The UNIQUE predicate is used to determine if duplicate rows exist in the result table of a column select expression. Note that the UNIQUE predicate (in compliance with the SQL language standard) ignores rows with a NULL column value and ensures uniqueness for the other column values. Contrast this with the SINGLE predicate, which considers a single column value of NULL as a match for any other NULL value in the same column. (B)0[m[1munique-predicate = [m [1m [m [1mqqq> [1;4mUNIQUE[m[1m qqq> ( col-select-expr ) qqq> [m [1m [m If any two rows in the expression are equal to one another, the UNIQUE predicate evaluates to false. The following example determines those cities in which one and only one employee from the EMPLOYEES database lives. SQL> SELECT E.LAST_NAME, E.CITY FROM EMPLOYEES E cont> WHERE UNIQUE cont> (SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES EMP cont> WHERE EMP.CITY=E.CITY); LAST_NAME CITY Harrison Boston Smith Bristol McElroy Cambridge Kilpatrick Marlow Sciacca Munsonville Vormelker Rochester Dement Sanbornton Babbin Sanbornville Keisling Twin Mountain Ziemke Winnisquam Johnston Wolfeboro 11 rows selected