SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  CREATE  Routine  Arguments

1  –  bind-site-clause

    Syntax options:


    Selects the execution model and environment for external routine

    CLIENT site binding causes the external routine to be activated
    and executed in the OpenVMS database client (application)
    process. This is the default binding. This binding offers
    the most efficient execution characteristics, allows sharing
    resources such as I/O devices, and allows debugging of external
    routines as if they were part of the client application. However,
    this binding may suffer from address space limitations. Because
    it shares virtual memory with the database buffers, this binding
    is restricted to the client process system user environment, and
    prohibits external routine execution in cases of an application
    running with elevated privileges.

    SERVER site binding causes the external routine to be activated
    in a separate process from the database client and server. The
    process is started on the same node at the database process.
    This binding offers reasonable execution characteristics, a
    larger address space, a true session user environment, and has
    no restrictions regarding client process elevated privileges.
    However, this binding does not permit sharing resources such
    as I/O devices with the client (in particular, there is no
    connection to the client interactive terminal), and debugging
    of routines is generally not possible.

2  –  bind-scope-clause

    Syntax options:


    Defines the scope during which an external routine is activated
    and at what point the external routine is deactivated. The
    default scope is CONNECT.

    o  CONNECT

       An active routine is deactivated when you detach from the
       database (or exit without detaching).


       An active routine is deactivated when a transaction is
       terminated (COMMIT or ROLLBACK). In the event that a
       transaction never occurs, the scope reverts to CONNECT.


    A description about the nature of the parameter or external
    routine. SQL displays the text of the comment when you execute
    a SHOW FUNCTION or SHOW PROCEDURE statement. Enclose the comment
    in single quotation marks (')  and separate multiple lines in a
    comment with a slash (/).

4  –  DEFAULT value-expr

    Specifies the default value of a parameter for a function or
    procedure defined with mode IN. If you omit this parameter or if
    the Call statement argument list or function invocation specifies
    the DEFAULT keyword, then the value-expr specified with this
    clause is used. The parameter uses NULL as the default if you do
    not specify a value expression explicitly.


    Syntax options:


    The clause controls the evaluation of an external function in the
    scope of a query:


       Specifying the NOT DETERMINISTIC clause forces evaluation
       of corresponding functions (in scope of a single query)
       every time the function appears. If a function can return a
       different result each time it is invoked, you should use the
       DETERMINISTIC clause.


       Specifying the DETERMINISTIC clause can result in a single
       evaluation of corresponding function expressions (in scope
       of a single query), and the resulting value is used in all
       occurrences of the corresponding function expression. When you
       use the DETERMINISTIC clause, Oracle Rdb evaluates whether or
       not to invoke the function each time it is used.

       For example:

       SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE F1() > 0 AND F1() < 20;

       If you define the F1 function as DETERMINISTIC, the function
       F1() may be evaluated just once depending on the optimizer. If
       you define the F1 function as NOT DETERMINISTIC, the function
       F1() is evaluated twice.

       DETERMINISTIC is the default.

    The DETERMINISTIC or NOT DETERMINISTIC clause is not allowed on
    procedure definitions.

6  –  external-body-clause

    Identifies key characteristics of the routine: its name, where
    the executable image of the routine is located, the language in
    which the routine is coded, and so forth.

7  –  external-body-name

    The name of the external routine. If you do not specify a name,
    SQL uses the name you specify in the external-routine-name

    This name defines the routine entry address that is called for
    each invocation of the routine body. The named routine must exist
    in the external routine image selected by the location clause.

    Unquoted names are converted to uppercase characters.

8  –  external-location-clause

    Syntax options:

       LOCATION 'image-location'

    A file specification referencing the image that contains the
    routine body and optional notify entry points.

9  –  external-routine-name

    The name of the external routine. The name must be unique among
    external and stored routines in the schema and can be qualified
    with an alias or, in a multischema database, a schema name.


    Creates an external function definition.

    A function optionally accepts a list of IN parameters, always
    returns a value, and is referenced by name as an element of a
    value expression.


    This is synonymous with PARAMETER STYLE GENERAL and is

12  –  language-name

    The name of the host language in which the external routine
    was coded. You can specify ADA, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, or
    GENERAL. The GENERAL keyword allows you to call routines written
    in any language.


    Names the language that calls the routine.

14  –  mechanism-clause

    Defines the passing mechanism. The following list describes the
    passing mechanisms.


       Allows passing character data with any parameter access mode
       to routines compiled by language compilers that implement the
       OpenVMS calling standard.

    o  BY LENGTH

       The LENGTH passing mechanism is the same as the DESCRIPTOR
       passing mechanism.


       Allows passing data with any parameter access mode as a
       reference to the actual data.

       This is the default passing mechanism for parameters. This
       is also the default passing mechanism for a function value
       returning character data.

    o  BY VALUE

       Allows passing data with the IN parameter access mode to a
       routine as a value and allows functions to return a value.

       This is the default passing mechanism for a function value
       returning noncharacter data.

15  –  notify-clause

    Specifies the name of a second external routine called (notified)
    when certain external routine or database-related events occur.
    This name defines the routine entry address that is called, for
    each invocation of the notify routine. The named routine must
    exist in the external routine image selected by the location

    The events of interest to the notify routine are ON BIND, ON
    CONNECT, and ON TRANSACTION. Multiple events can be specified.

    The following describes the events and scope of each event:

         BIND        Routine activation to routine deactivation
         CONNECT     Database attach to database disconnect
         TRANSACTION Start transaction to commit or roll back

16  –  parameter-list

    The optional parameters of the external routine. For each
    parameter you can specify a parameter access mode (IN, OUT, and
    INOUT), a parameter name, a data type, and a passing mechanism

    The parameter access mode (IN, OUT, and INOUT) is optional and
    specifies how the parameter is accessed (whether it is read,
    written, or both). IN signifies read only, OUT signifies write
    only, and INOUT signifies read and write. The parameter access
    mode defaults to IN.

    Only the IN parameter access mode may be specified with
    parameters to an external function. Any of the parameter access
    modes (IN, OUT, and INOUT) may be specified with parameters to an
    external procedure.

    The optional parameter name is prefixed with a colon (:).
    The parameter name must be unique within the external routine

    The data type is required and describes the type of parameter
    using either an SQL data type or a domain name.

    You cannot declare a parameter as the LIST OF BYTE VARYING data


    Passes arguments and returns values in a manner similar to the
    OpenVMS convention for passing arguments and returning function


    Creates an external procedure definition.

    A procedure optionally accepts a list of IN, OUT, or INOUT
    parameters, and is referenced by name in a CALL statement.

19  –  RETURNS

    Describes a function (returned) value. You can specify a data
    type and a passing mechanism (BY DESCRIPTOR, LENGTH, REFERENCE,
    or VALUE). The function value is, by definition, an OUT access
    mode value.

    The data type is required and describes the type of parameter
    using either an SQL data type or a domain name.

    You cannot declare a function value as the LIST OF BYTE VARYING
    data type.


    The name that Oracle Rdb uses to access the routine when defined
    in a multischema database. The stored name allows you to access
    multischema definitions using interfaces that do not recognize
    multiple schemas in one database. You cannot specify a stored
    name for a routine in a database that does not allow multiple
    schemas. For more information about stored names, see Stored

21  –  USAGE_IS

    Specifies how the function or procedure can be called:

    o  USAGE IS GLOBAL indicates that the function or procedure can
       be called outside the current module. This is the default.

    o  USAGE IS LOCAL specifies that the routine is restricted to
       references within the module. This clause is provided for
       compatibility with CREATE MODULE but is not allowed for CREATE

22  –  VARIANT

    Syntax options:


    These clauses are synonyms for the DETERMINISTIC and NOT
    DETERMINISTIC clauses. The DETERMINISTIC clause indicates that
    the same inputs to the function will generate the same output.
    It is the same as the NOT VARIANT clause. The NOT DETERMINISTIC
    clause indicates that the output of the function does not depend
    on the inputs. It is the same as the VARIANT clause. This clause
    is deprecated. Use DETERMINISTIC instead.
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