Unless you use the PATHNAME argument in the CREATE DATABASE statement, SQL does not use the repository to store data definitions. If you specify the PATHNAME argument when you first create a database, SQL creates a path name that contains copies of data definitions for the database. Because SQL treats a path name like a string literal, you must enclose a path name in single quotation marks. You must use ASCII alphanumeric characters for the repository path name. When you issue an ATTACH or a DECLARE ALIAS statement, you can either specify the repository path name for that database (which in turn points to the physical database files) or directly name the physical database file specification. If you do not use the PATHNAME argument in the CREATE DATABASE statement, you cannot specify a path name in ATTACH or DECLARE ALIAS statements for that database unless you first issue an INTEGRATE statement. Oracle Rdb recommends that you always use a repository path name in CREATE DATABASE, ATTACH, and DECLARE ALIAS statements, and that you use the DICTIONARY IS REQUIRED clause to ensure that the two copies are the same. A repository path name can be a: o Full path name, such as CDD$TOP.ELLINGSWORTH.SQL.PERSONNEL o Relative path name A relative path name consists of the portion of the full path name that follows the current default repository node. For example, assume that you used the SET DICTIONARY command to set the current repository directory to CDD$TOP.ELLINGSWORTH.SQL. Now you can use the relative path name PERSONNEL in place of the full path name CDD$TOP.ELLINGSWORTH.SQL.PERSONNEL. By default, SQL sets the current repository node to the path name defined by the CDD$DEFAULT logical name. See the SET for the description of the SET DICTIONARY statement. See also Using Oracle CDD/Repository on OpenVMS Systems for more detail on repository path names. o Logical name for a full or relative path name Some Oracle Rdb features are not fully supported by all versions of the repository. If you attach by path name and attempt to create, modify, or delete objects not fully supported by the repository, you may receive an error or informational message. See the Oracle Rdb Release Notes for information about compatibility of Oracle Rdb features with the different versions of the repository.