Stores existing database system file definitions in the
    repository for the first time. Use the INTEGRATE DATABASE
    FILENAME clause if you did not specify PATHNAME or the repository
    was not installed when you created the database.

    If you use the INTEGRATE DATABASE FILENAME clause, the repository
    database node specified in the path name must not exist. If
    older repository definitions do exist with the path name you
    are specifying, specify a different repository path name, placing
    the new database definitions elsewhere.

    The file-name clause is the full or partial file specification
    that specifies the source of the database definitions. You do
    not need to specify the file extension. The database system
    automatically uses the database root file ending with the .rdb
    file extension.

    Path-name-2 is the repository path name for the repository where
    the INTEGRATE statement creates the database definitions (using
    the database system files as the source). You can specify either
    a full repository path name or a relative repository path name.
    This must be the path name, not the name of the database itself.


    Alters any table and domain definitions created with the CREATE
    TABLE FROM statement or the CREATE DOMAIN FROM statement so they
    match their sources in the repository. The INTEGRATE . . . ALTER
    FILES statement has no effect on definitions not created with the
    FROM clause. This is useful if the database file definitions no
    longer match the definitions in the repository.

    Path-name-1 is the repository path name for the repository
    database that is the source for altering the definitions in the
    database. You can specify either a full repository path name or a
    relative repository path name.


       Using the ALTER FILES clause may destroy data associated
       with definitions in your database file if those definitions
       are not defined in your repository. In this situation, you
       will lose real data. For this reason, use the ALTER FILES
       clause with caution.


    Alters the database definitions in the dictionary so they are
    the same as those in the database. This is useful if repository
    definitions no longer match the definitions in the database
    file. Note, though, that altering database definitions in the
    repository may affect other applications that refer to these

    The repository must already exist and may contain definitions.

    Path-name-1 is the repository path name for the repository
    database that SQL alters using the definitions in the database
    file as a source. You can specify either a full repository path
    name or a relative path name.


    Alters the domain definitions in the database to match the field
    definitions in the repository. Collating sequences referenced
    by the domain and columns that are based on the domain and the
    tables that contain them may also be altered if they have changed
    in the repository.


    Alters the field definitions in the repository to match the
    domain definitions in the database. Collating sequences
    referenced by the domain and columns that are based on the domain
    and the tables that contain them may also be altered if they have
    changed in the database.


    Alters the table definitions in the database to match the record
    definitions in the repository. Other objects referencing the
    table or that are referenced by it and have changed definition in
    the repository may be altered. These other objects are:

    o  Domains

    o  Collating sequences

    o  Other referenced tables and columns

    o  Foreign key constraints and check constraints

    o  Indexes

    o  Views that reference the table

    o  Storage maps and storage areas referenced by an index


    Alters the record definitions in the repository to match the
    table definitions in the database. Other objects referencing the
    table or that are referenced by it and have changed definitions
    in the database may be altered. These other objects are:

    o  Fields

    o  Collating sequences

    o  Other referenced records and fields

    o  Foreign key constraints and check constraints

    o  Indexes
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