Explicitly declares a table or view definition in a program. For
    tables named in a DECLARE TABLE statement, SQL does not check the
    schema to compare the definition with the explicit declaration.

    An explicit table declaration is useful to:

    o  Document the definition in the source code of the program

    o  Allow references to tables that do not exist when SQL
       precompiles the program, including:

       -  Tables created in other modules of the program

       -  Tables created dynamically

    o  Improve precompiler performance because SQL does not need to
       attach to the schema to retrieve the table definition

    o  Make it easier to check that the declaration correctly
       corresponds to a host structure the program uses to hold
       values from or for the table

    o  Declare only a subset of columns contained in the schema
       definition of the table if the program needs to use only some
       of the columns

1  –  Environment

    You can use the DECLARE TABLE statement:

    o  Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled

    o  In a context file

    o  As part of the DECLARE section in an SQL module

2  –  Format

  DECLARE --+-> <table-name> -+-> TABLE --+
            +-> <view-name> --+           |
    +-> ( -++-> declare-col-definition -++-> ) -->
           |+-> table-constraint -------+|
           +---------- , <---------------+

  declare-col-definition =

  --> <column-name> --> data-type -++------------------------++->
                                   |+-> col-constraint ------+|
                                   |+-> sql-and-dtr-clause --+|
                                   +----------- <-------------+

  data-type =

   -+-> char-data-types -----------------------------------------+-->
    +-> TINYINT --------------+-----+------------+---------------+
    +-> SMALLINT -------------+     +-> ( <n> ) -+               |
    +-> INTEGER --------------+                                  |
    +-> BIGINT ---------------+                                  |
    +-> FLOAT ----------------+                                  |
    +-> NUMBER -+----------------------------------+-------------+
    |           +-> ( -+-> <p> -+-+----------+-> ) +             |
    |                  +-> * ---+ +-> , <d> -+                   |
    +-> LIST OF BYTE VARYING --+------------+--+--------------+--+
    |                          +-> ( <n> ) -+  +-> AS BINARY -+  |
    |                                          +-> AS TEXT ---+  |
    +-> DECIMAL -++------------------------------+---------------+
    +-> NUMERIC -++-> ( --> <n> +----------+-> ) +               |
    |                           +-> , <n> -+                     |
    +-> REAL ----------------------------------------------------+
    +-> DOUBLE PRECISION ----------------------------------------+
    +-> date-time-data-types ------------------------------------+

  char-data-types =

  -+-> CHAR -------------++------------++--------------------------------+-+->
   +-> CHARACTER --------++-> ( <n> ) -++-> CHARACTER SET char-set-name -+ |
   +-> CHAR VARYING -----+                                                 |
   +-> CHARACTER VARYING +                                                 |
   +-> VARCHAR --+> ( <n> ) ---+--------------------------------+----------+
   +-> VARCHAR2 -+             +-> CHARACTER SET char-set-name -+          |
   +-> LONG VARCHAR  ------------------------------------------------------+
   +-> NCHAR --------------+-+------------+--------------------------------+
   +-> NATIONAL CHAR ------+ +-> ( <n> ) -+                                |
   +-> NATIONAL CHARACTER -+                                               |
   +-> NCHAR VARYING --------------+-+------------+------------------------+
   +-> NATIONAL CHAR VARYING ------+ +-> ( <n> ) -+                        |
   +-> NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING -+                                       |
   +-> RAW -> ( <n> ) -----------------------------------------------------+
   +-> LONG -+--------+----------------------------------------------------+
             +-> RAW -+

  date-time-data-types =

  --+-> DATE -+----------+-----------------+-->
    |         +-> ANSI  -+                 |
    |         +-> VMS ---+                 |
    +-> TIME ---> frac --------------------+
    +-> TIMESTAMP --> frac ----------------+
    +-> INTERVAL ---> interval-qualifier --+

  frac =

    +--> ( <numeric-literal> ) -+

  interval-qualifier =

  --+-> YEAR ---> prec --+-------------+-----------------+->
    |                    +-> TO MONTH -+                 |
    +-> MONTH --> prec ----------------------------------+
    +-> DAY ----> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO -+-> HOUR ---------------+
    |                            +-> MINUTE -------------+
    |                            +-> SECOND -> frac -----+
    +-> HOUR ---> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO -+-> MINUTE -------------+
    |                            +-> SECOND -> frac -----+
    +-> MINUTE -> prec --+-------------------------------+
    |                    +-> TO SECOND ------> frac -----+
    +-> SECOND -> seconds-prec --------------------------+

  prec =

    +--> ( <numeric-literal> ) -+

  seconds-prec =

    +-> ( <numeric-literal-1> ---+         |
       +-------------------------+         |
       ++--------------------------+-> ) --+
        +> , <numeric-literal-2> --+


      +> CONSTRAINT <constraint-name> -+ |
    +-> PRIMARY KEY -----------------+
    +-> UNIQUE ----------------------+
    +-> NOT NULL --------------------+
    +-> NULL ------------------------+
    +-> CHECK (predicate) -----------+
    +-> references-clause -----------+
         +--> constraint-attributes --+

  constraint-attributes =

  -+-> DEFERRABLE -------------+------------------------------+-+->
   |                           +-> INITIALLY +-> IMMEDIATE --++ |
   |                                         +-> DEFERRED ---+  |
   +-> NOT DEFERRABLE ---------+-------------------------+------+
   |                           +-> INITIALLY IMMEDIATE --+      |
   +-> INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ----+-------------------+------------+
   |                           +-> DEFERRABLE -----+            |
   |                           +-> NOT DEFERRABLE -+            |
   +-> INITIALLY DEFERRED -----+-------------------+------------+
                               +-> DEFERRABLE -----+

  sql-and-dtr-clause =

  -+-> QUERY HEADER IS -+> <quoted-string> +-------------------+->
   |                    +------ / <--------+                   |
   +-> EDIT STRING IS <quoted-string> -------------------------+
   |                                                           |
   +-> QUERY NAME FOR -+-> DTR --------+-> IS <quoted-string> -+
   |                   +-> DATATRIEVE -+                       |
   +-> DEFAULT VALUE FOR -+-> DTR --------+-> IS literal   ----+
                          +-> DATATRIEVE -+

  table-constraint =

     +-> CONSTRAINT <constraint-name> ---+    |
   +--> table-constraint-clause --------------+
       +-> constraint-attributes --+

  table-constraint-clause =

   +-> PRIMARY KEY -> ( -+> <column-name> +-> ) --+
   |                     +------- , <-----+       |
   +-> UNIQUE -> ( -+> <column-name> +-> ) -------+
   |                +------- , <-----+            |
   +-> CHECK (predicate) -------------------------+
   +-> FOREIGN KEY -> ( -+> <column-name> +-> ) + |
                         +------- , <-----+     | |
     +--------------------<---------------------+ |
     +-> references-clause ---------->------------+

3  –  Arguments

3.1  –  character-set-name

    A valid character set name. See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference
    Manual for more information on character sets.

3.2  –  col-constraint

    A column constraint. See the CREATE TABLE statement for more
    information about column constraints.

3.3  –  column-name

    The name of the column you want to define.

3.4  –  data-type

    The data type of the column you want to define. See the Data_
    Types HELP topic for more information on data types.

3.5  –  date-time-data-types

    Data types for dates, times, and intervals. See  the Data_Types
    HELP topic for more information on date-time data types.

3.6  –  declare-col-definition

    The definition for a column in the table. The column definition
    must correspond to the table definition in the schema.

    See the CREATE TABLE statement for more information about column

    However, you cannot refer to domain names in a DECLARE TABLE
    statement. For tables whose definitions refer to domain names,
    you must substitute the data type and size of the domain for the
    domain name.

3.7  –  frac

    Precision specifications for date-time data types. See the Data_
    Types HELP topic for more information.

3.8  –  interval-qualifier

    Precision specifications for date-time data types. See the Data_
    Types HELP topic for more information.

3.9  –  prec

    Precision specifications for date-time data types. See the Data_
    Types HELP topic for more information.

3.10  –  references-clause

    See the CREATE TABLE statement for more information.

3.11  –  seconds-prec

    Precision specifications for date-time data types. See the Data_
    Types HELP topic for more information.

3.12  –  sql-and-dtr-clause

    Optional SQL and DATATRIEVE formatting clause. See the DATATRIEVE
    HELP topic for more information about formatting clauses.

3.13  –  table-name

    The name of the table definition you want to declare.

3.14  –  view-name

    The name of the view definition you want to declare.

3.15  –  table-constraint

    A constraint definition that applies to the whole table. See
    the CREATE TABLE statement for more information about specifying
    table constraints.

4  –  Examples

    Example 1: Declaring the table EMPLOYEES in a COBOL program

        (EMPLOYEE_ID                      CHAR (5)
           NOT NULL,
         LAST_NAME                        CHAR (14),
         FIRST_NAME                       CHAR (10),
         MIDDLE_INITIAL                   CHAR (1),
         ADDRESS_DATA_1                   CHAR (25),
         ADDRESS_DATA_2                   CHAR (25),
         CITY                             CHAR (20),
         STATE                            CHAR (2),
         POSTAL_CODE                      CHAR (5),
         SEX                              CHAR (1),
           CHECK          (
                          SEX IN ('M', 'F') OR SEX IS NULL
         BIRTHDAY                         DATE ,
         STATUS_CODE                      CHAR (1)
           CHECK          (
                          STATUS_CODE IN ('0', '1', '2')
                          OR STATUS_CODE IS NULL
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