Assigns the named row cache as the default for all storage areas in the database. All rows stored in an area, whether they consist of table data, segmented string data, or special rows such as index nodes, are cached. You must create the row cache before terminating the CREATE DATABASE statement. For example: SQL> CREATE DATABASE FILENAME test_db cont> ROW CACHE IS ENABLED cont> CACHE USING test1 cont> CREATE CACHE test1 cont> CACHE SIZE IS 100 ROWS cont> CREATE STORAGE AREA area1; You can override the database default row cache by either specifying the CACHE USING clause after the CREATE STORAGE AREA clause or by later altering the database and storage area to assign a new row cache. Only one row cache is allowed for each storage area. If you do not specify the CACHE USING clause or the NO ROW CACHE clause, NO ROW CACHE is the default for the database.