Controls the size of the editing buffer that you create when you use the EDIT statement with a wildcard as the argument. o SET EDIT KEEP n Tells SQL to save the previous n statements. For example, assume you have specified SET EDIT KEEP 5. When you type EDIT *, SQL places the previous five statements in the editing buffer. The number you specify with SET EDIT KEEP is the maximum number of statements you can recall with the EDIT statement. The default is 20. o SET EDIT NOKEEP This statement is equivalent to SET EDIT KEEP 0. If you use this form of the statement and you type EDIT or EDIT *, your editing buffer will be empty. This form of the statement saves system resources when you are running command files rather than an interactive process. o SET EDIT PURGE This statement retains the value of the KEEP parameter but purges all previous statements. As with SET EDIT NOKEEP, if you use the SET EDIT PURGE statement and then EDIT or EDIT *, your editing buffer will be empty. Unlike the SET EDIT NOKEEP statement, however, SET EDIT PURGE causes SQL to accumulate subsequent statements to place in the editing buffer when you issue EDIT statements later in the interactive session.