SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  CALL  Compound Statement
    Invokes an external or stored procedure from within a compound
    statement. That is, invocation must occur with a BEGIN . . . END

    The OUT and INOUT arguments cannot be general value expressions.
    They must be variables or parameters. The IN argument can be a
    general value expression.

    When you register a procedure definition with the CREATE
    PROCEDURE statement, you store information in the database
    about an external procedure written in a 3GL language. External
    procedures reside outside the database. The CREATE PROCEDURE
    statement is documented under the CREATE Routine. See the CREATE
    Routine for more information on creating external procedures.

    For optional information on invoking stored procedures, see the
    CALL Simple_Statement.

1  –  Environment

    You can use the compound statement CALL:

    o  In interactive SQL

    o  Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled

    o  As part of a procedure in an SQL module

    o  In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed

2  –  Format

  CALL --> <procedure-name> --> ( -+-------------------+-> ) -->
                                   +-+-> value-expr -+-+
                                     +-> DEFAULT ----+
                                     +------ , <-----+

3  –  Arguments

3.1  –  DEFAULT

    Requests that Oracle Rdb use the DEFAULT expression defined for
    the parameter. The DEFAULT can be defined for an IN parameter
    during the CREATE MODULE . . . PROCEDURE or ALTER MODULE . . . ADD
    PROCEDURE statements. If no DEFAULT clause exists then the NULL
    expression is assumed.

3.2  –  procedure-name

    The name of the external or stored procedure being invoked.

3.3  –  value-expr

    Any value expression except DBKEY or aggregate functions.

    See the Value_Expressions HELP topic for details on value

4  –  Examples

    Example 1: Calling an external routine within a compound

       DECLARE :param1 INTEGER;
       CALL extern_routine (:param1, 3);

    Example 2: Calling a stored procedure from a stored function

    SQL> CREATE MODULE utility_functions
    cont>   LANGUAGE SQL
    cont> --
    cont>   PROCEDURE trace_date (:dt DATE);
    cont>      BEGIN
    cont>         TRACE :dt;
    cont>      END;
    cont> --
    cont>   FUNCTION mdy (IN :dt DATE) RETURNS CHAR(10)
    cont>   COMMENT 'Returns the date in month/day/year format';
    cont>      BEGIN
    cont>         IF :dt IS NULL THEN
    cont>            RETURN '**/**/****';
    cont>         ELSE
    cont>            CALL trace_date (:dt);
    cont>            RETURN CAST(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM :dt) AS VARCHAR(2)) || '/' ||
    cont>                   CAST(EXTRACT(DAY FROM :dt) AS VARCHAR(2)) || '/' ||
    cont>                   CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM :dt) AS VARCHAR(4));
    cont>         END IF;
    cont>      END;
    cont> END MODULE;
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