Specifies the number of buffers allocated to the automatic recovery process that Oracle Rdb initiates after a system or process failure. This recovery process uses the recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file. Specify an unsigned integer greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 32,767. The default value for the NUMBER OF RECOVERY BUFFERS parameter is 20 buffers. If you have a large, multifile database and you are working on a system with a large amount of memory, specify a large number of buffers. This result is faster recovery time. However, make sure your buffer pool does not exceed the amount of memory you can allocate for the pool. if the number of buffers is too large for the amount of memory on your system, the system may be forced to perform virtual paging of the buffer pool. This can slow performance time because the operating system must perform the virtual paging of the buffer pool in addition to reading database pages. You may want to experiment to determine the optimal number of buffers for your database. Use the NUMBER OF RECOVERY BUFFERS option to increase the number of buffers allocated to the recovery process. SQL> CREATE DATABASE FILENAME personnel cont> NUMBER OF RECOVERY BUFFERS 150; This option is used only if the NUMBER OF RECOVERY BUFFERS value is larger than the NUMBER OF BUFFERS value. For more information, see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.