Displays the name of the current startup database or its components as well as the startup logging options selected with the STARTUP SET OPTIONS command. Format STARTUP SHOW DATABASE FILE OPTIONS
1 – Parameters
DATABASE Displays the name of the current startup database. The two startup databases are STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED and STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS. VSI recommends that you do not modify the STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS database. FILE Displays the contents of the current startup database. The display includes the file name, phase, and mode of execution for each component in the database. OPTIONS Displays the options selected when using the STARTUP SET OPTIONS command.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /FULL
Displays full information about each component in the database. In addition to the phase, file name, and mode of execution for each startup component, SYSMAN displays the nodes on which the file executes and the parameters passed to the file. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter.
2.2 /NODE
Displays the nodes within the cluster on which the file executes. By default, a startup file executes on all nodes in an environment. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter.
/OUTPUT=filespec Redirects command output from SYS$OUTPUT to the file named with the qualifier. Without a filespec, SYSMAN writes the output to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory.
Lists the parameters with which the startup file executes. Parameters that are not specified receive the defaults defined by the system parameter STARTUP_Pn. If STARTUP_Pn is blank, "FULL" is used as parameter 1 (P1) and is passed by STARTUP.COM to each startup component file. If you want a blank P1 parameter given to a specific component file, see the /PARAMETER qualifier under STARTUP MODIFY command for instructions.
2.5 /PHASE
/PHASE=phase-name Displays components that execute in a specific phase of system startup. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter.
3 – Example
SYSMAN> STARTUP SET DATABASE STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS SYSMAN> STARTUP SHOW FILE %SYSMAN-I-COMPFIL, contents of component database on node LUCERN Phase Mode File ----- ---- -------------------------------- BASEENVIRON DIRECT VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_LIB.COM BASEENVIRON CALLED VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_SMISERVER.COM BASEENVIRON DIRECT VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_VMS.COM . . . The commands in this example display the contents of the startup database.