The name of a domain created in a CREATE DOMAIN statement. SQL gives the column the data type specified in the domain. For more information on domains, see the CREATE DOMAIN statement. For most purposes, you should specify a domain instead of an explicit data type. o Domains ensure that all columns in multiple tables that serve the same purpose have the same data type. For example, several tables in the sample personnel database refer to the domain ID_DOM. o A domain lets you change the data type for all columns that refer to it in one operation by changing the domain itself with an ALTER DOMAIN statement. For example, if you want to change the data type for the column EMPLOYEE_ID from CHAR(5) to CHAR(6), you need only alter the data type for the domain ID_DOM. You do not have to alter the data type for the column EMPLOYEE_ID in the tables DEGREES, EMPLOYEES, JOB_HISTORY, or SALARY_HISTORY, nor do you have to alter the column MANAGER_ID in the DEPARTMENTS table. However, you might not want to use domains when you create tables if: o Your application must be compatible with Oracle RDBMS. o You are creating intermediate result tables that do not need the advantages of domains.