A MATCHING predicate searches character string literals for pattern matches. The pattern string accepts the following pattern characters: o * Matches any string of zero or more characters o % Matches any single character (B)0[m[1mmatching-predicate = [m [1m [m [1mqqq> value-expr qwqqqqqqwq> [1;4mMATCHING[m [1mqqqqqq>[m [1m<pattern>[m [1m m> [1;4mNOT[m[1m j [m [1m [m (B)0[m[1mpattern = [m [1m [m [1mqqqq> char-value-expr qqqq> [m Usage Notes o If either of the expressions is null, the result is null. o MATCHING predicate is not case sensitive; it considers uppercase and lowercase forms of the same character to be a match. o The MATCHING predicate is not sensitive to diacritical markings used in the DEC Multinational Character Set. The following example shows the use of the MATCHING clause. SQL> select last_name cont> from employees cont> where last_name matching '%on*'; LAST_NAME Connolly Lonergan 2 rows selected SQL>