SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  Oracle SQL Functions
    SQL functions have been added to the OpenVMS Oracle Rdb SQL
    interface for convergence with Oracle SQL. Complete descriptions
    of these functions can be found in the Oracle Server SQL Language
    Reference Manual.

1  –  Optional Oracle SQL Functions

 Optionally, you can install the functions listed in Optional Oracle
 SQL Functions in your database from interactive SQL as shown in the
 following examples.
    The file is named SQL_FUNCTIONSnn.SQL, where "nn" is the version
    number. For example, use the following statement:

    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mydatabase';

    If you wish to use a character set other than DEC_MCS with the
    installable functions, you must first define the RDB$ORACLE_
    SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain as a character type using the desired
    character set before executing the preceding statements.
    Similarly, if you wish to use a date data type other than DATE
    VMS with the installable functions, you must first define the
    RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_DATE_DOM domain as a date data type before
    executing the preceding statements.

    For example,

    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mydatabase';

    If you choose, you may remove the installable functions from your
    database at a later time. However, you must release any dynamic
    SQL statements and disconnect any sessions that reference any
    of these functions before you can remove the functions. Use the
    following statements from interactive SQL if you wish to remove
    the installable functions from your database:

    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mydatabase';

    The file SYS$LIBRARY:SQL_FUNCTIONS_DROPnn.SQL, where "nn" is the
    version number.

    Optional Oracle SQL Functions gives a brief description of
    each of the functions that you can optionally install in your

    Table 1-12 Optional Oracle SQL Functions

    Function Name    Description     Restrictions

    ADD_MONTHS       Returns the     d must be of the same date data
    (d,n)            date d plus n   type as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     months.         DATE_DOM domain, which is bound
                                     when you install the Oracle SQL

    ACOS (n)         Returns the     n must be in the range of -1 to
                     arc cosine of   1, and the function returns a
                     n.              DOUBLE PRECISION value in the
                                     range of 0 to pi, expressed
                                     in radians. If the passed
                                     expression results in NULL then
                                     the result of ACOS will be NULL.
    The following example returns the arc cosine of .3:

    SQL> SELECT ACOS(.3) "Arc_Cosine" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;
    1 row selected

    ACOSH (n)        Returns the     n must be equal to or greater
                     hyperbolic arc  than 1. The function returns
                     cosine of n.    a DOUBLE PRECISION value. If
                                     either passed expression results
                                     in NULL then the result of ACOSH
                                     will be NULL.

    SQL> SELECT ACOSH(1.0) "Hyperbolic Arc Cosine" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;
       Hyperbolic Arc Cosine
    1 row selected

    ASCII (str)      Returns         str must be of the same
                     the decimal     character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     representation  SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     of the first    is bound when you install the
                     character of    Oracle SQL functions.
                     its argument.

    ASIN (n)         Returns the     n must be in the range of -
                     arc sine of n.  1 to 1. The function returns
                                     a DOUBLE PRECISION value in
                                     the range of -pi/2 to pi/2,
                                     expressed in radians. If the
                                     passed expression results in
                                     NULL then the result of ASIN
                                     will be NULL.
    The following example returns the arc sine of .3:

    1 row selected

    ASINH (n)        Returns the     The function returns a DOUBLE
                     hyperbolic arc  PRECISION value. If either
                     sine of n.      passed expression results in
                                     NULL then the result of ASINH
                                     will be NULL.

    90.0) "Hyperbolic Arc Sine" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;
         Hyperbolic Arc Sine
    1 row selected

    ATAN (n)         Returns the     n can be in an unbounded range
                     arc tangent of  and returns a value in the range
                     n.              of -pi/2 to pi/2, expressed
                                     in radians. If the passed
                                     expression results in NULL then
                                     the result of ATAN will be NULL.
    The following example returns the arc tangent of .3:

    SQL> SELECT ATAN(.3) "Arc_Tangent" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;
    1 row selected

    ATANH (n)        Returns the     n must be in the range of -
                     hyperbolic arc  1 to 1. The function returns
                     tangent of n    a DOUBLE PRECISION value. If
                     (in radians).   either passed expression results
                                     in NULL then the result of ATANH
                                     will be NULL.

    SQL> SELECT ATANH(0.905148254) "Hyperbolic Arc Tangent" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;

      Hyperbolic Arc Tangent
    1 row selected

    ATAN2 (n,m)      Returns the     n can be in an unbounded range
                     arc tangent of  and returns a value in the range
                     n and m.        of -pi to pi, depending on the
                                     signs of n and m, expressed in
                                     radians. ATAN2(n,m) is the same
                                     as ATAN(n/m). If either passed
                                     expression results in NULL then
                                     the result of ATAN2 will be

    SQL> SELECT ATAN2(.3, .2) "Arc_Tangent2" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;
    1 row selected

    BITAND           BITAND          This function is commonly used
    (expr1,expr2)    computes an     with the DECODE function. If
                     AND operation   the passed expression results
                     on the bits     in NULL then the result of the
                     of expr1 and    BITAND will be null.
                     expr2, both
                     of which must
                     resolve to
                     integers, and
                     returns an

    CEIL (n)         Returns the
                     greater than
                     or equal to n.

    CHR (n)          Returns the     The returned value is of type
                     character       RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM,
                     having          the character set of which
                     the binary      is bound when you install
                     equivalent to   the Oracle SQL functions. In
                     n.              addition, only 1 octet (byte) of
                                     data is encoded.

    COS (n)          Returns the
                     cosine of n
                     (an angle
                     expressed in

    COSH (n)         Returns the
                     cosine of n
                     (an angle
                     expressed in

    COT (n)          COT returns     The function returns a DOUBLE
                     the cotangent   PRECISION value. If either
                     of n.           passed expression results in
                                     NULL then the result of COT will
                                     be NULL.

    SQL> SELECT COT (3.14159265358979/4) "Cotangent" FROM Rdb$DATABASE;

    1 row selected

    EXP (n)          Returns e
                     raised to
                     the nth power
                     (e=2.71828183 . . .

    FLOOR (n)        Returns
                     the largest
                     integer equal
                     to or less
                     than n.

    HEXTORAW (str)   Converts its    str must be of the same
                     argument        character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     containing      SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     hexadecimal     is bound when you install the
                     digits to a     Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     raw character   returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     value.          SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM.

    INITCAP (str)    Returns         str must be of the same
                     the string      character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     argument,       SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     with the first  is bound when you install the
                     letter of       Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     each word in    returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     uppercase, all  SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM.
                     other letters
                     in lowercase.
                     Words are
                     by non-

    INSTR            Searches s1     s1 and s2 must be of the same
    (s1,s2[,n[,m]])  beginning       character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     with its nth    SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     character and   is bound when you install the
                     returns the     Oracle SQL functions. If either
                     character       n or m is omitted, they default
                     position        to 1.
                     of the mth
                     of s2 or 0 if
                     s2 does not
                     occur m times.
                     If n < 0, the
                     search starts
                     at the end of

    INSTRB           Searches s1     s1 and s2 must be of the same
    (s1,s2[,n[,m]])  beginning       character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     with its nth    SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     octet and       is bound when you install the
                     returns the     Oracle SQL functions. If either
                     octet position  n or m is omitted, they default
                     of the mth      to 1.
                     of s2 or 0 if
                     s2 does not
                     occur m times.
                     If n < 0, the
                     search starts
                     at the end of

    LAST_DAY (d)     Returns the     d must be of the same date data
                     last day of     type as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     the month that  DATE_DOM domain, which is bound
                     contains d.     when you install the Oracle SQL
                                     functions. The value returned is
                                     of type RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_DATE_

    LN (n)           Returns
                     the natural
                     logarithm of
                     n where n is
                     greater than

    LOG (m,n)        Returns the
                     logarithm base
                     m of n. The
                     base m can be
                     any positive
                     number other
                     than 0 or 1
                     and n can be
                     any positive

    LPAD (s,l,p)     Returns s       s and p must be of the same
                     left-padded to  character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     length l with   SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     the sequence    is bound when you install the
                     of characters   Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     in p. If s is   returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     longer than l,  SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM. There is no
                     this function   default for p as with Oracle.
                     returns that
                     portion of s
                     that fits in

    LTRIM            Removes         s1 and s2 must be of the same
    (s1[,s2])        characters      character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     from the        SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     left of s1,     is bound when you install the
                     with initial    Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     characters      returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     removed up      SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM. If omitted,s2
                     to the first    defaults to space.
                     character not
                     in s2.

    MOD (m,n)        Returns the
                     remainder of m
                     divided by n.
                     Returns m if n
                     is 0.

    MONTHS_BETWEEN   Returns the     d1 and d2 must be of the
    (d1,d2)          number of       same date data type as the
                     months between  RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_DATE_DOM
                     dates d1 and    domain, which is bound when
                     d2.             you install the Oracle SQL

    NEW_TIME         Returns the     d1 must be of the same date data
    (d1,z1,z2)       date and time   type as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     in time zone    DATE_DOM domain, which is bound
                     z2 when the     when you install the Oracle SQL
                     date and time   functions. z1 and z2 must be
                     in time zone    of the same character set as
                     z1 is d. Time   the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_
                     zones z1 and    DOM domain, which is also bound
                     z2 can be:      when you install the Oracle SQL
                     AST, ADT, BST,  functions. The value returned is
                     BDT, CST, CDT,  of type RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_DATE_
                     EST, EDT, GMT,  DOM.
                     HST, HDT, MST,
                     MDT, NST, PST,
                     PDT, YST, or

    NEXT_DAY         Returns the     d must be of the same date data
    (d,dayname)      date of the     type as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     first weekday   DATE_DOM domain, which is bound
                     named by        when you install the Oracle SQL
                     dayname that    functions. dayname must be of
                     is later than   the same character set as the
                     the date d.     RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM
                                     domain, which is also bound
                                     when you install the Oracle SQL
                                     functions. The value returned is
                                     of type RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_DATE_

    POWER (m,n)      Returns m
                     raised to the
                     nth power.
                     The base m and
                     the exponent
                     n can be any
                     number but if
                     m is negative,
                     n must be an

    RAWTOHEX (str)   Converts its    str must be of the same
                     raw argument    character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     to a character  SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     value           is also bound when you install
                     containing its  the Oracle SQL functions.
                     hexadecimal     The value returned is of type
                     equivalent.     RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM.

    REPLACE          Returns s1      s1, s2, and s3 must be of the
    (s1[,s2[,s3]])   with every      same character set as the
                     occurrence of   RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM
                     s2 replaced by  domain, which is bound when
                     s3.             you install the Oracle SQL
                                     functions. The value returned
                                     is of type RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                                     VCHAR_DOM. If omitted, s2 and s3
                                     default to an empty string.

    RPAD             Returns s       s and p must be of the same
    (s[,l[,p]])      left-padded to  character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     length l with   SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     the sequence    is also bound when you install
                     of characters   the Oracle SQL functions. The
                     in p. If s is   value returned is of type
                     longer than l,  RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM.
                     this function   If omitted, p defaults to a
                     returns that    space.
                     portion of s
                     that fits in

    RTRIM            Returns s2      s1 and s2 must be of the same
    (s1[,s2])        with final      character set as the RDB$ORACLE_
                     characters      SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM domain, which
                     after the last  is also bound when you install
                     character not   the Oracle SQL functions. The
                     in s2.          value returned is of type
                                     If omitted, s2 defaults to a

    SIN (n)          Returns the
                     sine of n
                     (an angle
                     expressed in

    SINH (n)         Returns the
                     sine of n
                     (an angle
                     expressed in

    SQRT (n)         Returns the
                     square root of
                     n. The value
                     of n cannot
                     be negative.
                     SQRT returns
                     a double

    SUBSTR           Returns a       s must be of the same character
    (s[,p[,l]])      portion of s,   set as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     l characters    VCHAR_DOM domain, which is
                     long,           also bound when you install the
                     beginning       Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     at character    returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     position p. If  SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM. If omitted, l
                     p is negative,  defaults to zero (0).
                     SUBSTR counts
                     backward from
                     the end of s.

    SUBSTRB          Same as         s must be of the same character
    (s[,p[,l]])      SUBSTR, except  set as the RDB$ORACLE_SQLFUNC_
                     p and l are     VCHAR_DOM domain, which is
                     expressed in    also bound when you install the
                     octets (bytes)  Oracle SQL functions. The value
                     rather than     returned is of type RDB$ORACLE_
                     characters.     SQLFUNC_VCHAR_DOM. If omitted, l
                                     defaults to zero (0).

    TAN (n)          Returns the
                     tangent of
                     n (an angle
                     expressed in

    TANH (n)         Returns the
                     tangent of
                     n (an angle
                     expressed in
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