Specifies characteristics, such as character sets, quoting rules, and the default date format for a nonstored module.
1 – Environment
You can use the DECLARE MODULE statement: o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o In a context file This command is not executable.
2 – Format
(B)0[m[1;4mDECLARE[m[1m [1;4mMODULE[m[1m <module-name> qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk [m [1m mq> [1;4mDIALECT[m[1m environment qj x [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk [m [1m mq> char-set-options qj mqqq> [1;4mCATALOG[m[1m <catalog-name> qj x [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwk [m [1m mq> [1;4mSCHEMA[m[1m <schema-name> jmq> [1;4mAUTHORIZATION[m[1m <auth-id> qjx [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq>[m [1m mq> [1;4mPRAGMA[m[1m (module-pragma-list) qj mq> module-language-options qj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1menvironment = [m [1mqqwqq> [1;4mSQL99[m[1m qqqqqwq> [m [1mtqq> [1;4mSQL92[m[1m qqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mSQL89[m[1m qqqqqu [m [1m tqq> [1;4mSQLV40[m[1m qqqqu [m [1m mqq> [1;4mMIA[m[1m qqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mchar-set-options = [m [1m [m [1mqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq> qqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqk [m [1m mqq> [1;4mNAMES[m[1m [1;4mARE[m[1m names-char-set qqj x [m [1mlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1mmwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwq> [m [1m x tqq> [1;4mLITERAL[m[1m [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mSET[m[1m support-char-set qqqqu x [m [1m x tqq> [1;4mNATIONAL[m[1m [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mSET[m[1m support-char-set qqqu x [m [1m x tqq> [1;4mDEFAULT[m[1m [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mSET[m[1m support-char-set qqqqu x [m [1m x tqq> [1;4mIDENTIFIER[m[1m [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mSET[m[1m names-char-set qqqu x [m [1mx[m [1mmqq> [1;4mDISPLAY[m[1m [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mSET[m[1m names-char-set qqqqqqj[m [1mx [m [1mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mmodule-pragma-list = [m [1m [m [1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq> [1;4mIDENT[m[1m string-literal qqqqqqqqqqq>[m (B)0[m[1mmodule-language-options = [m [1m [m [1mqwqwqqq> [1;4mALIAS[m[1m <alias-name> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqq>[m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mCHARACTER[m[1m [1;4mLENGTH[m[1m qwq> [1;4mCHARACTERS[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x x mq> [1;4mOCTETS[m[1m qqqqqj x x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mDEFAULT[m[1m [1;4mDATE[m[1m [1;4mFORMAT[m[1m qqwqq> [1;4mSQL99[m[1m qwqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x x tqq> [1;4mSQL92[m[1m qu x x [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmqq> [1;4mVMS[m[1m qqqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mKEYWORD[m[1m [1;4mRULES[m[1m environment qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mPARAMETER[m[1m [1;4mCOLONS[m[1m qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mQUOTING[m[1m [1;4mRULES[m[1m environment qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mRIGHTS[m[1m qqwqq> [1;4mINVOKER[m[1m qqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x x mqq> [1;4mRESTRICT[m[1m qqj x x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mVIEW[m[1m [1;4mUPDATE[m[1m [1;4mRULES[m[1m environment qqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1m x tqqq> [1;4mQUIET[m[1m [1;4mCOMMIT[m[1m qwq> [1;4mON[m[1m qqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x [m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmq> [1;4mOFF[m [1mqqj[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mx[m [1mmqqq> [1;4mCOMPOUND[m[1m [1;4mTRANSACTIONS[m[1m [m [1mqwq> [1;4mINTERNAL[m [1mqwqqqqj[m [1mx[m [1mx [m [1mmq> [1;4mEXTERNAL[m [1mqj[m [1mx[m [1mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj[m
3 – Arguments
3.1 – ALIAS alias name
Specifies the module alias. If you do not specify a module alias, the default alias is the authorization identifier for the module. When the FIPS flagger is enabled, the ALIAS clause (by itself or used with the AUTHORIZATION clause) is flagged as nonstandard syntax. If the application needs to refer to only one database across multiple modules, it is good practice to use the same alias for the default database in all modules that will be linked to make up an executable image.
Specifies the authorization identifier for the module. If you do not specify a schema clause, the authorization identifier specifies the default schema. To comply with the ANSI/ISO 1989 standard, specify the AUTHORIZATION clause without the schema name. Specify both the AUTHORIZATION clause and the schema name to comply with the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. When you attach to a multischema database, the authorization identifier for each schema is the user name of the user compiling the module. This authorization identifier defines the default alias and schema. You can use the SCHEMA clause and the DECLARE ALIAS statement to override the defaults. If you attach to a single-schema database or specify that MULTISCHEMA IS OFF in your ATTACH or DECLARE ALIAS statements and you specify both an AUTHORIZATION clause and an ALIAS clause, the authorization identifier is ignored by SQL unless you use the RIGHTS RESTRICT clause. The RIGHTS RESTRICT clause causes SQL to use the authorization identifier specified in the module AUTHORIZATION clause for privilege checking. If procedures in the SQL module always qualify table names with an authorization identifier, the AUTHORIZATION clause has no effect on SQL statements in the procedures. When the FIPS flagger is enabled, the omission of an AUTHORIZATION clause is flagged as nonstandard ANSI syntax.
3.3 – CATALOG catalog name
Specifies the default catalog for the module. Catalogs are groups of schemas within a multischema database. If you omit the catalog name when specifying an object in a multischema database, SQL uses the default catalog name RDB$CATALOG. Databases created without the multischema attribute do not have catalogs. You can use the SET CATALOG statement to change the current default catalog name in dynamic or interactive SQL.
Syntax options: CHARACTER LENGTH CHARACTERS | CHARACTER LENGTH OCTETS Specifies whether the length of character string parameters, columns, and domains are interpreted as characters or octets. The default is octets.
Specifies the character set for parameters that are not qualified by a character set. The default is DEC_MCS. This clause overrides the character set specified in the NAMES ARE clause. See Supported Character Sets for a list of the allowable character sets.
Syntax options: DEFAULT DATE FORMAT { SQL99 | SQL92 | VMS } Controls the default interpretation for the data type of the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP built in function and column or CAST expressions with the DATE data type. The DATE and CURRENT_ TIMESTAMP data types can be either VMS or ANSI/ISO Standard format. If you specify VMS, both data types are interpreted as VMS format. The VMS format DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP contain YEAR TO SECOND fields. If you specify SQL99 or SQL92, both data types are interpreted as SQL standard format. The SQL format DATE contains only the YEAR TO DAY fields. The default is VMS. Use the DEFAULT DATE FORMAT clause, rather than the SQLOPTIONS = ANSI_DATE qualifier because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future release.
Controls the following settings: o Whether the length of character string parameters, columns, and domains are interpreted as characters or octets o Whether double quotation marks are interpreted as string literals or delimited identifiers o Whether or not identifiers can be keywords o Which views are read-only o Whether columns with the DATE or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP data type are interpreted as VMS or SQL99 format The DIALECT clause lets you specify the settings with one clause, instead of specifying each setting individually. Because the module processor processes the module clauses sequentially, the DIALECT clause can override the settings of clauses specified before it or be overridden by clauses specified after it. The following statements are specific to the SQL99 dialect: o The default constraint evaluation time setting changes from DEFERRABLE to NOT DEFERRABLE. o Conversions between character data types when storing data or retrieving data will raise exceptions or warnings in certain situations. o You can specify DECIMAL or NUMERIC for formal parameters in SQL modules, and declare host language parameters with packed decimal or signed numeric storage format. SQL generates an error message if you attempt to exceed the precision specified. o The USER keyword specifies the current active user name for a request. o A warning is generated when a NULL value is eliminated from a SET function. o The WITH CHECK OPTION clause on views returns a discrete error code from an integrity constraint failure. o An exception is generated with non-null terminated C strings. See the SET_DIALECT statement for more information about dialects.
3.8 – DISPLAY CHARACTER SET names-char-set
Specifies the character set encoding and characteristics expected of text strings returned back to SQL from Oracle Rdb.
Specifies the character set used for database object names such as table names and column names. This clause overrides the character set specified in the NAMES ARE clause. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of allowable character sets and option values. The specified character set must contain ASCII characters.
Controls whether or not identifiers can be keywords. If you specify SQL99, SQL92, SQL89, or MIA, you cannot use keywords as identifiers, unless you enclose them in double quotation marks. If you specify SQLV40, you can use keywords as identifiers. The default is SQLV40. Use the KEYWORD RULES clause, rather than the SQLOPTIONS = ANSI_ IDENTIFIER qualifier because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future release.
Specifies the character set for literals that are not qualified by a character set or national character set. If you do not specify a character set in this clause or in the NAMES ARE clause, the default is DEC_MCS. This clause overrides the character set for unqualified literals specified in the NAMES ARE clause. See Supported Character Sets for a list of the allowable character sets.
3.12 – MODULE module name
An optional name for the nonstored module. If you do not supply a module name, the default name is SQL_MODULE. Use any valid OpenVMS name. (See the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic for more information on user-supplied names.) However, the name must be unique among the modules that are linked together to form an executable image.
3.13 – NAMES_ARE
Specifies the character set used for the default, identifier, and literal character sets for the module. Also specifies the character string parameters that are not qualified by a character set or national character set. If you do not specify a character set, the default is DEC_MCS. You must ensure that the character set specified in this clause matches the character set of all the databases attached to by any particular connection and must contain ASCII characters. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a list of the allowable character sets.
Specifies the character set for literals qualified by the national character set. See Supported Character Sets for a list of the allowable character sets.
If you use the PARAMETER COLONS clause, all parameter names must begin with a colon (:). This is valid in context files for module language only. This rule applies to both declarations and references of module language procedure parameters. If you do not use this clause, no parameter name can begin with a colon. The current default behavior is no colons are used. However, this default is deprecated syntax. In the future, required colons will be the default because it allows processing of ANSI/ISO SQL standard modules. Use the PARAMETER COLONS clause, rather than the SQLOPTIONS deprecated in a future release.
Controls whether double quotation marks are interpreted as string literals or delimited identifiers. If you specify SQLV40, SQL interprets double quotation marks as literals. All other dialects interpret double quotation marks as delimited identifiers. The default is SQLV40. Use the QUOTING RULES clause, rather than the SQLOPTIONS = ANSI_ QUOTING qualifier because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future release.
3.17 – RIGHTS
Syntax options: RIGHTS INVOKER | RIGHTS RESTRICT Specifies whether or not a module must be executed by a user whose authorization identifier matches the module authorization identifier. If you specify RESTRICT, SQL bases privilege checking on the default authorization identifier. The default authorization identifier is the authorization identifier of the user who compiles a module, unless you specify a different authorization identifier using an AUTHORIZATION clause in the module. The RESTRICT option causes SQL to compare the user name of the person who executes a module with the default authorization identifier and prevents any user other than one with the correct authorization identifier from invoking that module. All applications that use multischema restrict the invoker by default. If you specify INVOKER, SQL bases the privilege on the authorization identifier of the user running the module. The default is INVOKER. Use the RIGHTS clause, rather than the SQLOPTIONS = ANSI_ AUTHORIZATION qualifier because the qualifier will be deprecated in a future release.
3.18 – SCHEMA schema name
Specifies the default schema name for the module. The default schema is the schema to which SQL statements refer if those statements do not qualify table names and other schema names with an authorization identifier. If you do not specify a default schema name for a module, you must specify a default authorization identifier. Using the SCHEMA clause, separate modules can each declare different schemas as default schemas. This can be convenient for an application that needs to refer to more than one schema. By putting SQL statements that refer to a schema in the appropriate module's procedures, you can minimize tedious qualification of schema element names in those statements. When you specify SCHEMA schema-name AUTHORIZATION auth-id, you specify the schema name and the schema authorization identifier for the module. The schema authorization identifier is considered the owner and creator of the schema and everything in it.
Specifies whether or not the SQL module processor applies the ANSI/ISO SQL standard for updatable views to all views created during compilation. If you specify SQL99, SQL92, SQL89, or MIA, the SQL module processor applies that ANSI/ISO SQL standard for updatable views to all views created during compilation. Views that do not comply with the specified ANSI/ISO SQL standard for updatable views cannot be updated. The specified ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views requires the following conditions to be met in the SELECT statement: o The DISTINCT keyword is not specified. o Only column names can appear in the select list. Each column name can appear only once. Functions and expressions such as max(column_name) or column_name +1 cannot appear in the select list. o The FROM clause refers to only one table. This table must be either a base table or a derived table that can be updated. o The WHERE clause does not contain a subquery. o The GROUP BY clause is not specified. o The HAVING clause is not specified. If you specify SQLV40, SQL does not apply the ANSI/ISO standard for updatable views. Instead, SQL considers views that meet the following conditions to be updatable: o The DISTINCT keyword is not specified. o The FROM clause refers to only one table. This table must be either a base table or a derived table that can be updated. o The WHERE clause does not contain a subquery. o The GROUP BY clause is not specified. o The HAVING clause is not specified.
4 – Example
Example 1: Declaring a module specifying character strings of different character sets Assuming that the character sets for the database match the character sets specified in the program, the following example shows a simple SQL precompiled C program that retrieves one row from the COLOURS table. /* This SQL precompiled program does some simple tests of character length * and character sets. */ #include stdio #include descrip main() { /* Specify CHARACTER LENGTH CHARACTERS in the DECLARE MODULE statement. * In addition, specify the NAMES, NATIONAL, and DEFAULT character sets. */ EXEC SQL DECLARE MODULE CCC_COLOURS NAMES ARE DEC_KANJI NATIONAL CHARACTER SET KANJI SCHEMA RDB$SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION SQL_SAMPLE CHARACTER LENGTH CHARACTERS DEFAULT CHARACTER SET DEC_KANJI ALIAS RDB$DBHANDLE; /* If you do not specify character sets in the DECLARE ALIAS statement, SQL * uses the character sets of the compile-time database. */ EXEC SQL DECLARE ALIAS FILENAME MIA_CHAR_SET; int SQLCODE; /* Because the default character set is DEC_KANJI, you do not need to qualify * the variable dec_kanji_p with the character set, but you must declare * char in lowercase. */ char dec_kanji_p[31]; /* When you declare a parameter with lowercase char, SQL considers the * character set unspecified and allocates single-octet characters. */ char english_p[31]; /* When you specify the character set, SQL allocates single- or multi-octet * characters, depending upon the character set. */ char CHARACTER SET DEC_MCS french_p[31]; char CHARACTER SET KANJI japanese_p[31]; . . . /* Select one row from the COLOURS table. */ EXEC SQL SELECT ENGLISH, FRENCH, JAPANESE, ROMAJI, KATAKANA, HINDI, GREEK, ARABIC, RUSSIAN INTO :english_p, :french_p, :japanese_p, :dec_kanji_p, :katakana_p, :devanagari_p, :isolatingreek_p, :isolatinarabic_p, :isolatincyrillic_p FROM COLOURS LIMIT TO 1 ROW; if (SQLCODE != 0) SQL$SIGNAL(); printf ("\nENGLISH: %s", english_p); printf ("\nFRENCH: %s", french_p); printf ("\nJAPANESE: %s", japanese_p); printf ("\nROMAJI: %s", dec_kanji_p); printf ("\nKATAKANA: %s", katakana_p); printf ("\nHINDI: %s", devanagari_p); printf ("\nGREEK: %s", isolatingreek_p); printf ("\nARABIC: %s", isolatinarabic_p); printf ("\nRUSSIAN: %s", isolatincyrillic_p); EXEC SQL ROLLBACK; }