RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  TSNBLK Allocation screen
    This screen provides runtime information about the allocation of
    TSNBLK entries in the database root file.

    Each TSNBLK entry controls the allocation of processes to nodes,
    and records the allocation and state of each process' TSN
    information. Consequently, each TSNBLK entry contains valuable
    information about the runtime state of the database.

    The screen is not recorded in the binary output file, nor is it
    available when replaying a binary input file.

    This screen displays cluster-wide information. However,
    information concerning nodes other than the current node may
    occasionally become stale, as the Performance Monitor does not
    automatically refresh the cluster information; it relies on
    application processes to do this. If you believe the information
    displayed is stale, use the Refresh menu option to force a
    refresh of the cluster information; however, this is seldom

    This screen displays one line of information for each TSNBLK
    entry. Each TSNBLK entry contains the following fields:

    o  TSNBLK This field identifies the TSNBLK entry number for easy
       identification. This is not the block number where the TSNBLK
       entry resides in the database root file.

    o  Nodename. This field identifies the name of the node to which
       a TSNBLK is allocated. If the TSNBLK is not allocated to any
       node, the name "available" is displayed.

       Once a TSNBLK entry has been allocated to a particular node,
       it remains allocated to that node until all processes assigned
       to the TSNBLK have detached from the database.

    o  #Idle This field identifies the total number of idle processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry. An idle process is one which
       does not have an active transaction.

       This field ideally should always display the value "0".

    o  #RwTx This field identifies the total number of processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry that have an active read/write

    o  #RoTx This field identifies the total number of processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry that have an active read-only

    o  #Actv This field identifies the total number of active
       processes assigned to the TSNBLK entry. The value of this
       field includes server processes.

    o  #Srvr This field identifies the total number of database
       server processes assigned to the TSNBLK entry. Database
       server processes include the ABS, ALS, LCS, LRS, RCS, and
       DBR processes.

    o  #Free This field identifies the total number of processes that
       remain to be assigned to the TSNBLK entry.

    o  CommitTSN This field identifies the last commit transaction
       TSN for this TSNBLK entry.

    o  OldestTSN This field identifies the oldest active transaction
       TSN for this TSNBLK entry.

    Use the Zoom menu option to display additional information about
    the processes assigned to a particular TSNBLK entry.
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