This screen graphically describes the distribution of the various row lengths within a particular row cache. It is necessary to know the distribution of the various row lengths in the row cache to determine how well sized the row cache is. For instance, knowing that each cache entry is wasting even 5 bytes is significant if there are 100,000 entries in the cache. The summary region displays three lines containing information about the row cache and boundary row lengths. The first line identifies the selected row cache name. The second line identifies the number of rows whose lengths were below the minimum selected row length (XXX-) or above the maximum selected row length (XXX+++). Also, the 95th percentile row length is displayed; this value indicates the row size that 95% of the rows in the cache are less than or equal to. The third line identifies the lowest and highest row length in the cache. Also, the 85th percentile row length is displayed; this value indicates the row size that 85% of the row in the cache are less than or equal to. The information displayed is based on a scale that represents the row lengths to be analyzed. Initially, the screen's scale is based on the cache's specified row size. This scale can be changed using the Config menu option. Each vertical line of the screen identifies a row length bucket, based on the selected screen scale. Each asterisk (*) in the bucket represents a particular number of rows in the cache. Note that a value of 10, for instance, means that up to 10 rows are represented by that asterisk (*). The number of collection buckets is based on the display width of the terminal. By default, each bucket comprises 5 columns of the display; the number of columns can be configured by the user using the Config menu option. For example, setting the terminal width to 132 columns will allow you to display more information than with an 80-column terminal width. Decreasing the number of columns per bucket will achieve the same effect on an 80-column terminal width, but with a corresponding loss of precision. Two sliding indicators are displayed along the bottom horizontal axis; "A" indicates the average row size and "M" indicates the median row size. The configuration menu option allows you to fine-tune the distribution parameters and the display appearance. The options allow you more control over what row size information is displayed. You can: o Set the number of bucket columns Decreasing the number of columns per bucket allows you to display more row sizes. Conversely, increasing the number of columns per bucket allows you to display fewer row sizes, but with more accurate size reporting (i.e. better scaling) per bucket. The minimum number of columns is 2 and the maximum is 10. o Set the row length range values Setting a specific row size range values allows you to determine the actual row size display range, which is by default based on the row cache database parameters. o Eliminate/Include empty slots The Row Length Distribution screen is not recorded in the binary output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input qualifier.