
         CDDL/RECOMPILE [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]...

  The CDDL/RECOMPILE command enables you to recompile DMU record
  definitions from the source text stored in the dictionary.  This
  command is useful if you have modified a DMU record definition that is
  the template record for COPY field descriptions.  You can use
  CDDL/RECOMPILE to recompile those record definitions that copy the
  modified template record.

1  –  path-name

  Specifies a record definition to be recompiled.  You can use the full
  or the relative path name.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ACL



  In the CDDL/RECOMPILE command, you can use /ACL with /VERSION to copy
  the ACL from the previous highest version of the object into the newly
  created version.  Use /NOACL to prevent creation of any access control
  list for the new object.

  You can only use /[NO]ACL with /VERSION.  Otherwise, the new DMU record
  description has the same access control list as the record it replaced.

  /ACL is the default.

2.2    /AUDIT


             /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)]

  Use /AUDIT to create a history list entry auditing the creation of each
  record definition.

  You can include explanatory text in the history list entries in either
  of two ways.  Either enclose a series of strings in double quotation
  marks, or specify a file whose contents are to be included in the
  history list entry.

  /NOAUDIT is the default.  With /NOAUDIT, no new history list entries
  are created.

2.3    /COPY_LIST



  Use /COPY_LIST with /LISTING to expand in the listing file all template
  records included in a record description.  CDDL extracts all template
  records and inserts the corresponding CDDL source in the output listing
  file.  In the listing, CDDL inserts a "T" in the first character of
  each line that is part of an expanded template record.  You cannot
  specify /NOLISTING and /COPY_LIST.

  /NOCOPY_LIST is the default.

2.4    /LISTING


             /LISTING [=file-specification]

  Use /LISTING to write an output file containing the source definition
  and CDDL messages.  The file specification is a standard OpenVMS file
  specification, and the default file type is .LIS.  /LISTING is the

  /NOLISTING prevents creation of the listing file.

2.5    /PATH


             /PATH = path-name

  Use /PATH to name a default directory from which to trace the path
  names in the CDDL source files.  The CDDL uses your normal CDD$DEFAULT
  directory if you do not specify /PATH.

2.6    /VERSION



  Use /VERSION to compile an existing record definition, creating an
  additional version of it.  CDDL/RECOMPILE/VERSION compiles the record
  you specify but does not replace it.  Instead, it creates an additional
  version of the record definition with version number one greater than
  the previous highest.

  /NOVERSION is the default.  Use /NOVERSION to replace the recompiled
  version of the record with the newly compiled version.

2.7    /V2



  The /V2 qualifier causes the compiler to use the CDD V2.0 defaults for
  the signs of the fixed point numbers.  With this qualifier, BYTE, WORD,
  and LONGWORD datatypes are unsigned by default, but QUADWORD and
  OCTAWORD datatypes are signed.

  If you do not specify the /V2 qualifier, all the fixed point datatypes
  are unsigned by default.
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