be canceled when you
    have selected all the available statistics field on any given
    display or when there are no more fields available on the Custom
    Statistics display.

    For more advanced users, you can also manually create a
    statistics field. On the Custom Statistics display, you can
    use the Config menu option to explicitly enter the index of
    the specific statistics field, numbered from 1 to 1020. These
    indexes are documented in the text file SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_
    STATISTICS.CDO (if you have installed multiple versions of Oracle
    Rdb on your system, the text file is named SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_
    STATISTICSvv.CDO, where vv is the Oracle Rdb software version).
    When selecting statistics files manually, the keyboard will
    beep if you specify the index of an existing statistics field.
    However, no error message is displayed.

    When you select the configuration menu by typing C on the Custom
    Statistics screen, the configuration submenu will be displayed.
    The configuration submenu allows you to add, delete, move,
    annotate, and compress statistics fields on the Custom Statistics
    screen. The configuration menu varies according to the state of
    the Custom Statistics screen but typically all of the following
    options are displayed:

    o  Add a statistics field

       When you select the Add menu option, you are prompted to
       select the screen position where you want to place the
       statistics field, the index of the statistics field, and the
       title of the statistics field. The title you specify is then
       appended with the respective index, in brackets, to show which
       statistics have been manually selected.

       This option is extremely useful for tracking statistics values
       that are not normally displayed. For instance, the statistics
       field that tracks the total number of bytes of VM allocated
       is not actually displayed by any Performance Monitor screen.
       However, you can select index number 16 and the number of
       bytes of VM allocated is displayed on the Custom Statistics

    o  Delete a statistics field

       When you select the Delete menu option, you are prompted to
       select the statistics field you wish to delete.

    o  Move a statistics field

       When you select the Move menu option, you are prompted
       to select the statistics field to be moved and the screen
       position where the selected field will be displayed.

    o  Annotate a statistics field

       When you select the Annotate configuration menu option,
       you will be prompted to select the statistics field to be
       annotated. You will then be prompted to enter a new name
       for the selected statistics field. Once you have annotated
       a statistic field name, you cannot retrieve the original name
       unless you delete the statistic field and re-yank it on to the
       Custom Statistics screen.

    o  Compress the display

       Selecting the Compress menu option eliminates all intervening
       blank lines on the screen. This option is particularly useful
       after deleting one or more statistics fields.
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