SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  Routines
 All the routines described here can be called from any host language
 program that calls an SQL module or from any SQL precompiled
 program. These routines cannot be called from an SQL module.

       SQL defines all routines in uppercase on OpenVMS.
       Application programs must adhere to the rules about case-
       sensitivity of the language compiler to ensure that the
       programs call the routines correctly.

1  –  sql_close_cursors

1.1  –  Format

    sql_close_cursors ()

1.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

1.3  –  Arguments


1.4  –  Description

    The sql_close_cursors routine closes all open cursors.

1.5  –  Related Routines


2  –  sql_deregister_error_handler

    Deregisters an application's error handling routine

2.1  –  Format

    sql_deregister_error_handler ()

2.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

2.3  –  Arguments


2.4  –  Description

    The sql_deregister_error_handler routine deregisters the
    application's currently registered error handling routine.

    When you deregister a routine, SQL discontinues using the
    application's currently registered error handling routine. The
    standard error handling mechanisms are always in effect.

2.5  –  Related Routines

    o  sql_get_error_handler

    o  sql_register_error_handler

3  –  sql_get_error_handler

    Gets the address of the application's currently registered error
    handling routine and the address of the user-specified data

3.1  –  Format

    sql_get_error_handler (user-error-routine, user-data)

3.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

3.3  –  Arguments

3.3.1  –  user-error-routine

    The address of an application's error handling routine

    Value:         Address of an application's error handling routine
    Data type:     Longword
    Passing        By reference

3.3.2  –  user-data

    The address of the user-specified data

    Value:         Address of the user-specified data
    Data type:     Longword
    Passing        By reference

3.4  –  Description

    The sql_get_error_handler routine gets the address of the
    application's currently registered error handling routine and
    the address of the user-specified data.

    An application can use the sql_get_error_handler routine to
    get the address of the currently registered routine and user-
    specified data. The application can store the values in variables
    for use later in the program.

3.5  –  Related Routines

    o  sql_register_error_handler

    o  sql_deregister_error_handler

4  –  sql$get_error_text

    Passes error text with formatted ASCII output to programs for

4.1  –  Format

    sql$get_error_text (buf [,errmsglen])

4.2  –  Returns

    The status code that results from the copy operation of the
    vector's text to the user's buffer.

4.3  –  Arguments

4.3.1  –  buf

    The buffer declared to receive the text

    Value:         Address of the buffer declared to receive the text
    Data type:     Character string
    Passing        By descriptor

4.3.2  –  errmsglen

    The number of characters allotted for the error messages to be
    returned. This parameter is optional.

    Value:         Number of characters allotted for the error
    Data type:     Word
    Passing        By reference

4.4  –  Description

    Use the sql$get_error_text routine when you want to pass error
    text with formatted ASCII output (FAO) substitutions to your
    program for processing.

    To use the sql$get_error_text routine, you must include a buffer
    (field) in your program declarations to receive the text SQL will
    pass to it. Declare this field as a text string with a length
    sufficient to accommodate the number of characters you expect
    for the message associated with the RDB$LU_STATUS value and for
    all follow-on messages. As an option, you can declare the buffer
    length as a separate field (defined as a signed word).

4.5  –  Related Routines

    o  sql_get_error_text

5  –  sql_get_error_text

    Passes error text with formatted ASCII output to programs for

5.1  –  Format

    sql_get_error_text (buf, len, errmsglen)

5.2  –  Returns

    The status code that results from the copy operation of the
    vector's text to the user's buffer.

5.3  –  Arguments

5.3.1  –  buf

    The buffer declared to receive the text.

    Value:         Address of the buffer declared to receive the text
    Data type:     Character string
    Passing        By reference

5.3.2  –  len

    The length of the buffer declared to receive the text.

    Value:         The length of the character string pointed to by
                   the first parameter
    Data type:     Longword
    Passing        By value

5.3.3  –  errmsglen

    The number of characters allotted for the error messages to be

    Value:         Number of characters allotted for the error
    Data type:     Longword
    Passing        By reference

5.4  –  Description

    Use the sql_get_error_text routine when you want to pass error
    text with formatted ASCII output (FAO) substitutions to your
    program for processing.

    To use the sql_get_error_text routine, you must include a buffer
    (field) in your program declarations to receive the text SQL will
    pass to it. Declare this field as a text string with a length
    sufficient to accommodate the number of characters you expect for
    the message associated with the RDB$LU_STATUS value and for all
    follow-on messages.

5.5  –  Related Routines

    o  sql$get_error_text

6  –  sql_get_message_vector

    Retrieves information from the message vector about the status of
    the last SQL statement.

6.1  –  Format

    sql_get_message_vector (addr, index)

6.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

6.3  –  Arguments

6.3.1  –  addr

    Address of a variable into which the requested vector element
    will be written.

    Value:         Address of the variable declared to receive the
                   vector element
    Data type:     longword (32 bit)
    Passing        By reference

6.3.2  –  index

    The index value of the vector element to return.

    Value:         A value greater than or equal to 1 and less than
                   or equal to 20
    Data type:     Unsigned longword
    Passing        By value

    The following table shows the index values and how they map to
    vector elements and the information contained in each vector

    Value Information Returned

    1     Number of arguments in the vector
    2     Primary status code of the last SQL statement
    3     Number of FAO arguments to primary message
    4-20  Return status for follow-on messages, if any

6.4  –  Description

    Use the sql_get_message_vector routine to retrieve information
    from the RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR array. The array provides information
    about the execution status of SQL statements. Index 2 of the sql_
    get_message_vector routine returns the primary status code of
    the last SQL statement. This index is comparable to the SQLCODE
    status parameter.

    The ANSI/ISO SQL standard does not include the sql_get_message_
    vector routine or the RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR array. For application
    programs that comply with the standard, use the SQLCODE or
    SQLSTATE status parameters. Furthermore, the status values
    returned for a particular condition may change in future versions
    of Oracle Rdb.

    The status values that are stored in the message vector are
    intended to be supplementary information to the status parameters
    SQLCODE and SQLSTATE. Use the sql_get_message_vector routine if
    the information provided by SQLCODE or SQLSTATE is ambiguous and
    your application needs a more specific error code to handle the
    error condition.

    Relationship Between sql_message_vector and RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR
    shows the relationship between the indexes returned by sql_
    message_vector and the fields in RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR.

    Table 1-1 Relationship Between sql_message_vector and

    Indexes                     RDB$MESSAGE_VECTOR Fields

    Index 1                     RDB$LU_NUM_ARGUMENTS
    Index 2                     RDB$LU_STATUS
    Index 3                     RDB$LU_ARGUMENTS
    Index 4-20                  Return status for follow-on messages,
                                if any

6.5  –  Related Routines


7  –  sql_register_error_handler

    Registers an application's error handling routines with the SQL

7.1  –  Format

    sql_register_error_handler (user-error-routine, user-data)

7.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

7.3  –  Arguments

7.3.1  –  user-error-routine

    The address of an application's error handling routine

    Value:         Address of an application's error handling routine
    Data type:     Address
    Passing        By value

7.3.2  –  user-data

    The address of the user-specified data

    Value:         Address of the user-specified data
    Data type:     Address
    Passing        By value

7.4  –  Description

    The sql_register_error_handler routine registers the
    application's error handling routine with SQL. When SQL
    determines that it will return a negative value for SQLCODE, SQL
    calls the error handling routine that is currently registered.
    The standard error handling routines are always in effect,
    whether special error handling routines have been registered or
    not. After the error handling routine executes, control returns
    to SQL.

    An application can contain and call more than one error handling
    routine. However, only one routine can be active at a time.

    An application can use the sql_get_error_handler routine to store
    the address of a registered routine for use later in the program.

    To deregister a routine, use the sql_deregister_error_handler

    For information about declaring the error handling routines in
    the supported programming languages, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to
    SQL Programming.

7.5  –  Related Routines

    o  sql_deregister_error_handler

    o  sql_get_error_handler

8  –  sql_signal

8.1  –  Format

    sql_signal ()

8.2  –  Returns

    No value returned.

8.3  –  Arguments


8.4  –  Description

    The sql_signal routine signals to your program condition handler
    an error that occurs on the execution of an SQL statement. If
    your program does not contain a condition handler, the sql_
    routine prints an error message and exits the program when an
    error occurs.

    If the host language compiler does not provide a signaling
    mechanism, you must provide your own condition handler.

8.5  –  Related Routines

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