Alters an outline definition.
1 – Environment
You can use the ALTER OUTLINE statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed
2 – Format
(B)0[m[1;4mALTER[m[1m [1;4mOUTLINE[m[1m <outline-name> qqqqk [m [1m [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m [1mmqwqwq> [1;4mCOMMENT[m[1m IS[m [1mqqwqqqqqqq>[m [1m'<string>' [m [1mqqqqqqqqqwqqwqwq>[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqqqqqqqqq /[m [1m<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1m x tq> [1;4mCOMPILE[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x[m [1m [m [1mx[m [1mtq>[m [1;4mMOVE[m [1;4mTO[m[1m <new-schema-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mRENAME[m [1;4mTO[m[1m <new-outline-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m
3 – Arguments
3.1 – COMMENT IS string
The COMMENT IS clause can be used to modify the comment stored with the query outline. The COMMENT ON statement is identical in function to the ALTER OUTLINE . . . COMMENT IS clause. This clause is equivalent to the COMMENT ON procedure.
The COMPILE option can be applied to query outlines that have been made invalid by DROP TABLE or DROP INDEX. If the tables and indices have been recreated then the query outline will be made valid again. For example, once re-validated the optimizer will try to use that query outline. NOTE There is a possibility that the query outline although marked valid will not be used because of changes in the index definition. There is too little information stored with the query outline to perform a complete consistency check. If possible, queries using this outline should be run to verify correct index and table usage. If the query outline is currently valid then this clause is ignored by Oracle Rdb.
3.3 – MOVE_TO
MOVE TO is valid only for multischema databases. You must be attached explicitly or implicitly with the MULTISCHEMA IS ON clause. The MOVE TO clause can be used to move the query outline to a different catalog and schema. An error will be raised if this clause is specified in a non-multischema environment. The target catalog and schema must exist in this database.
The RENAME TO clause can be used to change the name of the outline. The new name must not already exist in the database. If RENAME TO is used in a multischema database, attached with MULTISCHEMA IS ON, then only the multischema name is modified not the STORED NAME of the object. To change the STORED NAME of the query outline you must attach to the database explicitly with the MULTISCHEMA IS OFF clause (see the example below). Please note that the STORED NAME for the query outline may have been generated by Oracle Rdb. NOTE Any queries using the OPTIMIZE USING clause will also need to be changed to reference this new outline name.
4 – Examples
Example 1: Changing the comment on a query outline SQL> alter outline show_tables cont> comment is 'show the tables query' cont> / 'derived from a stored procedure'; SQL> show outline show_tables SHOW_TABLES Comment: show the tables query derived from a stored procedure Source: -- Rdb Generated Outline : 8-FEB-2002 16:17 create outline SHOW_TABLES id '4D5B5CC5B46C6DD21B0E1999C0EB8BF3' mode 0 as ( query ( -- For loop subquery ( RDB$RELATIONS 0 access path index RDB$REL_REL_NAME_NDX ) ) ) compliance optional ; Example 2: Using the alternate COMMENT ON syntax to change the comment SQL> comment on outline show_tables cont> is 'show the tables query' cont> / 'derived from the stored procedure' cont> / 'SHOW_TABLES'; Example 3: Changing the name of a query outline SQL> alter outline show_tables cont> rename to show_the_tables; SQL> show outline show_the_tables SHOW_THE_TABLES Comment: show the tables query derived from the stored procedure testing new COMMENT ON OUTLINE Source: -- Rdb Generated Outline : 8-FEB-2002 16:17 create outline SHOW_THE_TABLES id '4D5B5CC5B46C6DD21B0E1999C0EB8BF3' mode 0 as ( query ( -- For loop subquery ( RDB$RELATIONS 0 access path index RDB$REL_REL_NAME_NDX ) ) ) compliance optional ; Example 4: This example shows setting a query outline valid after a DROP INDEX First, our stored procedure is executed with the STRATEGY flag defined so we can see that it is using a query outline named MY_ OUTLINE. SQL> set flags 'strategy'; SQL> call my_procedure(); ~S: Outline "MY_OUTLINE" used Aggregate Conjunct Index only retrieval of relation MY_TABLE Index name MY_INDEX [1:1] Now the index that was used by the query (and referenced by the query outline) is dropped. This causes the query outline to be set invalid (as shown by using the WARN_INVALID flag). The query now uses sequential access strategy when the stored procedure is executed. SQL> set flags 'warn_invalid'; SQL> drop index my_index; ~Xw: Outline "MY_OUTLINE" marked invalid (index "MY_INDEX" dropped) SQL> SQL> set flags 'strategy'; SQL> call my_procedure(); ~S: Outline "MY_OUTLINE" is invalid and can not be used Aggregate Conjunct Get Retrieval sequentially of relation MY_TABLE SQL> show outline my_outline MY_OUTLINE Outline has been marked invalid . . . The ALTER OUTLINE ... COMPILE clause is now used to make the outline valid. The first attempt reports that the index is missing. After the index is recreated the COMPILE succeeds. Calling the stored procedure now uses this query outline. SQL> alter outline my_outline compile; %RDB-E-NO_META_UPDATE, metadata update failed -RDMS-F-INDNOTEXI, index MY_INDEX does not exist in this database SQL> -- must redefine the index SQL> create index my_index on my_table (b desc); SQL> alter outline my_outline compile; SQL> call my_procedure(); ~S: Outline "MY_OUTLINE" used Aggregate Conjunct Index only retrieval of relation MY_TABLE Index name MY_INDEX [1:1] SQL> Example 5: Changing the STORED NAME of a query outline in a multischema database This example shows how to change the STORED NAME of a multischema outline. Here we explicitly provide the STORED NAME, however, the same technique can be used when SQL generates a unique STORED NAME for the outline. SQL> attach 'filename mschema'; SQL> create outline SHOW_TABLE cont> stored name SHOW_TABLE_01 cont> on procedure name SHOW_TABLES; SQL> commit; SQL> disconnect all; SQL> attach 'filename mschema MULTISCHEMA IS OFF'; SQL> alter outline SHOW_TABLE_01 cont> rename to SHOW_THE_TABLES; SQL> commit;