The SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC function returns the same session information available to the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement. This function provides a shorthand method of fetching values without requiring a compound statement, or an intermediate variable. Syntax: SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC ( statement-item-name ) -> For the list of keywords acceptable by this function please see the statement-item-name syntax under the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement. Each keyword used with SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC will cause the result to have a different associated data type. Please refer to the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement for the returned data types. The following example shows the return of session information. SQL> select SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC (CONNECTION_NAME) as CONN, cont> SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC (SERVER_IDENTIFICATION) as IDENT, cont> SYS_GET_DIAGNOSTIC (DATABASE_HANDLE) as DBHANDLE cont> from GET_DIAG; CONN IDENT DBHANDLE RDB$DEFAULT_CONNECTION Oracle Rdb V7.2-501 1 1 row selected SQL>