SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  GRANT  Arguments

1  –  AFTER

    Syntax options:

    AFTER identifier | AFTER PUBLIC

    Specifies the position of the entry within the ACL to be modified
    or created.

    With the AFTER or POSITION argument, you can specify the position
    in the list after which SQL searches for an ACL entry with an
    identifier that matches the one specified in the TO clause of the
    GRANT statement.

    Following are specifics about the AFTER and POSITION arguments:

    o  In the AFTER argument, the identifier specifies the entry in
       the ACL after which SQL begins its search for the entry to be
       modified or created. If none of the entries in the ACL has an
       identifier that matches the identifier specified in the AFTER
       argument, SQL generates an error and the statement fails.

       Starting after the entry specified by the identifier in the
       AFTER argument, SQL searches the entries in the ACL. If an
       entry has an identifier that matches the identifier specified
       by the TO clause of the GRANT statement, SQL creates a new
       entry that contains only those privileges specified in the
       GRANT statement. SQL retains only the entry appearing first in
       the ACL, and deletes any entries with duplicate identifiers.

       If none of the entries has an identifier that matches the
       identifier specified by the TO clause of the GRANT statement,
       SQL creates a new ACL entry immediately following the
       identifier specified in the AFTER argument.

       Specifying PUBLIC is equivalent to a wildcard specification of
       all user identifiers.

    o  In the POSITION argument, the integer specifies the earliest
       relative position in the ACL of the entry to be modified or

       Starting with the position specified by the POSITION argument,
       SQL searches the entries in the ACL. If an entry has an
       identifier that matches the identifier specified by the
       TO clause of the GRANT statement, SQL creates a new entry
       that contains only those privileges specified in the GRANT
       statement. SQL retains only the entry appearing first in the
       ACL, and deletes any entries with duplicate identifiers.

       If none of the entries has an identifier that matches the
       identifier specified by the TO clause of the GRANT statement,
       SQL creates a new entry for that identifier at the relative
       position specified in the POSITION argument (even if an entry
       before the position at which SQL began its search had an
       identifier that matched).

       If you specify a position higher than the number of entries in
       the list, SQL places the entry last in the ACL. For example,
       if you specify position 12 and there are only 10 entries in
       the list, the new entry is placed in position 11 and given
       that position number.

    o  If you omit the AFTER or POSITION argument, SQL searches
       the entire ACL for an identifier list that matches the one
       specified in the TO clause of the GRANT statement. If it finds
       a match, it modifies the ACL entry by adding those privileges
       specified in the privilege list that are not already present.
       If there is no match, SQL creates a new entry at the beginning
       of the ACL.


    Specifies that SQL should grant all privileges in the ACL entry.

3  –  general-identifier

    Identifies groups of users on the system and are defined by
    the OpenVMS system manager in the system rights database. The
    following are possible general identifiers:


4  –  ON SEQUENCE sequence-name

    Specifies whether the GRANT statement applies to ACLs for the
    named sequence or sequences.

5  –  ON

    Syntax options:

       ON TABLE *
       ON TABLE *
       ON MODULE *
       ON FUNCTION *
       ON SEQUENCE *

 Specifies whether the GRANT statement applies to ACLs for all
 objects of the specified type. If privileges are denied for the
 operation on some objects, then the GRANT is aborted.

6  –  POSITION n

    Specifies the position of the entry within the ACL to be modified
    or created.

    With the AFTER or POSITION argument, you can specify the position
    in the list after which SQL searches for an ACL entry with an
    identifier that matches the one specified in the TO clause of the
    GRANT statement.

    Following are specifics about the AFTER and POSITION arguments:

    o  In the AFTER argument, the identifier specifies the entry in
       the ACL after which SQL begins its search for the entry to be
       modified or created. If none of the entries in the ACL has an
       identifier that matches the identifier specified in the AFTER
       argument, SQL generates an error and the statement fails.

       Starting after the entry specified by the identifier in the
       AFTER argument, SQL searches the entries in the ACL. If an
       entry has an identifier that matches the identifier specified
       by the TO clause of the GRANT statement, SQL creates a new
       entry that contains only those privileges specified in the
       GRANT statement. SQL retains only the entry appearing first in
       the ACL, and deletes any entries with duplicate identifiers.

       If none of the entries has an identifier that matches the
       identifier specified by the TO clause of the GRANT statement,
       SQL creates a new ACL entry immediately following the
       identifier specified in the AFTER argument.

       Specifying PUBLIC is equivalent to a wildcard specification of
       all user identifiers.

    o  In the POSITION argument, the integer specifies the earliest
       relative position in the ACL of the entry to be modified or

       Starting with the position specified by the POSITION argument,
       SQL searches the entries in the ACL. If an entry has an
       identifier that matches the identifier specified by the
       TO clause of the GRANT statement, SQL creates a new entry
       that contains only those privileges specified in the GRANT
       statement. SQL retains only the entry appearing first in the
       ACL, and deletes any entries with duplicate identifiers.

       If none of the entries has an identifier that matches the
       identifier specified by the TO clause of the GRANT statement,
       SQL creates a new entry for that identifier at the relative
       position specified in the POSITION argument (even if an entry
       before the position at which SQL began its search had an
       identifier that matched).

       If you specify a position higher than the number of entries in
       the list, SQL places the entry last in the ACL. For example,
       if you specify position 12 and there are only 10 entries in
       the list, the new entry is placed in position 11 and given
       that position number.

    o  If you omit the AFTER or POSITION argument, SQL searches
       the entire ACL for an identifier list that matches the one
       specified in the TO clause of the GRANT statement. If it finds
       a match, it modifies the ACL entry by adding those privileges
       specified in the privilege list that are not already present.
       If there is no match, SQL creates a new entry at the beginning
       of the ACL.

7  –  privileges

    Types of privileges:


 Specifies the list of privileges you want to add to an existing ACL
 entry or create in a new one. The operations permitted by a given
 privilege keyword differ, depending on whether you granted it for a
 database, table, column, module, external routine, or sequence.

    The following table lists the privilege keywords and their
    meanings for databases, tables, columns, modules, external
    routines, and sequences.

    Table 1-4 SQL Privileges for Databases, Tables, Columns, Modules,
              External Routines and Sequences

               For the Access
               Privilege Set of   For the Access Privilege Set of
               a Database,        a Table, Column, View, Module,
               Grants the         External Routine or Sequence,
    Privilege  Privilege to:      Grants the Privilege to:

    ALTER      Change database    Alter the table, index, or storage
               parameters or      map. Alter a module, external
               change a domain.   routine, or sequence. Does not
                                  apply to column privileges.
    CREATE     Create a           Create a view, trigger, index,
               catalog, schema,   sequence, storage map, or outline
               table, domain,     that uses a table. Does not apply
               collating          to column privileges.
               storage area,
               routine, module,
               or sequence.
    DBADM      Perform any data   Not applicable, but syntactically
               manipulation or    allowed.
               data definition
               on any named
               object. Override
               many database
    DBCTRL     Create, delete,    Grant or revoke an access privilege
               or modify an       set entry for the table, sequence,
               access privilege   module, or external routine. Does
               set entry for      not apply to column privileges.
               the database.
    DELETE     Delete data from   Delete data from a table. Does not
               a table defined    apply to column privileges.
               in the database.
    DISTRIBTRANRun a              Not applicable.
               commit protocol)
               against the
    DROP       Delete a           Delete the table, index or outline
               catalog,           that uses a table. Delete a view,
               schema, domain,    column, constraint, trigger,
               collating          sequence, or storage map. Delete
               sequence, or       a view, module, external routine,
               path name.         or sequence.
    EXECUTE    Not applicable.    Allow the execution of a module or
                                  external routine. Does not apply
                                  to column, sequence, or table
    INSERT     Store data in a    Store data in the table. Does
               table defined in   not apply to column or sequence
               the database.      privileges.
    OPERATOR   Not applicable.    Not applicable. Syntactically
               Syntactically      allowed, but not implemented.
               allowed, but       Reserved for future versions.
               not implemented.
               Reserved for
               future versions.
    REFERENCES Not applicable,    Define constraints that refer to
               but                data in a table or column. Define
               syntactically      tables using the LIKE clause.
               allowed.           Define synonyms that reference
                                  those objects.
    SECURITY   Override           Not applicable.
               many database
    SELECT     Attach to a        Read data from a table or
               database and       reference the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL
               read data from a   pseudocolumns in a sequence. Does
               table defined in   not apply to column privileges.
               the database.
    SHOW       Not applicable.    Not applicable. Syntactically
               Syntactically      allowed, but not implemented.
               allowed, but       Reserved for future versions.
               not implemented.
               Reserved for
               future versions.
    UPDATE     Update data in a   Update data in a table or column.
               table defined in
               the database.

    Privileges on a column are determined by the privileges defined
    for the table combined with those specified for the specific
    column ACL.

    The SELECT privilege is a prerequisite for all other data
    manipulation privileges, except UPDATE and REFERENCES. If you
    do not grant the SELECT privilege, you effectively deny SELECT,
    INSERT, and DELETE privileges, even if they are specified in the
    privilege list. It is not possible for you to deny yourself the
    SELECT privilege.

    For the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE data manipulation
    privileges, SQL checks the ACL for the database and for the
    individual table before allowing access to a specific table. For
    example, if you are granted SELECT privilege for the EMPLOYEES
    table, you are not able to select rows from the table unless you
    also have SELECT privilege for the database that contains the
    EMPLOYEES table.

    A user with the UPDATE privilege on the table automatically
    receives the UPDATE privilege on all columns in the table. To
    update a column, you must have the UPDATE privilege either for
    the column or the table. However, you can restrict the UPDATE
    privileges by defining them only on specific columns you want
    users to be able to update, and by removing the UPDATE privilege
    from the table entry.

    You can modify the data in a column only with the UPDATE
    privilege on the column and the SELECT privilege on the database.

    The REFERENCES privilege lets you define a constraint for a
    database with ANSI/ISO-style privileges. For a database with
    ACL-style privileges, you need the CREATE privilege to define a

    You cannot deny yourself the DBCTRL privilege for a database
    or table that you create. This restriction may cause GRANT
    statements to fail when you might expect them to work.

    For instance, suppose an ACL has no entry for PUBLIC. The
    following GRANT statement fails because it creates an entry for
    PUBLIC at the top of the ACL that does not include the DBCTRL
    privilege, effectively denying DBCTRL to all other entries on the
    list, including the owner:

    %RDB-E-NO_PRIV, privilege denied by database facility

8  –  role-name

    The name of a role, such as one created with the CREATE ROLE
    statement or one that can be created automatically. (If the role
    name exists as an operating system group or rights identifier,
    then Oracle Rdb will create the role automatically when you issue
    the GRANT statement. A role that is created automatically always
    has the attribute of IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY.)

9  –  TO

    Syntax options:

    TO identifier | TO PUBLIC

    Specifies the identifiers for the new or modified ACL entry.
    Specifying PUBLIC is equivalent to a wildcard specification of
    all user identifiers.

    You can specify four types of identifiers:

    o  User identifiers

    o  General identifiers

    o  System-defined identifiers

    o  Role names

    You can specify more than one identifier by combining them
    with plus signs (+).  Such identifiers are called  multiple
    identifiers. They identify only those users who are common to all
    the groups defined by the individual identifiers. Users who do
    not match all the identifiers are not controlled by that entry.

    For instance, the multiple identifier SECRETARIES + INTERACTIVE
    specifies only members of the group defined by the general
    identifier SECRETARIES that are interactive processes. It does
    not identify members of the SECRETARIES group that are not
    interactive processes.

    The following arguments briefly describe the three types of
    identifiers. For more information about identifiers, see your
    operating system documentation.

10  –  system-identifier

    System-defined identifiers are automatically defined by the
    system when the rights database is created at system installation
    time. System-defined identifiers are assigned depending on the
    type of login you execute. The following are all valid system-
    defined identifiers:


11  –  user-identifier

    Identifies each user on the system.

    The user identifier consists of the standard OpenVMS user
    identification code (UIC), a group name and a member name (user
    name). The group name is optional. The user identifier can be
    in either numeric or alphanumeric format. The following are all
    valid user identifiers that could identify the same user:

       [SYSTEM3, K_JONES]

    You can use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character as part of a
    user identifier. For example, if you want to specify all users in
    a group, you can enter [system3, *] as the identifier.

    When Oracle Rdb creates a database, it automatically creates an
    ACL entry with the identifier [*,*] (also known as PUBLIC), which
    specifies the privileges given to all users on the system.

    You cannot use more than one user identifier in a multiple
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