The OFFSET clause allows the database programmer to start fetching the result rows from the specified offset within the result table. OFFSET accepts a numeric value expression which may contain arbitrary arithmetic operators, function calls, subselect clauses or sequence references. The subselect clauses may not reference columns in the outer query as it is evaluated before row processing begins. The OFFSET clause is equivalent in functionality to the SKIP clause currently supported by the LIMIT TO clause. The distinction is that OFFSET can be specified without a row limit. This following query uses a subselect in the OFFSET clause to locate the median (or middle) row of the sorted set. SQL> select e.last_name, e.first_name, employee_id, sh.salary_amount cont> from salary_history sh inner join employees e using (employee_id) cont> where sh.salary_end is null cont> order by sh.salary_amount cont> offset (select count(*) cont> from salary_history cont> where salary_end is null)/2 rows cont> fetch next row only; E.LAST_NAME E.FIRST_NAME EMPLOYEE_ID SH.SALARY_AMOUNT Boyd Ann 00244 $24,166.00 1 row selected SQL>