Directs GET ENVIRONMENT to return selected interactive SQL session options. These options can be used to save and restore session state during the execution of an SQL script.
Displays the translated string value prior to being converted to the data type of the variable. This can assist in diagnosing data conversion errors. The display will indicate if the result was derived from a local symbol, global symbol, logical name, or session value. For example: SQL> GET ENVIRONMENT (TRACE) cont> :xx indicator :xx_ind = XX; 01: XX = XX "--" (Local) %RDB-E-ARITH_EXCEPT, truncation of a numeric value at runtime -COSI-F-INPCONERR, input conversion error The following table shows the associated SET command which will accept the output from GET ENVIRONMENT (SESSION). These commands allow application to re-establish the environment after using SET commands within an SQL script. Refer to the listed SET command for details of the string value that will be returned from GET ENVIRONMENT. Table 1-3 GET ENVIRONMENT session keywords SESSION Keyword Associated SET command DEFAULT_CATALOG SET CATALOG CONSTRAINT_MODE SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE CHARACTER_LENGTH SET CHARACTER LENGTH COMPOUND_ SET COMPOUND TRANSACTION TRANSACTIONS DATE_FORMAT SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_ SET DEFAULT CONSTRAINT MODE MODE DIALECT SET DIALECT HOLD_CURSORS SET HOLD CURSOR NULL_STRING SET DISPLAY NULL STRING QUIET_COMMIT SET QUIET COMMIT QUOTING_RULES SET QUOTING RULES KEYWORD_RULES SET KEYWORD RULES DEFAULT_SCHEMA SET SCHEMA DEFAULT_ALIAS SET ALIAS