1  –  ALIAS alias

    Specifies a name for an attach to a particular database. SQL adds
    the table definition to the database referred to by the alias.

    If you do not specify an alias, SQL adds the table definition to
    the default database. See the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic for
    more information on default databases and aliases.


 Syntax options:

       AUTOMATIC AS value-expr
       AUTOMATIC INSERT AS value-expr
       AUTOMATIC UPDATE AS value-expr

    These AUTOMATIC column clauses allow you to store special
    information when data is inserted into a row or a row is updated.
    For example, you can log application-specific information to
    audit activity or provide essential values, such as time stamps
    or unique identifiers for the data.

    The assignment of values to these types of columns is managed by
    Oracle Rdb. The AUTOMATIC INSERT clause can be used to provide
    a complex default for the column when the row is inserted; it
    cannot be changed by an UPDATE statement. The AUTOMATIC UPDATE
    clause can be used to provide an updated value during an UPDATE
    statement. The unqualified AUTOMATIC clause specifies that the
    value expression should be applied during both INSERT and UPDATE
    statements. The column type is derived from the AS value-expr;
    using CAST allows a specific data type to be specified. However,
    this is not required and is rarely necessary.

    You can define an AUTOMATIC INSERT column to automatically
    receive data during an insert operation. The data is stored like
    any other column, but the column is read-only. Because AUTOMATIC
    columns are treated as read-only columns, they cannot appear in
    the column list for an insert operation nor be modified by an
    update operation. AUTOMATIC UPDATE columns can have an associated
    default value that will be used when the row is inserted.

3  –  char-data-type

    A valid SQL character data type. See the Data_Types HELP topic
    for more information on character data types.

4  –  character-set-name

    A valid character set name.

5  –  CHECK predicate

    Specifies a predicate that column values inserted into the
    table must satisfy. See the Predicates HELP topic for details
    on specifying predicates.

    Predicates in CHECK column constraints can refer directly only to
    the column with which they are associated.

6  –  col-constraint

    A constraint that applies to values stored in the associated

    SQL allows column constraints and table constraints. The five
    types of column constraints are PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, NOT NULL,
    CHECK, and FOREIGN KEY constraints. The FOREIGN KEY constraints
    are created with the REFERENCES clause.

    You can define a column constraint on persistent base tables and
    global temporary tables only.

7  –  col-definition

    The definition for a column in the table. SQL gives you two ways
    to specify column definitions:

    o  By directly specifying a data type to associate with a column

    o  By naming a domain that indirectly specifies a data type to
       associate with a column name

    Either way also allows options for specifying default values,
    column constraints, and formatting clauses.

8  –  column-name

    The name of a column you want to create in the table. You need to
    specify a column name whether you directly specify a data type in
    the column definition or indirectly specify a data type by naming
    a domain in the column definition.


    Specifies that the value of this column is calculated from values
    in other columns and constant expressions.

    If your column definition refers to a column name within a value
    expression, that named column must already be defined within the
    same CREATE TABLE statement. See the Value_Expressions HELP topic
    for information on value expressions.

    Any column that you refer to in the definition of a computed
    column cannot be deleted from that table unless you first delete
    the computed column.

    SQL does not allow the following for computed columns:

    o  UNIQUE constraints

    o  REFERENCES clauses

    o  PRIMARY KEY constraints

    o  DEFAULT clause

    o  IDENTITY clause

    o  Default value for DATATRIEVE

    For example, if the FICA_RATE for an employee is 6.10 percent of
    the employee's starting salary and the group insurance rate is
    0.7 percent, you can define FICA_RATE and GROUP_RATE columns like

    SQL> CREATE TABLE payroll_detail
    cont> (salary_code CHAR(1),
    cont>  starting_salary SMALLINT(2),
    cont>  fica_amt
    cont>    COMPUTED BY (starting_salary * 0.061),
    cont>  group_rate
    cont>    COMPUTED BY (starting_salary * 0.007));

    When you use this type of definition, you only have to store
    values in the salary_code and starting_salary columns. The FICA
    and group insurance deduction columns are computed automatically
    when the columns fica_amt or group_rate are selected.


    Syntax options:


    Specifies whether run-length compression is enabled or disabled
    for rows inserted into the base or temporary table.

    In some cases, the data inserted into a table may not compress
    and so incur only overhead in the row. This overhead is used
    by Rdb to describe the sequence of uncompressible data. Use
    COMPRESSION IS DISABLED to prevent Rdb from attempting the
    compression of such data.

    Any storage map which specifies the ENABLE COMPRESSION or DISABLE
    COMPRESSION clause will override this setting in the table.

    The COMPRESSION IS clause is not permitted for INFORMATION

    The default is COMPRESSION IS ENABLED.

11  –  constraint-attributes

    Although the constraint attribute syntax provides 11 permutations
    as required by the SQL99 standard, they equate to the following
    three options:


       Specifies that evaluation of the constraint must take place
       when the INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement executes. If
       you are using the SQL99, SQL92, MIA, ORACLE LEVEL1, or ORACLE
       LEVEL2 dialect, this is the default.


       Specifies that evaluation of the constraint may be deferred
       (using the SET CONSTRAINT ALL statement or the SET TRANSACTION
       statement with the EVALUATING clause), but by default it
       is evaluated after the INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement
       executes. See the SET_ALL_CONSTRAINTS statement for more


       Specifies that evaluation of the constraint can take place
       at any later time. Unless otherwise specified, evaluation of
       the constraint takes place as the COMMIT statement executes.
       You can use the SET ALL CONSTRAINTS statement to have all
       constraints evaluated earlier. See the description of the SET
       ALL CONSTRAINTS statement for more information.

       If you are using the default SQLV40 dialect, this is the
       default constraint attribute. When using this dialect, Oracle
       Rdb displays a deprecated feature message for all constraints
       defined without specification of one of the constraint


    Specifies a name for a column or table constraint. The name is
    used for a variety of purposes:

    o  The RDB$INTEG_FAIL error message specifies the name when an
       INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement violates the constraint.

    o  The ALTER TABLE table-name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint-name
       statement specifies the name to delete a table constraint.

    o  The SHOW TABLE statements display the names of column and
       table constraints.

       TRANSACTION statements specifies constraint names.

    o  The ENABLE and DISABLE clauses of the ALTER and CREATE TABLE
       statements specify constraint names.

    o  The ALTER CONSTRAINT statement specifies constraint names.

    o  The DROP CONSTRAINT statement

    The CONSTRAINT clause is optional. If you omit the constraint
    name, SQL creates a name. However, Oracle Rdb recommends that
    you always name column and table constraints. If you supply a
    constraint name with the CONSTRAINT clause, it must be unique
    in the database or in the schema if you are using a multischema

13  –  data-type

    A valid SQL data type. Specifying an explicit data type to
    associate with a column is an alternative to specifying a domain
    name. See the Data_Types HELP topic for more information on data

14  –  date-time-data-types

    A data type that specifies a date, time, or interval. See the
    Data_Types HELP topic for more information about date-time data

15  –  DEFAULT value-expr

    Provides a default value for a column if the row that is inserted
    does not include a value for that column.

    You can use any value expression including subqueries,
    conditional, character, date/time, and numeric expressions as
    default values. See Value Expressions for more information about
    value expressions.

    For more information about NULL, see the NULL_Keyword HELP topic.

    The value expressions described in Value Expressions include
    DBKEY and aggregate functions. However, the DEFAULT clause is
    not a valid location for referencing a DBKEY or an aggregate
    function. If you attempt to reference either, you receive a
    compile-time error.

    If you do not specify a default value, a column inherits the
    default value from the domain. If you do not specify a default
    value for either the column or domain, SQL assigns NULL as the
    default value.

16  –  domain-name

    The name of a domain created in a CREATE DOMAIN statement. SQL
    gives the column the data type specified in the domain. For more
    information on domains, see the CREATE DOMAIN statement.

    For most purposes, you should specify a domain instead of an
    explicit data type.

    o  Domains ensure that all columns in multiple tables that serve
       the same purpose have the same data type. For example, several
       tables in the sample personnel database refer to the domain

    o  A domain lets you change the data type for all columns that
       refer to it in one operation by changing the domain itself
       with an ALTER DOMAIN statement.

       For example, if you want to change the data type for the
       column EMPLOYEE_ID from CHAR(5) to CHAR(6), you need only
       alter the data type for the domain ID_DOM. You do not have to
       alter the data type for the column EMPLOYEE_ID in the tables
       have to alter the column MANAGER_ID in the DEPARTMENTS table.

    However, you might not want to use domains when you create tables

    o  Your application must be compatible with Oracle RDBMS.

    o  You are creating intermediate result tables that do not need
       the advantages of domains.

17  –  enable-disable-clause

    Allows you to enable or disable all constraints, specified
    constraints, a primary key, or a unique column name, as described
    in the following list. By default, table and column constraints
    added during a create table operation are enabled.


       All table and column constraints for this table are disabled.
       No error is raised if no constraints are defined on the table.


       All and column constraints for this table are enabled. No
       error is raised if no constraints are defined on the table.

    o  DISABLE CONSTRAINT constraint-name

       The named constraint is disabled. The named constraint must be
       a table or column constraint for the table.

    o  ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint-name

       The named constraint is enabled. The named constraint must be
       a table or column constraint for the table.


       The primary key for the table is disabled.


       The primary key for the table is enabled.

    o  DISABLE UNIQUE (column-name)

       The matching UNIQUE constraint is disabled. The columns listed
       must be columns in the table.

    o  ENABLE UNIQUE (column-name)

       The matching UNIQUE constraint is enabled. The columns listed
       must be columns in the table.


    The name of a column or columns that you want to declare as a
    foreign key in the table you are defining (referencing table).
    You cannot declare a computed column as a foreign key.

19  –  FROM pathname

    Specifies the repository path name of a repository record
    definition. SQL creates the table using the definition from this
    record and gives the table the name of the record definition.

    You can create a table using the FROM path-name clause only if
    the record definition in the repository was originally created
    using the repository Common Dictionary Operator (CDO) utility.
    For instance, you cannot create a table using the FROM path-name
    clause if the record definition was created in the repository as
    part of an SQL session.

    If the repository record contains a nested record definition, you
    cannot create a table based on it.

    Creating a table based on a repository record definition is
    useful when many applications share the same definition. Changes
    to the common definition can be automatically reflected in all
    applications that use it.


       Changes by other users or applications to the record
       definition in the repository affect the table definition
       once the database is integrated to match the repository
       with an INTEGRATE DATABASE . . . ALTER FILES statement. If
       those changes include deleting records or fields on which
       tables or table columns are based, any data in the dependent
       table or table column is lost after the next INTEGRATE
       DATABASE . . . ALTER FILES statement executes.

    You can use the FROM clause only if the database was attached
    specifying PATHNAME. You can specify either a full repository
    path name or a relative repository path name.

    You cannot define constraints or any other table definition
    clauses, such as DATATRIEVE formatting clauses, when you use
    the FROM path-name form of the CREATE TABLE statement. This
    restriction does not prevent you from using an ALTER TABLE
    statement to add them later.

    You cannot use the FROM path-name clause when embedding a CREATE
    TABLE statement within a CREATE DATABASE statement.


    Specifies that the column is to be a special read-only identity
    column. INSERT will evaluate this column and store a unique value
    for each row inserted. Only one column of a table may have the
    IDENTITY attribute. Rdb creates a sequence with the same name as
    the current table.

    See ALTER SEQUENCE and CREATE SEQUENCE for more information.

21  –  increment-by

    An integer literal value that specifies the increment for the
    sequence created for the IDENTITY column. A negative value
    creates a descending sequence, and a positive value creates an
    ascending sequence. A value of zero is not permitted. If omitted
    the default is 1, that is an ascending sequence.


    Specifies that the table definition is an information table.

    Information tables are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.

23  –  LIKE other-table-name

    Allows a database administrator to copy the metadata for
    an existing table and create a new table with similar
    characteristics. An optional column list can be used to add extra
    columns and contraints to this table. The referenced table must
    exist in the same database as the table being created.

    Syntax options:


    The LOGGING clause specifies that the CREATE TABLE statement
    should be logged in the recovery-unit journal file (.ruj) and
    after-image journal file (.aij).

    The NOLOGGING clause specifies that the CREATE TABLE statement
    should not be logged in the recovery-unit journal file (.ruj) and
    after-image journal file (.aij).

    The LOGGING clause is the default.

24  –  NOT_NULL

    Restricts values in the column to values that are not null.

25  –  ON_COMMIT

    Syntax options:


    Specifies whether data is preserved or deleted after a COMMIT
    statement for global or local temporary tables only.

    The default, if not specified, is ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS.


    A primary key constraint defines one or more columns whose values
    make a row in a table different from all others. SQL requires
    that values in a primary key column be unique and not null;
    therefore, you need not specify the UNIQUE and NOT NULL column
    constraints for primary key columns.

    You cannot specify the primary key constraint for a computed

    When used as a table constraint this clause must be followed by
    a list of column names. When used as a column constraint this
    clause applies to the named column of the table.

27  –  references-clause

    Specifies the name of the column or columns that are a unique
    key or primary key or in the referenced table. When the
    REFERENCES clause is used as a table constraint, the column names
    specified in the FOREIGN KEY clause become a foreign key for the
    referencing table.

    When used as the column type clause, specifies that the type
    of the column be inherited from the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index
    referenced. Both the data type and domain are inherited.

28  –  REFERENCES referenced table name

    Specifies the name of the table that contains the unique key
    or primary key referenced by the referencing table. To declare
    a constraint that refers to a unique or primary key in another
    table, you must have the SQL REFERENCES or CREATE privileges to
    the referenced table.

29  –  referenced-column-name

    For a column constraint, the name of the column that is a
    unique key or primary key in the referenced table. You cannot
    use a computed column as a referenced column name. For a table
    constraint, the referenced column name is the name of the column
    or columns that are a unique key or primary key in the referenced
    table. If you omit the referenced-column-name clause, the primary
    key is selected by default. The number of columns and their data
    types must match.

30  –  sql-and-dtr-clause

    Optional SQL formatting clause.

    If you specify a formatting clause for a column that is based on
    a domain that also specifies a formatting clause, the formatting
    clause in the table definition overrides the one in the domain

31  –  start-with

    An integer literal value that specifies the starting value for
    the sequence created for the IDENTITY column. If omitted the
    default is 1.


    Specifies a name that Oracle Rdb uses to access a table created
    in a multischema database. The stored name allows you to access
    multischema definitions using interfaces, such as Oracle RMU,
    the Oracle Rdb management utility, that do not recognize multiple
    schemas in one database. You cannot specify a stored name for
    a table in a database that does not allow multiple schemas. For
    more details about stored names, see the User_Supplied_Names HELP

33  –  table-constraint

    A constraint definition that applies to the whole table.

    SQL allows column constraints and table constraints. The four
    types of table constraints are PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, CHECK, and
    FOREIGN KEY constraints.

    A column must be defined in a table before you can specify the
    column in a table constraint definition.

    You can define a table constraint on persistent base tables and
    global temporary tables only.

34  –  table-name

    The name of the table definition you want to create. Use a name
    that is unique among all table, sequence, view and synonym names
    in the database, or in the schema if you are using a multischema
    database. Use any valid SQL name. (See the User_Supplied_Names
    HELP topic for more information on user-supplied names.)

35  –  temporary_tables

    Syntax options:


    Specifies that the table definition is either a global or local
    temporary table.

36  –  UNIQUE

    Specifies that values in the associated column must be unique.
    You can use either the UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY keywords to define
    one or more columns as a unique key for a table.

    You cannot specify the UNIQUE constraint for a computed column or
    for a column defined with the LIST OF BYTE VARYING data type.
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