1  –  across-clause

    Associates the table with two or more storage areas.

2  –  COMMENT IS 'string'

    Adds a comment about the storage map. SQL displays the text of
    the comment when it executes a SHOW STORAGE MAPS statement.
    Enclose the comment in single quotation marks (') and separate
    multiple lines in a comment with a slash mark (/).

3  –  COMPRESSION option

    Syntax options:


    Specifies whether the rows for the partition are compressed or
    uncompressed when stored. You can enable or disable compression
    on each vertical partition. You enable compression to conserve
    disk space, but there is a small CPU overhead for inserting and
    retrieving compressed rows.

    If you omit this clause, the default compression is that which
    was specified for the storage map before the first STORE COLUMNS
    clause. The default is ENABLE COMPRESSION.

4  –  FILL

    Syntax options:


    Specifies whether to fill the area set randomly or sequentially.
    Specifying FILL RANDOMLY or FILL SEQUENTIALLY requires a FOR
    clause. When a storage area is filled, it is removed from the
    list of available areas. Oracle Rdb does not attempt to store
    any more lists in that area during the current database attach.
    Instead, Oracle Rdb starts filling the next specified area.

    When a set of areas is filled sequentially, Oracle Rdb stores
    lists in the first specified area until that area is filled.

    If the set of areas is filled randomly, lists are stored
    across multiple areas. This is the default. Random filling is
    intended for read/write media, which will benefit from the I/O
    distribution across the storage areas.

    The keywords FILL RANDOMLY and FILL SEQUENTIALLY can only be
    applied to areas contained within an area list.

5  –  FOR (table name)

    Specifies the table or tables to which this list storage map
    applies. The named table must already be defined. If you want to
    store lists of more than one table in the storage area, separate
    the names of the tables with commas. For each area, you can
    specify one FOR clause and list of table names.

6  –  FOR (table name.col name)

    Specifies the name of the table and column containing the list
    to which this storage map applies. Separate the table name and
    the column name with a period (.).  The named table and column
    must already be defined. If you want to store multiple lists
    in the storage area, separate the table name and column name
    combinations with commas. For each area, you can specify one FOR
    clause and a list of column names.


    Syntax options:


    The LOGGING clause specifies that rows written to the table
    during the current transaction (the transaction in which this
    table was created) be logged when written to the database.
    Logging includes writing data and management records to the
    recovery-unit journal file (.ruj) and after-image journal files
    (.aij). When the NOLOGGING clause is specified then only a small
    number of management records are logged in the recovery-unit
    journal file (.ruj) and after-image journal files (.aij). See the
    Usage Notes below for more information.

    LOGGING and NOLOGGING can be specified per storage area
    (partition) or as a default for the CREATE STORAGE MAP statement.
    The LOGGING and NOLOGGING clauses are mutually exclusive; specify
    only one. The LOGGING clause is the default.


    For partitioned storage maps only, specifies the storage area
    that is used as the overflow partition. An overflow partition is
    a storage area that holds any values that are higher than those
    specified in the WITH LIMIT OF clause. An overflow partition
    holds those values that exceed the highest specified limits.

9  –  partition-clause

    Defines vertical partitioning, horizontal partitioning, or both
    for the specified table.

    Horizontal partitioning means that you divide the rows of the
    table among storage areas according to data values in one or more
    columns. Vertical partitioning means that you divide the columns
    of the table among storage areas. A given storage area will then
    contain only some of the columns of a table. You can combine both
    horizontal and vertical partitions in a single map.

    Vertical partitioning reduces disk I/O operations by placing
    frequently used data in one area, so that you can read and update
    those portions of the table in a single disk I/O operation.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition for
    more information regarding partitioning.

10  –  PARTITION name

    Names the partition. The name can be a delimited identifier if
    the dialect or quoting rules are set to SQL92 or SQL99. Partition
    names must be unique within the storage map. If you do not
    specify this clause, Oracle Rdb generates a default name for
    the partition.


    Specifies that the value of the partitioning key cannot be
    modified and that the row is always stored in the storage area
    based on the partitioning criteria in the STORE USING clause. The
    partitioning key is the column or list of columns specified in
    the STORE USING clause.

    Specifying the PARTITIONING IS NOT UPDATABLE clause allows Oracle
    Rdb to quickly retrieve data because the partitioning criteria
    can be used when optimizing the query.

    To update columns that are partitioning keys in a NOT UPDATABLE
    storage map, you must delete the rows and then reinsert the rows
    to ensure that they are placed in the correct location.

    If you specify the PARTITIONING clause, you must also specify the
    STORE USING clause when defining a storage map.

    If the PARTITIONING clause is not specified, UPDATABLE is the

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition for
    more information regarding partitioning.


    Specifies that the partitioning key can be modified. The
    partitioning key is the column or list of columns specified in
    the STORE USING clause.

    If you modify a row in an UPDATABLE storage map, the row is not
    moved to a different storage area even if the new value of the
    partitioning key is not within the limits of original storage
    area. As a result, Oracle Rdb must consider all storage areas
    specified in the STORE USING clause when retrieving a row.

    If you specify the PARTITIONING clause, you must also specify the
    STORE USING clause when defining a storage map.

    If the PARTITIONING clause is not specified, UPDATABLE is the

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition for
    more information regarding partitioning.


    Directs the database system to store a column in a way that
    optimizes access to that column by the indicated path. Oracle Rdb
    chooses a target page for any columns being stored by rules that
    take into account the type of index named (sorted or hashed),
    the type of storage areas involved (uniform or mixed), and how
    indexes and tables are assigned to storage areas.

    For a hashed index, Oracle Rdb calculates the page containing
    the hashed index node that points to the column. If that page is
    within the same storage area in which the column will be stored,
    it is used as the target page for storing the column. If that
    page is not within the same storage area in which the column
    is to be stored, Oracle Rdb chooses a target page in the same
    relative position within the appropriate storage area (if it is a
    mixed storage area) or a page in a clump reserved for that table
    (if it is a uniform storage area).

    For a sorted index, Oracle Rdb finds the database key of the next
    lowest row to the one being stored and uses the page number in
    the database key as the target page.


    Specifies the name of the storage map you want to create. The
    name cannot be the same as any other definition in the database.

15  –  store-clause

    The storage map definition. The store-clause in a CREATE STORAGE
    MAP statement lets you specify which storage area files are used
    to store rows from the table.

    o  All rows of a table can be associated with a single storage

    o  Rows of a table can be randomly distributed among several
       storage areas.

    o  Rows of a table can be systematically distributed, or
       partitioned, among several storage areas by specifying upper
       limits on the values for a column in a particular storage
       area. This is called horizontal partitioning.

    o  Columns of a table can be partitioned among storage areas.
       This is called vertical partitioning.

    If you omit the storage map definition, the default is to store
    all the rows for a table in the default storage area. See the
    CREATE and IMPORT DATABASE statements for information on the
    default storage area.


    Syntax option:

    STORE COLUMNS (column-name)

    Lists the columns which will be stored in the subsequent map.

    Multiple STORE COLUMNS clauses may appear in a map to spread
    across multiple storage areas. A column name may only appear
    in one STORE COLUMNS clause. A final STORE clause can appear to
    provide a location for all remaining unspecified columns.

17  –  STORE IN area name

    Associates the table directly with a single storage area. All
    rows in the table are stored in the area you specify.


    Directs the database system to store the lists from tables in a
    specified storage area or in a set of areas. You can create only
    one storage map for lists within each database.

    You must specify the default storage area for lists in the STORE
    LISTS clause. The default list storage area contains lists from
    system tables as well as lists not directed elsewhere by the
    STORE LISTS clause. You can also use the LIST STORAGE AREA clause
    of the CREATE DATABASE statement to specify a default storage
    area for lists. If you do not use the STORE LISTS clause and do
    not specify a list storage area in the CREATE DATABASE statement,
    Oracle Rdb uses the default storage area as the default list
    storage area. The following example directs Oracle Rdb to place
    all lists in the LISTS storage area unless otherwise specified in
    a storage map:


    The accompanying storage map statement must also specify the
    LISTS storage area as the default storage area.

    cont>             IN LISTS;

    You can use an area set to specify that data is to be distributed
    across several areas. The following example shows how you can
    store data in three storage areas (LISTS1, LISTS2, and LISTS3)
    for two different columns in TABLE1. The default list storage
    area is LISTS1.

           IN LISTS1;

    You can store lists from different tables in the same area. The
    following example shows how you can store data from TABLE1,
    TABLE2, and TABLE3 in the LISTS storage area. The default list
    storage area is RDB$SYSTEM.

    SQL> CREATE STORAGE MAP LISTS_MAP  -- to direct the list data to area LISTS
    cont>     IN RDB$SYSTEM;

    Alternatively, you can store lists from each table in unique
    areas. The following example shows list data from TABLE1 being
    stored in the LISTS1 storage area and list data from TABLE2 being
    stored in the LISTS2 storage area. The default list storage area
    is RDB$SYSTEM.

                       IN LIST2 FOR (TABLE2)
                       IN RDB$SYSTEM;

    You can also specify that different columns from the same table
    go into different areas. The following example shows data from
    different columns in TABLE1 being stored in either LISTS1 or
    LISTS2. The default list storage area is RDB$SYSTEM.

                       IN LISTS2 FOR (TABLE1.COL2)
                       IN RDB$SYSTEM;


    Syntax option:


    As rows are inserted in the table, they are distributed randomly
    across the storage areas named in the list. You must name at
    least two storage areas in this clause.


    Syntax option:

    STORE USING (column-name) IN area-name

    The database system compares values in the columns to the values
    in the WITH LIMIT OF clause to determine placement of rows
    inserted into the table. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual
    for further information.

    Use RMU EXTRACT to have the store using expression expanded. See
    Example 9.


    Specifies a name that Oracle Rdb uses to access a storage map
    created in a multischema database. The stored name allows you
    to access multischema definitions using interfaces that do not
    recognize multiple schemas in one database. You cannot specify a
    stored name for a storage map in a database that does not allow
    multiple schemas. For more information on stored names, see the
    User_Supplied_Names HELP topic.

22  –  THRESHOLD clause

    Specifies one, two, or three default threshold values for logical
    areas in storage areas with uniform format pages. The threshold
    values (val1, val2, and val3) represent a fullness percentage on
    a data page and establish three possible ranges of guaranteed
    free space on the data pages. When a data page reaches the
    percentage defined by a given threshold value, the space area
    management (SPAM) entry for the data page is updated to reflect
    the new fullness percentage and its remaining free space.

    Oracle Rdb never stores a record at the third threshold. The
    value you set for the highest threshold can be used to reserve
    space on the page for future record growth.

    When only val1 is specified, this is equivalent to (val1, 100,
    100). When val1 and val2 are specified, this is equivalent to
    (val1, val2, 100). The trailing, unspecified thresholds default
    to 100 percent. For example, THRESHOLDS ARE (40) would appear as
    (40, 100, 100).

    If no thresholds are specified for the area, the default is
    (0,0,0). This causes the SPAM algorithm to set thresholds based
    on the nominal record length for the logical area; for example,
    the node size for the index or the uncompressed length of the row
    for a table.

    You cannot specify the thresholds for the storage map attribute
    for any area that is a mixed page format. If you have a mixed
    page format, set the thresholds for the storage area using the


    Names a vertical partition. The name can be a delimited
    identifier if the dialect or quoting rules are set to SQL92 or
    SQL99. Partition names must be unique within the storage map. If
    you do not specify this clause, Oracle Rdb generates a default
    name for the partition.

24  –  using-clause

    Specifies columns whose values are used as limits for
    partitioning the table horizontally across multiple storage


    Specifies the maximum values that the columns named in the USING
    clause can have when rows are initially stored in the specified
    storage area. Repeat this clause to partition the rows of a table
    among multiple storage areas.

    The number of literals listed must be the same as the number of
    columns in the USING clause. The data type of the literals must
    agree with the data type of the column. For character columns,
    enclose the literals in single quotation marks.

    The values in the WITH LIMIT OF clause only affect placement of
    rows when they are initially stored. If UPDATE statements change
    data in a row so that values in columns named in the USING clause
    exceed values specified in the WITH LIMIT OF clause, the row is
    not moved into a different storage area.
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