Mode is a value assigned to an outline when it is generated by the optimizer. The default mode is 0. Specify a signed integer. If you create multiple outlines for a single query, the outlines cannot have the same outline mode. When more than one outline exists for a query, you can set the RDMS$BIND_OUTLINE_MODE logical name to the value of the outline mode for the outline you want the optimizer to use. For example, if you have a query that runs during the day and at night and you created two outlines for the query, you could keep the default outline mode of 0 for the outline to be used during the day, and assign an outline mode of -1 for the outline to be used at night. By setting the RDMS$BIND_ OUTLINE_MODE logical name to -1 at night, the appropriate outline is run at the appropriate time. Valid values for modes are -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Positive mode values are reserved for future use, so it is recommended that you specify a value between 0 and -2,147,483,648 for the mode value.