Indicates the step of the booting process at which you want the
    image loaded. Valid load steps are INIT (which causes the system
    initialization code to load the image), and SYSINIT (which causes
    the SYSINIT process to load the image).

    If you do not specify a value for the /LOAD_STEP qualifier, it
    defaults to SYSINIT.

2    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether the SYS_LOADABLE ADD command displays a
    notification after the entry has been added.


    Enables you to specify the text of a message that is displayed
    when the appropriate condition is met (see the /SEVERITY
    qualifier). The default message is "system image load failed".


    Determines how the image load status will affect console output
    and booting progress. You can specify the following values for
    this qualifier:

    Value       Description

    FATAL       If an error occurs loading the image, display the
                error message and BUGCHECK information.
    INFORMATION Display the message and continue processing.
    SUCCESS     Continue even if loading the image produces an error.
                Does not display the message.
    WARNING     If an error occurs loading the image, display the
                error message and continue processing.

    If you do not specify a value for the /SEVERITY qualifier, it
    defaults to WARNING.
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