SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  Compound Stmt
    Allows you to include more than one SQL statement in an SQL
    module procedure or in an embedded SQL program. Only by defining
    a compound statement can you put multiple SQL statements in
    a procedure. Procedures that contain one or more compound
    statements are called multistatement procedures.

    In contrast, a simple statement can contain a single SQL
    statement only. Procedures that contain a single SQL statement
    are called simple-statement procedures. See the Simple_Statement
    for a description of simple-statement procedures and how you use
    them in SQL application programming.

    A compound statement and a simple statement differ not just
    in the number of SQL statements they can contain. A compound

    o  Can include only a subset of the SQL statements allowed in a
       simple statement procedure. (See the compound-use-statement
       syntax diagram for a list of these valid statements.)

    o  Can include control flow statements, much like those you can
       use in a host language program. (See the control-statement
       syntax diagrams for a list of flow control statements allowed
       in a compound statement.)

    o  Can include transaction management statements, such as

    o  Can include local variables.

    o  Can control atomicity.

    o  Can reference only one alias because each compound statement
       represents a single Oracle Rdb request.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming for a conceptual
    description of compound statements and their relationship to
    multistatement procedures.

1  –  Environment

    You can use a compound statement:

    o  In interactive SQL, as a way to test syntax and prototype
       compound statements for use with programs.

    o  In embedded SQL, as part of a host language program to be
       processed with the SQL precompiler.

    o  In SQL module language, as part of a multistatement procedure
       in an SQL module file to be processed with the SQL module

    o  In dynamic SQL, to prepare and execute compound statements.

2  –  Format

  compound-statement =

   --+-----------------------+-> BEGIN --+--------------------+---+
     +-> <beginning-label>: -+           +-> pragma-clauses --+   |
   +------------------------------ <------------------------------+
     ++--> variable-declaration -++  |
      +--------------------------+   |
   +-+-------------------------------+--> END --+--------------------+-->
     ++->  compound-use-statement  -++          +-> <ending-label>: -+
      +---------- <-----------------+

  pragma-clauses =

  --+-+-> pragma-option --+------------------+--->
    | +-------  <---------+                  |
    +-> PRAGMA ( -+-> pragma-option  -+-> ) -+
                  +-------- , <-------+

  pragma-option =

  --+-> ATOMIC ----------------------+-->
    +-> NOT ATOMIC ------------------+
    +-> ON ALIAS <alias-name> -------+
    +-> with-clause -----------------+
    +-> optimize-clause -------------+

  optimize-clause =

    +-> OPTIMIZE --+-+-> FOR -+-> FAST FIRST --------+----------+-+-+
                   | |        +-> TOTAL TIME --------+          | |
                   | |        +-> SEQUENTIAL ACCESS -+          | |
                   | +-> USING <outline-name> ------------------+ |
                   | +-> WITH -+-> DEFAULT  --+-> SELECTIVITY  -+ |
                   | |         +-> SAMPLED  --+                 | |
                   | |         +-> AGGRESSIVE +                 | |
                   | +-> AS <query-name> -----------------------+ |
                   +---------------- <----------------------------+

  with-clause =

  ---> WITH --> HOLD -+-------------------------------+->
                      +-> PRESERVE --+-> ON COMMIT ---+
                                     +-> ON ROLLBACK -+
                                     +-> ALL ---------+
                                     +-> NONE --------+

  variable-declaration =

  ---> DECLARE --+-> <variable-name> -+-+--------------+--+
                 +-------- , <--------+ +-> CONSTANT --+  |
                                        +-> UPDATABLE -+  |
  +-+-> data-type ----+-+-------------------+-+----------------------+->
    +-> <domain-name> + +-> default-clause -+ +-> constraint-clause -+

  constraint-clause =

  --> CHECK --> (search-condition) -+--------------------------+->
                                    +-> constraint-attributes -+

  default-clause =

  --+-> DEFAULT --+--+--> date-time-literal -+----->
    +->   = ------+  +--> interval-literal  -+
                     +--> numeric-literal  --+
                     +--> string-literal  ---+
                     +--> : <variable-name> -+

  compound-use-statement =

  ----+-> call-statement --------------+--> ;
      +-> commit-statement ------------+
      +-> control-statement -----------+
      +-> delete-statement ------------+
      +-> get-diagnostics-statement ---+
      +-> insert-statement ------------+
      +-> lock-table-statement --------+
      +-> rollback-statement ----------+
      +-> set-transaction-statement ---+
      +-> singleton-select-statement --+
      +-> start-transaction-statement -+
      +-> trace-statement -------------+
      +-> update-statement ------------+

  control-statement =

  ---+-> simple-case-statement ------+-->
     +-> case-searched-statement ----+
     +-> compound-statement ---------+
     +-> for-statement --------------+
     +-> for-counted-loop-statement -+
     +-> if-statement ---------------+
     +-> iterate-statement ----------+
     +-> leave-statement ------------+
     +-> loop-statement -------------+
     +-> repeat-statement -----------+
     +-> return-statement -----------+
     +-> set-assignment-statement ---+
     +-> signal-statement -----------+
     +-> trace-statement ------------+
     +-> while-statement ------------+

3  –  Arguments

3.1  –  ATOMIC

    Syntax options:


    Controls whether or not SQL statements in the compound statement
    are undone when any statement in the compound statement
    terminates with an exception. Compound statements are NOT ATOMIC
    by default.

    Most single SQL statements are ATOMIC. Only the control
    statements are NOT ATOMIC. For example, an INSERT statement is
    ATOMIC, and the entire insert operation either completes or fails
    as a unit even if it is contained in a NOT ATOMIC block.

    o  ATOMIC

       In a compound statement defined as ATOMIC, all SQL statements
       in a compound statement succeed, or when any of the SQL
       statements in the compound statement raises an exception,
       they all fail as a unit. Any changes made up to the point
       of failure are undone. SQL terminates the compound statement
       as soon as a statement within it fails. SQL does not change
       variable assignments as a result of a statement failure.

       All statements within an ATOMIC block must be atomic. If you
       nest compound statements and specify ATOMIC, you must specify
       ATOMIC for any inner blocks. If you do not, Oracle Rdb returns
       an error.

    o  NOT ATOMIC (default)

       In a compound statement defined as NOT ATOMIC, all SQL
       statements that complete successfully up to the point of a
       failed statement are not undone as they would be in an ATOMIC
       compound statement. Partial success of the statements in a
       NOT ATOMIC compound statement can occur, unlike the all-
       or-nothing behavior in ATOMIC compound statements. As with
       ATOMIC compound statements, NOT ATOMIC compound statements
       are terminated when an SQL statement returns an exception. The
       partial work of the statement causing a compound statement to
       terminate is always undone.

    COMMIT, and ROLLBACK statements to NOT ATOMIC compound statements
    because the nature of an ATOMIC compound statement conflicts with
    the properties of these statements. The property of an ATOMIC
    block is that all statements succeed, or all statements fail, and
    this can not be guaranteed if a transaction is started or ended
    during the block.

3.2  –  BEGIN

    Begins a compound statement. The END keyword marks the end of
    a compound statement. The unit consisting of the BEGIN and END
    keywords and all statements bounded by them is called a compound
    statement block or just a block. The simplest compound statement
    block can consist of BEGIN, END, and a terminating semicolon
    (BEGIN END;).

3.3  –  beginning-label:

    Assigns a name to a block. You use the label with the LEAVE or
    ITERATE statements to perform a controlled exit from a block or
    a LOOP statement. Named compound statements are called labeled
    compound statements. If a block has an ending label, you must
    also supply an identical beginning label. A label must be unique
    within the procedure in which the label is contained.

3.4  –  call-statement

    Invokes an external or stored procedure. See the CALL Compound_
    Statement statement for a complete description.

3.5  –  case-searched-statement

    See the CASE_Searched help topic for a complete description.

3.6  –  commit-statement

    Ends a transaction and makes any changes that you made during
    that transaction permanent. SQL does not allow a COMMIT statement
    in an ATOMIC compound statement. The AND CHAIN clause can also be
    used to start a new transaction.

    See the COMMIT help topic for a complete description.

3.7  –  compound-statement

    Lets you nest compound statements in another compound statement.

3.8  –  compound-use-statement

    Identifies the SQL statements allowed in a compound statement

3.9  –  CONSTANT

    CONSTANT changes the variable into a declared constant that
    can not be updated. If you specify CONSTANT, you must also have
    specified the DEFAULT clause to ensure the variable has a value.
    CONSTANT also indicates that the variable can not be used as
    the target of an assignment or be passed as an expression to a
    procedure's INOUT or OUT parameter.

3.10  –  control-statement

    The set of statements that provide conditional execution,
    iterative execution, and cursor-like operations for controlling
    the execution flow of SQL statements in a compound statement.

3.11  –  default-clause

    You can use any value expression including subqueries,
    conditional, character, date/time, and numeric expressions as
    default values. See Value Expressions for more information about
    value expressions.

    The value expressions described in Value Expressions include
    DBKEY and aggregate functions. However, the DEFAULT clause is
    not a valid location for referencing a DBKEY or an aggregate
    function. If you attempt to reference either, you receive a
    compile-time error.

3.12  –  delete-statement

    Deletes a row from a table or view.

    See the DELETE help topic for a complete description.

3.13  –  END

    Ends a compound statement block.

3.14  –  ending-label

    Assigns a name to a block. If a block has a beginning label, you
    must use the same name for the ending label.

3.15  –  for-counted-loop-statement

    See the FOR (Counted) Control help topic for a complete

3.16  –  for-statement

    See the FOR_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.17  –  get-diagnostics-statement

    Retrieves diagnostic information for the previously executed

    See the Get_Diagnostics help topic for a complete description.

3.18  –  if-statement

    See the IF_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.19  –  insert-statement

    Adds a new row, or a number of rows, to a table or view. For
    compound statements, SQL restricts the INSERT statement to
    database insert operations in a single database.

    See the INSERT help topic for a complete description.

3.20  –  leave-statement

    See the LEAVE_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.21  –  lock-table-statement

    See the LOCK_TABLE help topic for a complete description.

3.22  –  loop-statement

    See the LOOP_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.23  –  ON_ALIAS

    Specifies an alias allowing your program or interactive SQL
    statements to refer to more than one database. Use the same alias
    as specified in the ATTACH statement.

    SQL> ATTACH 'ALIAS db1 FILENAME mf_personnel';
    SQL> DECLARE :x CHAR(5);
    cont> WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID='00164';
    cont> END;
    SQL> PRINT :x;

3.24  –  OPTIMIZE_AS

    Assigns a name to the compound statement.


    Names the query outline to be used with the compound statement,
    even if the outline ID for the query and for the outline are


    Selects one of three optimization controls: DEFAULT (as used by
    previous versions of Oracle Rdb), AGGRESSIVE (assumes smaller
    numbers of rows will be selected), and SAMPLED (which uses
    literals in the query to perform preliminary estimation on

3.27  –  PRAGMA

    These options may only be specified on the outermost BEGIN
    statement. The exception is ATOMIC and NOT ATOMIC.

3.28  –  repeat-statement

    See the REPEAT_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.29  –  return-statement

    Returns the result for stored functions. See the RETURN_Control
    help topic for a complete description.

3.30  –  rollback-statement

    Ends a transaction and undoes all changes you made since that
    transaction began. SQL does not allow a ROLLBACK statement in an
    ATOMIC compound statement. The AND CHAIN clause can also be used
    to start a new transaction.

    See the ROLLBACK help topic for a complete description.

3.31  –  set-assignment-statement

    See the SET_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.32  –  set-transaction-statement

    Starts a transaction and specifies its characteristics.

    See the SET_TRANSACTION help topic for a complete description.

3.33  –  signal-statement

    See the SIGNAL_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.34  –  simple-case-statement

    See the CASE_Simple help topic for a complete description.

3.35  –  singleton-select-statement

    Specifies a one-row result table.

    See the SELECT Singleton_Select statement for a complete

3.36  –  start-transaction-statement

    See the START_TRANSACTION help topic for a complete description.

3.37  –  trace-statement

    Writes values to the trace log file. See the TRACE_Control help
    topic for a complete description.

3.38  –  UPDATABLE

    UPDATABLE is the default (versus CONSTANT) and allows the
    variable to be modified. An update of a variable can occur due
    to a SET assignment, an INTO assignment (as part of an INSERT,
    UPDATE, or SELECT statement), or as a procedure's OUT or INOUT

3.39  –  update-statement

    Modifies a row in a table or view.

    See the UPDATE help topic for a complete description.

3.40  –  variable-declaration

    Declares local variables for a compound statement. SQL creates
    variables when it executes a compound statement and deletes them
    when execution of the compound statement ends.

3.41  –  while-statement

    See the WHILE_Control help topic for a complete description.

3.42  –  WITH_HOLD

    Can be applied to a table cursor so that it remains open across
    COMMIT and ROLLBACK actions.

4  –  Examples

    Example 1: Using a compound statement to update rows

    The following compound statement uses variables to update rows in
    the JOBS table. It uses the SET asssignment control statement to
    assign a value to the variable MIN_SAL.

    cont> -- Declare the variable.
    cont>      DECLARE :MIN_SAL INTEGER(2);
    cont> -- Set the value of the variable.
    cont> -- Update the rows in the JOBS table.
    cont>      UPDATE JOBS
    cont>            SET MINIMUM_SALARY = :MIN_SAL
    cont>                WHERE MINIMUM_SALARY < (:MIN_SAL * 1.08);
    cont> END;

    Example 2: Using the DEFAULT clause

    The following example shows several variable declarations using a
    variety of value expressions for the DEFAULT clause.

    cont>   DECLARE :x INTEGER DEFAULT -1;
    cont>   TRACE :x;
    cont> END;
    ~Xt: -1
    cont>   TRACE COALESCE (:x, 'NULL');
    cont> END;
    ~Xt: NULL
    cont>   DECLARE :x INTEGER DEFAULT (1+1);
    cont>   TRACE :x;
    cont> END;
    ~Xt: 2
    cont>   TRACE :x;
    cont> END;
    ~Xt: 100

    Example 3: Specifying a LOOP statement using the DEFAULT clause

    The following example shows some simple value expressions. The
    default value is applied to :y on each iteration of the loop, not
    just the first time the statement is executed.

    cont>     DECLARE :x INTEGER DEFAULT 0;
    cont>     WHILE :x < 10
    cont>     LOOP
    cont>         BEGIN
    cont>            DECLARE :y INTEGER DEFAULT 1;
    cont>            TRACE :x, :y;
    cont>            SET :x = :x + :y;
    cont>            SET :y = :y + 1;
    cont>         END;
    cont>     END LOOP;
    cont> END;
    ~Xt: 0          1
    ~Xt: 1          1
    ~Xt: 2          1
    ~Xt: 3          1
    ~Xt: 4          1
    ~Xt: 5          1
    ~Xt: 6          1
    ~Xt: 7          1
    ~Xt: 8          1
    ~Xt: 9          1

    Example 4: Using the CHECK constraint

    This example shows the use of a CHECK constraint to prevent
    illegal values being assigned to control variables for a REPEAT
    loop. The singleton SELECT will actually return zero to the local
    variable P which will cause a variable validation to fail.

    SQL> begin
    cont> declare :v integer = 0 check (value is not null);
    cont> declare :p integer = 1 check (value is not null and value <> 0);
    cont> repeat
    cont>     select count(*) into :p
    cont>     from employees
    cont>     where employee_id = '00000';
    cont>     set :v = :v + :p;
    cont> until :v > 1000
    cont> end repeat;
    cont> end;
    %RDB-E-NOT_VALID, validation on field P caused operation to fail

    Example 5: Using the WITH HOLD clause

    The following example shows the use of the WITH HOLD PRESERVE
    ON COMMIT clause in a procedure which purges old data from the
    AUDIT_HISTORY table. It commits the transaction every 100 rows

    SQL> declare transaction read only;
    SQL> set flags 'TRACE';
    SQL> set compound transactions 'internal';
    SQL> declare :purge_date date;
    SQL> accept :purge_date prompt 'Purge date for AUDIT_HISTORY? ';
    Purge date for AUDIT_HISTORY? 1-jan-1989
    SQL> begin
    cont>     with hold preserve on commit
    cont> declare :max_unit constant integer = 100;
    cont> declare :rc integer = :max_unit;
    cont> set transaction read write;
    cont> for :ah
    cont>     as table cursor ah_cursor
    cont>     for select * from audit_history
    cont>     where job_start < :purge_date
    cont> do
    cont>     delete from audit_history
    cont>         where current of ah_cursor;
    cont>     if :rc = 0
    cont>     then
    cont>         commit;
    cont>         set :rc = :max_unit;
    cont>         set transaction read write;
    cont>     else
    cont>         set :rc = :rc - 1;
    cont>     end if;
    cont> end for;
    cont> get diagnostics :rc = ROW_COUNT;
    cont> commit;
    cont> trace 'Processed rows: ', :rc;
    cont> end;
    ~Xt: Processed rows: 1096
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