This option imposes elapsed and CPU time limits on executing queries. This command affects all subsequent queries executed within the Rdb server process. You must be attached to a database to execute this statement. This statement affects all attaches for the current process, not just the current connection. o CPU TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] o ELAPSED TIME time_value [ SECONDS | MINUTES ] You can restrict the amount of elapsed time or CPU time used to execute a query. If the query is not complete before the elapsed or CPU time limit is reached, an error message is returned. The default is unlimited time for the query execution. If you omit the SECONDS and MINUTES keyword then SECONDS is the default. Dynamic SQL options are inherited from the compilation qualifier for the module. NOTE Specifying a query time limit can cause application failure in certain circumstances. For instance, an application that runs successfully during off-peak hours may fail when run during peak hours due to the load on the database. Use a positive integer for the number of seconds or minutes; negative integers are invalid and zero means no limits. If an established limit is exceeded, the query is canceled and an error message is displayed. When you set a CPU time limit, elapsed time limit and a row limit (using SET QUERY LIMIT), whichever value is reached first stops the query. Database administraors and application developers can use this feature to prevent users from overloading the system by executing long running, and probably unproductive queries. The database administrator can manage system performance and reduce unnecessary resource usage by setting option limits.