1 – COMMENT IS 'quoted-string'
This optional clause can be used to add several lines of comment to the synonym object. The comment is displayed by the SHOW SYNONYM statement.
2 – FOR object-name
The name of the database object for which the synonym is required. This name must exist for an object in the database. If the optional object type is omitted, then Oracle Rdb will search the database for an object with this name.
3 – object-type
Syntax options: DOMAIN FUNCTION MODULE PROCEDURE SEQUENCE SYNONYM TABLE VIEW These optional object types can be used when the referenced object name is not unique within the database. For instance, Oracle Rdb allows a domain and a table to both be called MONEY. Therefore, to create a synonym for the table MONEY, you must use the FOR TABLE clause so that it is uniquely identified.
Instructs SQL to replace any synonym of this name if it exists. If it does not exist, a new synonym is created. This shorthand allows replacement of an existing synonym while maintaining all the dependencies established by query and DDL usage of this synonym.
This optional clause is provided for compatibility with the Oracle database server. It is currently not used by Oracle Rdb. Its presence or absence may be used by future releases. Oracle Corporation recommends you use the PUBLIC keyword in applications.
6 – synonym-name
The name of the synonym you want to create. The synonym name must be unique within all domains, tables, views, functions, procedures, modules, sequences, and synonyms within the database. You may qualify it with an alias.