SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  LSE  General SQL Terms
    You can access online help for any placeholder in the LSE
    templates for SQL. To obtain this help while you are editing,
    position your cursor on the placeholder, then press the PF1 and
    PF2 keys in succession.

    The templates include some placeholders for low-level syntax.
    While these topics are essential to SQL, they are so general as
    to not be applicable at top-level help. This topic, General_SQL_
    Terms, serves as a location for the low-level help topics that
    LSE requires.

1  –  check_col_constraint


      +-> CONSTRAINT <constraint-name> -+|
    +-> PRIMARY KEY -----------------+
    +-> UNIQUE ----------------------+
    +-> NOT NULL --------------------+
    +-> NULL ------------------------+
    +-> CHECK (predicate) -----------+
    +-> references-clause -----------+
         +--> constraint-attributes --+

    Specifies a predicate that column values inserted into the table
    must satisfy.

2  –  col_clause

    A placeholder used in LSE templates for the DECLARE TABLE syntax.
    The col-clause placeholder allows the optional expansions of
    either the col-constraint or sql-and-dtr-clause placeholders.

    In the following syntax diagram for col-definition, col-clause
    is represented by the right-most syntax loop that includes col-
    constraint and the sql-and-dtr-clause.

  declare-col-definition =

  --> <column-name> --> data-type -++------------------------++->
                                   |+-> col-constraint ------+|
                                   |+-> sql-and-dtr-clause --+|
                                   +----------- <-------------+

    See also the Help topic on col-definition, located at this same

3  –  column_qualifier

    A placeholder used in LSE templates as an expansion of the
    column-name placeholder. The templates use the term column-
    qualifier to describe leftmost loop in the following syntax
    diagram for the column-name syntax.

  column-name =

  ---+----------->-----------------+-> <name-of-column> -->
     +-> <table-name> -------+> . -+
     +-> <view-name> --------+
     +-> <correlation-name> -+

    If you expand column-qualifier in the templates, you will see the
    optional items of table-name, view-name, and alias.

4  –  column_name

  column-name =

  ---+----------->-----------------+-> <name-of-column> -->
     +-> <table-name> -------+> . -+
     +-> <view-name> --------+
     +-> <correlation-name> -+

    You can name columns in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.
    In other SQL statements, the names you give to columns can be
    qualified by table name, view names, or aliases.

    The only time you must qualify column names is when they are
    ambiguous. Joining a table with itself and joining two tables
    with common column names are two cases that require qualified
    column names.

    You always have the option of qualifying column names. In complex
    statements, such qualifiers often make the statements more

5  –  col_definition

  col-definition =

  --> <column-name> --+
      +---> column-type ---+--------------------------+-+--+
      |                    +->DEFAULT   value-expr    | |  |
      |                    +->column-identity --------+ |  |
      +---> COMPUTED BY value-expr ---------------------+  |
        +-> col-constraint --+                |
       +-> comment-is-clause  --+     +-> sql-and-dtr-clause -+

    The definition for a column in the table. SQL gives you two ways
    to specify column definitions:

    o  By directly specifying a data type to associate with a column

    o  By naming a domain that indirectly specifies a data type to
       associate with a column name

    Either way also allows options of specifying column constraints
    and formatting clauses.


    FILENAME is a keyword used in SQL syntax that is always followed
    by a required file specification.

    See the online help for file_spec, located at this same level,
    for more information.

7  –  file_spec

    Specifies a valid file specification. A full file specification

    o  Network node name

    o  Device directory (on OpenVMS only)

    o  Directory name or list

    o  File name

    o  File type

    o  File version number (on OpenVMS only)

    For example, on OpenVMS a full file specification is:


    File specifications are used throughout SQL syntax. For
    example, when you first create a database, you give the file
    specifications for the database system files.

8  –  integer

    An integer is a whole number. It may be positive or negative,
    depending on its use, but cannot have a fractional part.

    SQL uses integers in many situations. For example, you specify an
    integer to refer to columns by column number.

9  –  n

    Specifies an integer. For the GRANT statement, the integer
    specifies the earliest relative position of the entry in the
    ACL. For the EDIT statement, the integer tells SQL to save the
    previous n statements.

10  –  parameter

    Parameters are a type of value expression. Many SQL clauses
    that will not accept more general value expressions require

    A parameter is a variable declared in a host language program
    that is associated with an SQL statement. The meaning of
    parameter encompasses host variables named directly in embedded
    SQL statements, actual and formal parameters in programs that
    use SQL module language, and parameter markers in the statement
    string of a PREPARE statement.

11  –  path_or_file

    Path-or-file is a placeholder used in LSE templates as an
    expansion of the attach-clause, alter-database-clause and create-
    database-clause placeholders.

    You can expand the path-or-file placeholder to the syntax
    FILENAME file-spec and PATHNAME path-name. See the online help
    for FILENAME and path_name, located at this level, for more
    information on those topics.

12  –  path_name

    A data dictionary path name can be:

    o  A full path name, such as CDD$TOP.MOLLY.SQL.PERSONNEL

    o  A relative path name

    o  A logical name for a full or relative path name

    Unless you use the PATHNAME argument in the CREATE DATABASE
    statement, SQL does not use the data dictionary to store data

    If you specify the PATHNAME argument when you first create a
    database, SQL creates a path name that contains copies of data
    definitions for the database.

13  –  quoted_string

    A quoted character string literal is a string of printable
    characters enclosed in single quotation marks. The maximum length
    of a character string is 1,024 octets. An unqualified character
    string must contain characters only from the literal character
    set of that session.

    The printable ASCII characters consist of:

    o  Uppercase alphabetic characters:


    o  Lowercase alphabetic characters:


    o  Numerals:


    o  Special characters:

       ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + ` ~

       [ ] { } ; : " \ | / ? > < . ,

    For a list of the printable characters for MCS, see the OpenVMS
    documentation; for a list of printable characters for the other
    supported character sets, see the standard for that character

14  –  database_id

    Database-id is a placeholder used in LSE templates. Database-id
    expands to the placeholders ALIAS alias-name, FILENAME file-spec,
    and PATHNAME path-name. See the online help for FILENAME and
    path_name, located at this level, for more information. See the
    Aliases HELP topic under the top-level topic User_Supplied_names
    for more information on aliases.
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