Storage areas are data and snapshot files that are associated with one or more tables in a multifile database. You name storage areas in CREATE STORAGE AREA clauses within CREATE DATABASE or IMPORT statements. The CREATE STORAGE MAP statements control which parts of which tables get stored in a particular storage area. In syntax diagrams, the syntax element area-name specifies that you supply the name of a storage area at that place in the statement. In CREATE STORAGE AREA clauses and in other SQL statements, the names you give to storage areas in the CREATE statement can be qualified by aliases. You must use ASCII alphanumeric characters for the storage area name. NOTE In syntax diagrams, the area-name syntax element refers to either the qualified or unqualified form of the name given to the storage area in the CREATE STORAGE AREA clause. area-name = -+---------------+-> <name-of-area> -----> +---> <alias> . +