Example 1: Declaring a table cursor in interactive SQL The following example declares a cursor named SALARY_INFO. The result table for SALARY_INFO contains the names and current salaries of employees and is sorted by last name. SQL> -- SQL> DECLARE SALARY_INFO CURSOR FOR cont> SELECT E.FIRST_NAME, E.LAST_NAME, S.SALARY_AMOUNT cont> FROM EMPLOYEES E, SALARY_HISTORY S cont> WHERE E.EMPLOYEE_ID = S.EMPLOYEE_ID cont> AND cont> S.SALARY_END IS NULL cont> ORDER BY cont> E.LAST_NAME ASC; SQL> -- SQL> -- Use an OPEN statement to open the cursor and SQL> -- position it before the first row of the SQL> -- result table: SQL> OPEN SALARY_INFO; SQL> -- SQL> -- Finally, use two FETCH statements to see the SQL> -- first two rows of the cursor: SQL> FETCH SALARY_INFO; E.FIRST_NAME E.LAST_NAME S.SALARY_AMOUNT Louie Ames $26,743.00 SQL> FETCH SALARY_INFO; E.FIRST_NAME E.LAST_NAME S.SALARY_AMOUNT Leslie Andriola $50,424.00 Example 2: Declaring a table cursor in a C program This simple program uses embedded DECLARE CURSOR, OPEN, and FETCH statements to retrieve and print the names and departments of managers. #include <stdio.h> void main () { int SQLCODE; char FNAME[15]; char LNAME[15]; char DNAME[31]; /* Declare the cursor: */ exec sql DECLARE MANAGER CURSOR FOR SELECT E.FIRST_NAME, E.LAST_NAME, D.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES E, DEPARTMENTS D WHERE E.EMPLOYEE_ID = D.MANAGER_ID ; /* Open the cursor: */ exec sql OPEN MANAGER; /* Start a loop to process the rows of the cursor: */ for (;;) { /* Retrieve the rows of the cursor and put the value in host language variables: */ exec sql FETCH MANAGER INTO :FNAME, :LNAME, :DNAME; if (SQLCODE != 0) break; /* Print the values in the variables: */ printf ("%s %s %s\n", FNAME, LNAME, DNAME); } /* Close the cursor: */ exec sql CLOSE MANAGER; } Example 3: Using table and list cursors to retrieve list data in interactive SQL The following example declares a table and list cursor to retrieve list information: SQL> DECLARE TBLCURSOR INSERT ONLY TABLE CURSOR FOR cont> SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID, RESUME FROM RESUMES; SQL> DECLARE LSTCURSOR INSERT ONLY LIST CURSOR FOR SELECT RESUME WHERE CURRENT OF TBLCURSOR; SQL> OPEN TBLCURSOR; SQL> INSERT INTO CURSOR TBLCURSOR (EMPLOYEE_ID) VALUES ('00164'); 1 row inserted SQL> OPEN LSTCURSOR; SQL> INSERT INTO CURSOR LSTCURSOR VALUES ('This is the resume for 00164'); SQL> INSERT INTO CURSOR LSTCURSOR VALUES ('Boston, MA'); SQL> INSERT INTO CURSOR LSTCURSOR VALUES ('Oracle Corporation'); SQL> CLOSE LSTCURSOR; SQL> CLOSE TBLCURSOR; SQL> COMMIT; SQL> DECLARE TBLCURSOR2 CURSOR FOR SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID, cont> RESUME FROM RESUMES; SQL> DECLARE LSTCURSOR2 LIST CURSOR FOR SELECT RESUME WHERE CURRENT OF TBLCURSOR2; SQL> OPEN TBLCURSOR2; SQL> FETCH TBLCURSOR2; 00164 SQL> OPEN LSTCURSOR2; SQL> FETCH LSTCURSOR2; RESUME This is the resume for 00164 SQL> FETCH LSTCURSOR2; RESUME Boston, MA SQL> FETCH LSTCURSOR2; RESUME Oracle Corporation SQL> FETCH LSTCURSOR2; RESUME %RDB-E-STREAM_EOF, attempt to fetch past end of record stream SQL> CLOSE LSTCURSOR2; SQL> SELECT * FROM RESUMES; EMPLOYEE_ID RESUME 00164 1:701:2 1 row selected SQL> CLOSE TBLCURSOR2; SQL> COMMIT; Example 4: Using the scroll attribute for a list cursor The following example declares a table and read-only scrollable list cursor to retrieve list information by scrolling back and forth between segments of the list: SQL> DECLARE CURSOR_ONE cont> TABLE CURSOR FOR cont> (SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID,RESUME FROM RESUMES); SQL> -- SQL> DECLARE CURSOR_TWO cont> READ ONLY cont> SCROLL cont> LIST CURSOR cont> FOR SELECT RESUME cont> WHERE CURRENT OF CURSOR_ONE; Example 5: Declaring a holdable cursor SQL> -- Declare a holdable cursor that remains open on COMMIT SQL> -- SQL> DECLARE curs1 CURSOR cont> WITH HOLD PRESERVE ON COMMIT cont> FOR SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name cont> FROM employees e cont> ORDER BY e.last_name; SQL> OPEN curs1; SQL> FETCH curs1; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Louie Ames SQL> FETCH curs1; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Leslie Andriola SQL> COMMIT; SQL> FETCH curs1; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Joseph Babbin SQL> FETCH curs1; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Dean Bartlett SQL> ROLLBACK; SQL> FETCH curs1; %SQL-F-CURNOTOPE, Cursor CURS1 is not opened SQL> -- SQL> -- Declare another holdable cursor that remains open always SQL> -- SQL> DECLARE curs2 CURSOR cont> WITH HOLD PRESERVE ALL cont> FOR SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name cont> FROM employees e cont> ORDER BY e.last_name; SQL> OPEN curs2; SQL> FETCH curs2; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Louie Ames SQL> FETCH curs2; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Leslie Andriola SQL> COMMIT; SQL> FETCH curs2; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Joseph Babbin SQL> FETCH curs2; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Dean Bartlett SQL> ROLLBACK; SQL> FETCH curs2; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME Wes Bartlett