Changes an index. The ALTER INDEX statement allows you to: o Change the characteristics of index nodes (sorted indexes only) o Change the names of the storage areas that contain the index o Enable or disable logging to the .aij and .ruj files o Alter index partitions o Change a partition name o Change the description of a partition o Specify whether or not the index is UNIQUE You cannot change: o The columns that comprise an index o A hashed index to a sorted index o A sorted index to a hashed index o A sorted, nonranked index to a sorted, ranked index o A sorted, ranked index to a sorted, nonranked index o The duplicates compression of a sorted, ranked index
1 – Environment
You can use the ALTER INDEX statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed
2 – Format
(B)0[m[1;4mALTER[m[1m [1;4mINDEX[m[1m <index-name> qqqqqqqk [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmqqqwq> add-partition-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>[m [1m [m [1mtq> [1;4mBUILD[m[1m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mBUILD[m [1;4mALL[m [1;4mPARTITIONS[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m tq> [1;4mDROP[m[1m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m [m [1mtq> [1;4mMOVE[m[1m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> [1;4mTO[m[1m area-spec[m [1m qqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mREBUILD[m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mREBUILD[m [1;4mALL[m [1;4mPARTITIONS[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m [m [1m tq> [1;4mRENAME[m[1m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> [1;4mTO[m[1m <new-partition-name> u [m [1mtq>[m [1;4mTRUNCATE[m [1;4mPARTITION[m [1m<partition-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mTRUNCATE[m [1;4mALL[m [1;4mPARTITIONS[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1m [m [1mmq> alter-index-attributes qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m [1m mq> index-store-clause qqj [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1madd-partition-clause =[m [1mq> [1;4mADD[m [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <partition-name> qqqk[m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mUSING[m[1m q>[m [1m( qwq> <column-name> qwq> ) qk[m [1mmqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mmq> [1;4mIN[m[1m area-spec qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk[m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mmqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>[m [1m mq> [1;4mWITH[m [1;4mLIMIT[m [1;4mOF[m [1mq> ( qwq> <literal> qwq> ) qqj[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mmqqqqqq , <qqqqj[m [1m [m (B)0[m[1marea-spec =[m [1m [m [1m [m [1mqq> <area-name> qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1m mq> ( qwwq> threshold-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwq> ) qj [m [1m xtq> [1;4mLOGGING[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4mNOLOGGING[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xtq> [1;4mPARTITION[m[1m <name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux [m [1m xmq> [1;4mCOMMENT[m[1m IS qwqq> 'string' qqqwqqjx [m [1m x mqqqqqqq / <qqqqqj x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq , qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m (B)0[m[1malter-index-attributes=[m [1mqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwq>[m [1mx[m [1mtq> threshold-clause[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mDUPLICATES[m [1mARE[m [1;4mALLOWED[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mLOGGING[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mNOLOGGING[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mNODE[m[1m [1;4mSIZE[m[1m <number-bytes> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mPERCENT[m[1m [1;4mFILL[m[1m <percentage> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mPREFIX[m [1;4mCARDINALITY[m [1;4mCOLLECTION[m[1m IS qwq>[m [1;4mENABLED[m [1mqqqqqqwqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mENABLED[m [1;4mFULL[m [1mqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mDISABLED[m [1mqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mUSAGE[m[1m qwq> [1;4mUPDATE[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx mq> [1;4mQUERY[m[1m qqj [m [1m [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq> [1;4mCOMMENT[m[1m IS qwq> '<string>' qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqq / qqqqqqqqj [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mMAINTENANCE[m[1m IS qwq> [1;4mDISABLED[m [1mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqj x[m [1mx[m [1mmq>[m [1;4mENABLED[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mDEFERRED[m [1mqqu [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mIMMEDIATE[m[1m qj[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m (B)0[m[1mthreshold-clause = [m [1m [m [1mqqwq> [1;4mTHRESHOLD[m[1m qwq> IS qwq> ( qq> <val1> qq> ) qqqqqqqqqwq> [m [1m x mq> OF qj x [m [1m x x [m [1m mq> [1;4mTHRESHOLDS[m[1m qwq> ARE qwqqqqqqqqqqqk x [m [1m mq> OF qj x x [m [1m lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m mq> ( qq> <val1> qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> ) qj [m [1m mq> , <val2> qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqu [m [1m mq> , <val3> qj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mindex-store-clause = [m [1m [m [1;4mSTORE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmwq> [1;4mIN[m[1m area-spec qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqw> [m [1m mq> [1;4mUSING[m[1m q> ( qwqq> <column-name> qwq> ) qqqqqqqqqqk x [m [1m mqqqqqqq , <qqqqqqqqj x x [m [1m lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m mw> [1;4mIN[m[1m area-spec qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x [m [1m x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1m x mq> [1;4mWITH[m[1m [1;4mLIMIT[m[1m [1;4mOF[m[1m q> ( qwqq> <literal> qwq> ) qqqwqqqk x [m [1m x mqqqqqq , <qqqqqj x x x [m [1m mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x x [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x [m [1mmwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwj [m [1m mq> [1;4mOTHERWISE[m[1m IN area-spec qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m
3 – Arguments
Adds the named partition to an existing hashed index. The partition name must be unique within the index being altered. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
This clause operates on an index in build-pending state (created using MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED DEFERRED) and builds all incomplete partitions. If the index is not in build-pending state then the statement completes successfully with a warning. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.3 – BUILD PARTITION partition-name
This clause operates on an index in build-pending state (created using MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED DEFERRED) and builds the named partition. If the index is not in build-pending state then the statement completes successfully with a warning. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
Adds a comment about the index. SQL displays the text of the comment when it executes a SHOW INDEX statement. Enclose the comment in single quotation marks (') and separate multiple lines in a comment with a slash mark (/).
Specifies that the data in the named partition be migrated to the next partition in the map and the named partition be dropped. The last partition in the index cannot be dropped. The referenced storage area is not dropped, only the index partition stored in that area.
Converts a UNIQUE index to a non-unique index. An index altered in this manner allows duplicate key values into the index. Note that there is no way for you to reverse this change once you commit the ALTER INDEX statement, other than by dropping and redefining the index.
3.7 – IN
When specified as part of an ADD PARTITION clause, the IN area- spec inserts a new partition in the index. If you do not specify a WITH LIMIT OF clause or OTHERWISE clause, the IN area-spec clause creates a new final partition. When specified as part of an index STORE clause, the IN area-spec clause associates the index directly with a single storage area, and all entries in the index are stored in the area you specify.
3.8 – index-name
The name of the index.
3.9 – index-store-clause
A storage map definition for the index. You can specify a store clause for indexes in a multifile database only. The STORE clause lets you specify which storage area files are used to store the index entries. If you omit the storage map definition, the default is to store all entries for the index in the default storage area. See the the CREATE INDEX statement for details of the arguments in an index store clause.
3.10 – LOGGING
Syntax options: LOGGING | NOLOGGING The LOGGING clause specifies that updates to new index partitions should be logged in the recovery-unit journal file (.ruj) and after-image journal file (.aij). The NOLOGGING clause specifies that updates to new index partitions should not be logged in the recovery-unit journal file (.ruj) and after-image journal file (.aij). If no store clause is used, then these attributes provide the setting for the ALTER INDEX statement. The LOGGING and NOLOGGING clauses are mutually exclusive; specify only one. The LOGGING clause is the default.
Disables, but does not delete, the specified index. When managing a very large database, an index can become corrupt or unsuitable for query optimization. If the table on which the index has been defined is very large, it may take a considerable amount of time to execute the DROP INDEX statement. Using the MAINTENANCE IS DISABLED clause of the ALTER INDEX statement disables the index so that it is no longer used by the optimizer nor is it maintained. You can then execute the DROP INDEX statement at a later time even when the table is in use. Once an index has been disabled, it may be enabled again using the REBUILD PARTITION clause. To disable an index, you must have DROP privileges to the table on which the index is defined, and there can be no active queries on the table.
An index created using this clause does not contain index keys for the current rows in the table. Until this index is built (using ALTER INDEX . . . BUILD), the index is placed in a build- pending state. Any table with a build-pending index can not be updated using the INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statements.
This is the default behavior for CREATE INDEX. This clause on ALTER INDEX allows a build-pending index to be made fully operational.
Specifies that the data in the named partition be moved to the partition identified in the area-spec clause and that the current partition is to be dropped after the data is migrated. For example, this clause allows a single hashed index partition to be moved to a larger storage area when too many mixed area extends are observed. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.15 – NODE_SIZE
The size, in bytes, of each index node in a sorted index. You cannot specify this argument in an ALTER INDEX statement that refers to a hashed index. See the CREATE INDEX statement for details of the NODE SIZE clause. This new node size is not applied to the existing index. However, it will be used in subsequent rebuild operations and by EXPORT/IMPORT to rebuild the database.
Names the partition. The name can be a delimited identifier if the dialect is set to SQL99 or quoting rules are set to SQL99. Partition names must be unique within the index. If you do not specify this clause, Oracle Rdb generates a default name for the partition. The partition name is stored in the database and validated.
Specifies how much each index node should be filled as a percentage of its size. You cannot specify this argument in an ALTER INDEX statement that refers to a hashed index. The valid range is 1 percent to 100 percent. The default is 70 percent. Both the PERCENT FILL and USAGE clauses specify how full an index node should be initially. You should specify either the PERCENT FILL or USAGE clause but not both.
This setting disables the cardinality collection and, instead, uses a fixed scaling algorithm which assumes a well balanced index tree. The action of this clause will also set the existing index column cardinalities to zero.
This is the default behavior for CREATE INDEX. The Oracle Rdb optimizer collects approximate cardinality values for the index columns to help in future query optimization. Note that no extra I/O is incurred to collect these values and, therefore, adjacent key values from other index nodes can not be checked. Hence, some inaccuracy may be seen for these indexes. In most cases, this is adequate for query optimizations. If this clause is used on an index that is currently set to PREFIX CARDINALITY COLLECTION DISABLED, the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command needs to be executed as soon as possible to load the correct values.
This setting requests that extra I/O be performed, if required, to ensure that the cardinality values reflect the key value changes of adjacent index nodes. If this clause is used on an index which is currently set to PREFIX CARDINALITY COLLECTION DISABLED or ENABLED, the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command needs to be executed as soon as possible to load the correct values.
This clause combines the TRUNCATE and BUILD actions into a single function. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.22 – REBUILD PARTITION partition-name
This clause combines the TRUNCATE and BUILD actions into a single function for the named partition. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
Changes the name of a partition. This clause can be applied to all types of indexes. It is particularly useful for specifying a more meaningful name for the default partition. Use the SHOW INDEX (PARTITION) statement to display the default names of the partitions. See Example 4 in the Examples section. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.24 – threshold-clause
Specifies one, two, or three default threshold values for logical areas that contain the index in storage areas with uniform page formats. By setting threshold values, you can make sure that Oracle Rdb does not overlook a page with sufficient space to store compressed data. The threshold values (val1, val2, and val3) represent a fullness percentage on a data page and establish three possible ranges of guaranteed free space on the data pages. If you use data compression, you should use logical area thresholds to obtain optimum storage performance. You cannot specify the thresholds for the storage map attribute for any area that is a mixed page format. If you have a mixed page format, set the thresholds for the storage area using the ADD STORAGE AREA or CREATE STORAGE AREA clause of the ALTER DATABASE, CREATE DATABASE, or IMPORT statement. For more information about SPAM pages, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition.
This clause operates in a similar way to TRUNCATE TABLE, but just on one index. The index is automatically set to MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED DEFERRED (i.e. build-pending state) if it was currently ENABLED IMMEDIATE. Otherwise is stays in a disabled state. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.26 – TRUNCATE PARTITION partition-name
This clause operates on just the named index partition. The index is automatically set to MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED DEFERRED (that is, build-pending state) if it was currently ENABLED IMMEDIATE. Otherwise is stays in a disabled state. No other clauses may appear in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3.27 – USAGE
Syntax options: USAGE UPDATE | USAGE QUERY Specifies a PERCENT FILL value appropriate for update-intensive or query-intensive applications. You cannot specify this argument in an ALTER INDEX statement that refers to a hashed index. The USAGE UPDATE argument sets the PERCENT FILL value at 70 percent. The USAGE QUERY argument sets the PERCENT FILL value at 100 percent. You should specify either the PERCENT FILL or USAGE clause, but not both.
3.28 – USING
Specifies columns whose values are used as limits for partitioning the index across multiple storage areas. You cannot name columns not specified as index key segments. If the index key is multisegmented, you can include some or all of the columns that are joined to form the index key. You must specify the columns in the order in which they were specified when the index key was defined. If you include only a subset of the columns from the multisegmented index, you must include the leading columns of the index key.
Specifies the highest value for the index key that resides in a particular storage area if ASCENDING is defined. If DESCENDING is defined, the lowest value is specified for the index key that resides in a particular storage area. For multicolumn index keys, specify a literal value for each column listed in the USING clause. The WITH LIMIT OF clause must specify a new unique set of values for the partition. The number of literals in the list must be the same as the number of columns in the USING clause. The data type of the literals must agree with the data type of the column. For character columns, enclose the literals in single quotation marks.
4 – Examples
Example 1: Disabling an index The following example shows how to disable an index that can be deleted at a later time when the database table can be taken off line: SQL> alter index COLL_COLLEGE_CODE cont> maintenance is disabled; SQL> show index COLL_COLLEGE_CODE Indexes on table COLLEGES: COLL_COLLEGE_CODE with column COLLEGE_CODE No Duplicates allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Index is no longer maintained Node size 430 Example 2: Changing a Unique Index to Non-Unique SQL> show table (index) DEPARTMENTS Information for table DEPARTMENTS Indexes on table DEPARTMENTS: DEPARTMENTS_INDEX with column DEPARTMENT_CODE No Duplicates allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Node size 430 SQL> insert into DEPARTMENTS (DEPARTMENT_CODE) values ('SUSO'); %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not allowed for DEPARTMENTS_INDEX SQL> alter index DEPARTMENTS_INDEX duplicates are allowed; SQL> insert into DEPARTMENTS (DEPARTMENT_CODE) values ('SUSO'); 1 row inserted SQL> show table (index) DEPARTMENTS Information for table DEPARTMENTS Indexes on table DEPARTMENTS: DEPARTMENTS_INDEX with column DEPARTMENT_CODE Duplicates are allowed Type is Sorted Key suffix compression is DISABLED Node size 430 Example 3: Adding an Index Partition Before and After the Final Partition SQL> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX EMPLOYEES_INDEX cont> ON EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> TYPE IS HASHED cont> STORE USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> IN JOBS WITH LIMIT OF ('00999'); SQL> COMMIT; SQL> -- To add a partition before the final partition requires SQL> -- that the final partition (which now follows the new partition) SQL> -- be scanned and matching keys moved to the new partition. SQL> SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE cont> RESERVING EMPLOYEES for EXCLUSIVE WRITE; SQL> SET FLAGS INDEX_STATS; SQL> ALTER INDEX EMPLOYEES_INDEX cont> ADD PARTITION NEW_EMPS_200 cont> USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> IN EMP_INFO WITH LIMIT OF ('00200'); ~Ai alter index "EMPLOYEES_INDEX" (hashed=1, ordered=0) ~Ai add partition "NEW_EMPS_200" : area "EMP_INFO" ~Ai storage area "EMP_INFO" larea=85 ~Ai splitting partition #1 ~Ai split complete: total 100 keys, moved 37 (dups 0) ~Ai reads: async 136 synch 30, writes: async 57 synch 0 SQL> COMMIT; SQL> -- Now add a partition after the final partition of SQL> -- the index. This requires no I/O to the partition because SQL> -- there is no following partition and therefore no keys SQL> -- to be moved. SQL> SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE cont> RESERVING EMPLOYEES FOR EXCLUSIVE WRITE; SQL> ALTER INDEX EMPLOYEES_INDEX cont> ADD PARTITION NEW_EMPS_1400 cont> USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) cont> IN EMPIDS_OVER WITH LIMIT OF ('01400'); ~Ai alter index "EMPLOYEES_INDEX" (hashed=1, ordered=0) ~Ai add partition "NEW_EMPS_1400" : area "EMPIDS_OVER" ~Ai storage area "EMPIDS_OVER" larea=122 ~Ai adding new final partition 3 SQL> COMMIT; SQL> -- Show the index. It shows the ADD PARTITION syntax appended SQL> -- to the original source of the index. SQL> SHOW INDEX EMPLOYEES_INDEX Indexes on table EMPLOYEES: EMPLOYEES_INDEX with column EMPLOYEE_ID No Duplicates allowed Type is Hashed Scattered Key Suffix Compression is DISABLED Store clause: STORE using (EMPLOYEE_ID) in JOBS with limit of ('00999') Add Partition partition NEW_EMPS_200 using (EMPLOYEE_ID) in EMP_INFO with limit of ('00200') Add Partition partition NEW_EMPS_1400 using (EMPLOYEE_ID) in EMPIDS_OVER with limit of ('01400') Example 4: Renaming a Partition $ rmu /extract /item=index mf_personnel.rdb . . . create unique index EMPLOYEES_HASH on EMPLOYEES ( EMPLOYEE_ID) type is HASHED store using (EMPLOYEE_ID) in EMPIDS_LOW( partition "SYS_P00076" ) with limit of ('00200') in EMPIDS_MID( partition "SYS_P00077" ) with limit of ('00400') otherwise in EMPIDS_OVER( partition "SYS_P00078" ); commit work; $SQL$ SQL> ATTACH FILENAME MF_PERSONNEL.RDB; SQL> ALTER INDEX EMPLOYEES_HASH cont> RENAME PARTITION SYS_P00076 TO IDS_LOW; SQL> ALTER INDEX EMPLOYEES_HASH cont> RENAME PARTITION SYS_P00077 TO IDS_MID; SQL> ALTER INDEX EMPLOYEES_HASH cont> RENAME PARTITION SYS_P00078 TO IDS_HIGH; SQL> COMMIT; SQL> SHOW INDEX EMPLOYEES_HASH; Indexes on table EMPLOYEES: EMPLOYEES_HASH with column EMPLOYEE_ID No Duplicates allowed Type is Hashed Scattered Key Suffix Compression is DISABLED Store clause: STORE USING (EMPLOYEE_ID) IN EMPIDS_LOW WITH LIMIT OF ('00200') IN EMPIDS_MID WITH LIMIT OF ('00400') OTHERWISE IN EMPIDS_OVER Rename PARTITION SYS_P00076 TO IDS_LOW Rename PARTITION SYS_P00077 TO IDS_MID Rename PARTITION SYS_P00078 TO IDS_HIGH Example 5: Creating a Large Index Partitioned Across Many Storage Areas First, create the database definition: SQL> CREATE INDEX ... MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED DEFERRED ...; Next submit batch jobs to build each partition in parallel. For example, each batch job would execute a script similar to the following: ATTACH 'filename testdatabase'; SET FLAGS 'index_stats'; ALTER INDEX TRANSACTIONS_INDEX BUILD PARTITION PART_1; COMMIT; Finally, after the batch jobs have completed, the database administrator must make the index active for query usage by changing the maintenance mode to ENABLED IMMEDIATE. A BUILD ALL PARTITIONS clause could be added in case any step failed (possibly due to resource limitations or a failed node). SQL> SET FLAGS 'index_stats'; SQL> SET TRANSLATION READ WRITE RESERVING...FOR EXCLUSIVE WRITES; SQL> ALTER INDEX ... BUILD ALL PARTITIONS; SQL> ALTER INDEX ... MAINTENANCE IS ENABLED IMMEDIATE; SQL> COMMIT; This scheme has several advantages over issuing a CREATE INDEX statement directly: o The build actions can be run in parallel, which allows better resource usage (read and sort fewer rows), and reduced execution time for the index creation. o The partitions being processed are relatively small when compared to the full index and, therefore, smaller quantities of data will be processed. This will result in smaller .ruj files and less AIJ file space for these transactions. o Each build partition runs in a separate transaction, can easily be repeated if a step fails, and does not require repeating the entire CREATE INDEX statement. o If any steps have failed, they will also be repeated by the BUILD ALL PARTITIONS clause included in the script. Example 6: Deleting a Large Index Partitioned Across Many Storage Areas First, disable the index: SQL> ALTER INDEX TRANSACTIONS_INDEX MAINTENANCE IS DISABLED; Next, submit batch jobs to truncate the partitions in parallel: SQL> ALTER INDEX TRANSACTIONS_INDEX TRUNCATE PARTITION PART_1; SQL> COMMIT; Finally, after the batch jobs are complete, remove the metadata: SQL> DROP INDEX TRANSACTIONS_INDEX; This scheme has several advantages over a issuing a DROP INDEX statement directly: o The truncate actions can be run in parallel, which allows better resource usage and reduced execution time for the index deletion. o The partitions being processed are relatively small when compared to the full index and, therefore, smaller quantities of data will be processed. This will result in smaller .ruj files and less AIJ file space for these transactions. o Each truncate partition runs in a separate transaction, can easily be repeated if a step fails, and does not require repeating the entire action. o If any steps have failed, they will also be repeated by a DROP INDEX statement. Example 7: Using the TRUNCATE PARTITION statement The following example illustrates using the TRUNCATE PARTITION statement for the MF_PERSONNEL database. SQL> show index (partition) EMPLOYEES_HASH Indexes on table EMPLOYEES: EMPLOYEES_HASH with column EMPLOYEE_ID No Duplicates allowed Type is Hashed Scattered Key suffix compression is DISABLED Partition information for index: Partition: (1) SYS_P00076 Storage Area: EMPIDS_LOW Partition: (2) SYS_P00077 Storage Area: EMPIDS_MID Partition: (3) SYS_P00078 Storage Area: EMPIDS_OVER SQL> alter index employees_hash truncate partition SYS_P00077; %RDB-W-META_WARN, metadata successfully updated with the reported warning -RDMS-W-IDXBLDPEND, index in build pending state - maintenance is disabled SQL> insert into employees default values; %RDB-E-READ_ONLY_REL, relation EMPLOYEES was reserved for read access; updates not allowed -RDMS-F-BUILDPENDING, index in build pending state - operation not permitted Until the index is made complete it will not be used by the query optimizer, nor can the table on which it is defined be updated. The SHOW INDEX command reports this state. SQL> show index employees_hash Indexes on table EMPLOYEES: EMPLOYEES_HASH with column EMPLOYEE_ID No Duplicates allowed Type is Hashed Scattered Key suffix compression is DISABLED Maintenance is Deferred - build pending