VMS Help  —  COBOL  Run-Time Messages
   This subset of VSI COBOL run-time messages includes those that
   require additional explanation.


  Error during ACCEPT from default input device

  Explanation:  The data you entered in response to an ACCEPT WITH
  CONVERSION statement, which did not include an ON EXCEPTION phrase,
  caused a conversion error.  The data in question was not properly
  formatted for the data type of the data-item you entered.

  User Action:  If you want your program to handle incorrectly
  formatted data, add an ON EXCEPTION phrase to the ACCEPT statement.
  When the ON EXECEPTION phrase executes, your application can take
  the necessary corrective action.


  File is already open

  Explanation:  The program attempts to open a file on a file
  connector that is already open.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic.  If you expect that some
  cases will attempt to open a file connector that is already open,
  add a declarative procedure to handle this condition.


  argument(s) to FUNCTION ANNUITY out of bounds

  Explanation:  One or both of these rules were violated:

    a. Argument-1 must be greater than or equal to zero.

    b. Argument-2 must be positive.

  User Action:  If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Internal consistency check failure

  Explanation:  The system detects a defect in the COBOL Run-time
  Library.  Under normal operation, this message should never appear.

  User Action:  Please report the problem via the normal problem
  reporting channels and include an example that reproduces the


  Call failed to find program

  Explanation:  The program specified in the CALL statement is not
  part of the run-unit, and the CALL statement does not include an

  User Action:  You must take one or more of the following actions:

      a. If you think that the program specified in the CALL
         statement may not be part of the run-unit, add an
         ON OVERFLOW or ON EXCEPTION phrase to the CALL

         If the program named in the error message is part of
         the run-unit, check the scope of names rules.  The
         named program may not be in a scope that is visible
         to the calling program.

      b. Check to see if the DCL LINK command produced any
         undefined symbol warnings.  Executing a CALL statement
         to a program named in an undefined symbol warning
         results in the CALL_FAILED error at run time.

      c. Check to see if the object file containing the called
         program was properly linked into the run-unit.  Specify
         /MAP/FULL/CROSS with the LINK command to produce a listing
         map that shows the object files and the programs within
         the object files that are part of the run-unit.

      d. Verify the spelling of the named program.


  Cancel failed to find program

  Explanation: The program specified in the CANCEL statement is not
  part of the run-unit.

  User Action:  You must take one or more of the following actions:

      a. If you think that the program specified in the CANCEL
         statement may not be part of the run-unit, add an
         ON OVERFLOW phrase to the CANCEL statement.

         If the program named in the error message is part of
         the run-unit, check the scope of names rules.  The
         named program may not be in a scope that is visible
         to the calling program.

      b. Check to see if the DCL LINK command produced any
         undefined symbol warnings.  Executing a CANCEL
         statement to a program named in an undefined symbol
         warning results in the CANCEL_FAILED error at run time.

      c. Check to see if the object file containing the called
         program was properly linked into the run-unit.  Specify
         /MAP/FULL/CROSS with the LINK command to produce a listing
         map that shows the object files and the programs within
         the object files that are part of the run-unit.

      d. Verify the spelling of the named program.


  argument to FUNCTION CHAR out of bounds

  Explanation:  Function argument must be greater than zero and
  less than or equal to the number of positions in the collating

  User Action:  If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Unknown error during CLOSE

  Explanation:  The system produced an error when closing a file.
  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action:  Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the CLOSE statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  File was closed with lock

  Explanation:  The program attempted to perform an OPEN statement
  on a file that had been closed with a CLOSE WITH LOCK statement.

  User Action:  Check the program logic.  The WITH LOCK phrase
  indicates that the specified file connector cannot be used
  in a subsequent OPEN statement for the duration of the execution
  of the run-unit.  The WITH LOCK phrase has no relation to the
  ALLOWING NO OTHERS file sharing option.


  argument to FUNCTION DATE-OF-INTEGER out of bounds

  Explanation: Function argument must be greater than zero.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  argument to FUNCTION DAY-OF-INTEGER out of bounds

  Explanation: Function argument must be greater than zero.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Error during DELETE on file

  Explanation:  The system produced an error when executing a DELETE
  statement.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the DELETE statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  Error during DISPLAY on file

  Explanation:  This error indicates an unexpected error condition
  during the execution of a DISPLAY statement.  Under normal
  operation, this message should never appear.

  User Action:  Check to see if there is any external interference
  with the display device.  For all device types, possible problems
  may include a device that is off line or a user who does not have
  the necessary privileges to write to a display device.  If the
  device is a file, possible problems may include a full disk or
  disk quota exceeded.

14  –  DIVBY_ZER

  Divide by zero; execution continues

  Explanation:  The program executed a DIVIDE operation with the
  value zero for the divisor, and the statement does not contain an
  ON SIZE ERROR clause.  Execution continues with undefined results.

  User Action:  You must take one of the following actions:

      a. Check the program logic.  If you expect that your program
         may attempt to divide by zero, add an ON SIZE ERROR clause
         to the DIVIDE statement.

      b. If this error occurs in the context of an expression that
         cannot include an ON SIZE ERROR clause, such as an IF
         statement, evaluate the expression in a DIVIDE or COMPUTE
         statement with an ON SIZE ERROR clause, storing the result
         in a temporary variable.  Use that variable in the expression


  argument to FUNCTION FACTORIAL out of bounds

  Explanation:  Function  argument must be  in  the range of 0
  through 33.

  User Action:  If this is not the desired result,  modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  File attributes not matched

  Explanation: The file organization of the file on the disk does not
  match the organization specified in the file connector.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Check the program logic, and verify that the file you
         specified is the one you intended.

      b. Use the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL to check the file
         organization of the file.


  File is locked by another program

  Explanation: The specified disk file has already been opened by
  another file connector, using file sharing options that prohibit
  the current program from opening the same file.  The program that
  successfully opened the file could be part of the same run-unit,
  or it could belong to a different person running another program.

  User Action: You must take the following actions:

      a. Check the program logic, and verify that the file
         being opened is the one you intended.

      b. If you expect that some cases will attempt to open a
         file that is already open, add a declarative procedure
         to handle this condition.

      c. If the file should be available for sharing, use the
         DCL command SHOW DEVICE /FILES to find the process that
         has the file open and locked.  In a clustered environment,
         perform this DCL command on each node in the cluster.

      d. Once you have identified the process, use the DCL command
         SHOW PROCESS /CONTINUOUS to find the program that is being

      e. Check the program logic and the file sharing options for
         the program that has the file locked.


  File not found

  Explanation: The specified file is not present.

  User Action: You must take the following actions:

      a. Check the spelling of the filename.  If the name looks
         correct, examine any logical names that are part of the

      b. Use the DCL command DIRECTORY to see if the file exists
         and in which directory it is located.

19  –  GOTO_ALT

  GO TO with no preceding ALTER

  Explanation: The program executed a GO TO statement with no target.
  An example is a GO TO statement whose target is altered by one or
  more ALTER statements, but the program executes the GO TO statement
  before executing any of the ALTER statements.

  User Action:  You must take either of the following actions:

      a. Modify the GO TO statement in the source file to include an
         initial target.

      b. Check the program logic to ensure that the program
         executes ALTER statements before it executes the
         referenced GO TO statements.


  Failed to allocate virtual memory

  Explanation:  The COBOL Run-time Library attempted to allocate
  virtual memory using the HP C routine malloc() or LIB$GET_VM.
  The virtual memory allocation failed.  Under normal operation,
  this message should never appear.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. If the program is large, raise the virtual memory
         parameters.  You can determine the current virtual memory
         usage from the "virtual pages" item of the display
         from the DCL command SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS.

      b. Use the AUTHORIZE utility to check the page file quota

      c. Use the SYSGEN utility to check the parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT.


  argument to FUNCTION INTEGER-OF-DATE out of bounds

  Explanation: Function argument must be an integer of the form
  YYYYMMDD.  One or more of these rules were violated:

    a. YYYY must be greater than 1600 and less than or equal to

    b. MM must be in the range of 1 through 12.

    c. DD  must be in  the range of  1 through 31 and valid for
       the particular month and year combination.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  argument to FUNCTION INTEGER-OF-DAY out of bounds

  Explanation: Function argument must be an integer of the form
  YYYYDDD.  One or more of these rules were violated:

    a. YYYY must be greater than 1600 and less than or equal to

    b. DDD  must be in the range of 1 through 366 and valid for
       the year specified.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Filename is too long or otherwise invalid

  Explanation: There is a syntax error in the specified filename, or
  the filename is too long.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the filename, including any
  punctuation characters.  For VMS systems, make sure that the file
  name, file type, and each piece of the directory specification are
  each less than 39 characters long.  The total length of the filename
  string cannot exceed 255 characters.


  Invalid footing specified on file

  Explanation:  The FOOTING clause in the FD must specify a value
  larger than zero and less than the pagesize specified by the LINAGE

  User Action:  Check the program logic to ensure that the above
  conditions are met.


  Invalid external switch value

  Explanation:  The logical COB$SWITCHES does not specify a valid
  list of switches.  The logical must translate to a comma-separated
  list of numbers from 1 to 16.

  User Action:  Check the value of logical COB$SWITCHES using the


  argument to one of the following FUNCTIONs is out of bounds:
         ACOS, ASIN, LOG, LOG10, SQRT.

  Explanation: Function argument must be as follows:
         ACOS, ASIN: Function argument must be greater than or
                     equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1.

         LOG, LOG10: Function argument must be greater than 0.

         SQRT:       Function argument must be greater than or
                     equal to 0.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Invalid decimal data

  Explanation: A numeric data-item declared as USAGE IS DISPLAY, or
  with an implied declaration of USAGE IS DISPLAY, contains characters
  that are not digits or the sign position does not contain a valid sign

  User Action:  You must determine how invalid characters are being
  stored in the variable.  Some possible reasons why this can occur
  are as follows:

      a. The variable in question is a parameter in a CALL statement
         and the called routine treats the variable as an alphanumeric

      b. The variable in question participates in a REDEFINES operation
         with an alphanumeric variable.

      c. The variable is defined as an element of a record, and
         alphanumeric data is moved to a group item that contains that

  If the invalid data is caused by numeric data-items that contain
  leading blank characters instead of leading zeros, recompile the
  program specifying /CONVERT=LEADING_BLANKS.


  Open I-O on non-mass storage device

  Explanation:  The program attempted to execute an OPEN statement for
  random or dynamic access on a file that is not a disk file.  Non-disk
  files cannot perform random access.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Check the program logic, and verify that the file being
         opened is the one you intended.

      b. Change the access mode to sequential, or move the file to a
         disk device.


  Attempting to open indexed file whose actual keys do not match
  those declared

  Explanation: The program specified more keys for a file than had
  been defined for that file.

  User Action: You must take the following actions:

      a. Check that the file being specified is the one you intended.

      b. Check the number of keys for the file using the DCL command

      c. Use the CONVERT utility to add key definitions to the file.


  Attempting to open indexed file whose actual keys do not match
  those declared

  Explanation: The program specified different datatype and key
  positions than had been defined for that file.

  User Action: You must take the following actions:

      a. Check that the file being specified is the one you intended.

      b. Check the type and position of keys using the DCL command


  Record locked by another user; not available

  Explanation:  The system attempted to perform an operation on a
  record that was already locked by another file connector or program.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. In a file sharing environment, this condition is expected
         to occur from time to time.  Add a declarative procedure to
         trap this error.

      b. If your program does not require sharing that file, remove
         the ALLOWING clause from the OPEN statement and the APPLY
         LOCK-HOLDING clause in the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION (if present).

32  –  LOCKED_OK

  Record locked by another user; available

  Explanation:  While executing a START or READ statement with a
  REGARDLESS phrase, the system encountered a locked record.  The
  record is available in the record area.

  User Action:  In a file sharing environment, this condition is
  expected when using the REGADARDLESS phrase.  Add a declarative
  procedure to handle this condition.


  FUNCTION LOWER-CASE argument length cannot be zero.

  Explanation:  A group consisting solely of a variable-length
  table was used as an  argument to LOWER-CASE and its current
  lowbound was 0.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  argument to FUNCTION MOD out of bounds.

  Explanation: The second argument to FUNCTION MOD  cannot  be

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Nesting error for PERFORM

  Explanation:  The last statement the program executed was a PERFORM
  statement whose range was exited in an order that violates the rules
  for nesting PERFORM statements in COBOL programs.  PERFORM statement
  ranges must be exited in reverse order from the order in which they
  are activated.

  User Action:  Check the program logic of the PERFORM range nesting
  to ensure that the program exits from nested PERFORM ranges in the
  reverse order in which they are activated.


  No current record, no previous READ

  Explanation:  The program executed a REWRITE or DELETE statement
  for a file in sequential access mode when there was no current
  record.  The I-O operation immediately before the REWRITE or DELETE
  must be a READ statement.  This rule applies to indexed files with
  duplicate primary keys that are opened in dynamic access mode.

  User Action: Check the program logic to ensure that no I-O statement
  executes between the READ and REWRITE or DELETE statements.


  No next logical record exists

  Explanation:  The program attempted a sequential READ after the
  first such READ failed with an end of file error, or after a failed
  START statement.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic.  If you expect that your
  program will attempt a sequential READ in one of these situations,
  add a declarative procedure to handle this condition.

38  –  NO_SPACE

  No file space on device

  Explanation:  The OPEN statement failed because the device is full.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify the device where the file resides.

      b. Delete unneeded files to free more space.

39  –  NOT_INPUT

  File not open, or incompatible open mode

  Explanation: The program attempted to execute a READ statement on
  a file connector that was not opened, or not opened in the correct

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
         to the open mode.  Consult the description of the valid
         open modes for the READ statement, based on file
         organization and access mode.  Refer to the table under
         the OPEN statement in the COBOL Reference Manual for
         this information.

      b. Verify that the OPEN operation was successful.

40  –  NOT_IO

  File not open, or incompatible open mode

  Explanation: The program attempted to execute a REWRITE or a DELETE
  statement on a file connector that was not opened, or not opened in
  the correct mode.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
         to the open mode.  Consult the description of the valid
         open modes for the REWRITE or DELETE statement, based on
         file organization and access mode.  Refer to the table
         under the OPEN statement in the COBOL Reference Manual
         for this information.

      b. Verify that the OPEN operation was successful.


  Previous indexed START or READ did not lock record

  Explanation:  When your program executes a REWRITE or DELETE statement
  for a file in sequential access mode, the current record must be locked.
  This message indicates that, for an indexed file, this condition was
  not met.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify that the previous START or READ statement that
         established the current record did not include an
         ALLOWING UPDATERS file sharing option.  This option does
         not lock the record.

      b. Check the program logic to ensure that there are no UNLOCK
         statements that unlocked the current record.


  Previous relative START or READ did not lock record

  Explanation:  When your program executes a REWRITE or DELETE statement
  for a file in sequential access mode, the current record must be locked.
  This message indicates that, for a relative file, this condition was
  not met.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify that the previous START or READ statement that
         established the current record did not include an
         ALLOWING UPDATERS file sharing option.  This option does
         not lock the record.

      b. Check the program logic to ensure that there are no UNLOCK
         statements that unlocked the current record.


  Open on unknown or non-mass storage device

  Explanation:  The specified device is not a valid device.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Check the spelling of the filespec.

      b. If the spelling is correct, verify that any logicals used
         in the name are properly defined.

      c. Use the DCL command DIRECTORY to verify that the device

44  –  NOT_OPEN

  File not open, or incompatible open mode

  Explanation: The program attempted to execute a CLOSE statement on
  a file connector that was not opened, or not opened in the correct

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
         to the open mode.  Consult the description of the valid
         open modes for the CLOSE statement, based on file
         organization and access mode.  Refer to the table under
         the OPEN statement in the COBOL Reference Manual for
         this information.

      b. Verify that the OPEN operation was successful.

      c. If you expect that your program may attempt to close
         unopened files, add a declarative procedure to handle
         this condition.


  File not open, or incompatible open mode

  Explanation: The program attempted to execute a WRITE statement
  on a file connector that was not opened, or not opened in the correct

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
         to the open mode.  Consult the description of the valid
         open modes for the WRITE statement, based on file
         organization and access mode.  Refer to the table under
         the OPEN statement in the COBOL Reference Manual for
         this information.

      b. Verify that the OPEN operation was successful.


  argument to FUNCTION NUMVAL or NUMVAL-C is invalid.

  Explanation:  The argument does not  conform to an allowable
  format (see Reference Manual for format).

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Error during OPEN on file

  Explanation: The system produced an error when executing an OPEN
  statement.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the OPEN statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.

48  –  OPEN_MFT

  Error during open of multifile tape

  Explanation: The system produced an error when attempting to open
  a file that is present on a multiple file tape.

  User Action:  You must take the following actions:

      a. Check that the correct tape is in the tape drive.

      b. For files opened for input, check that the file indicated
         by its position exists on the tape.  Use the DCL command
         DIRECTORY and count the files that are displayed.

      c. For files opened for output, verify that the file position
         specified in the APPLY clause makes the file the last one
         on the tape and that all previous files exist.


  the length of the argument to FUNCTION ORD is not one character

  Explanation: Function argument must be one charcter in length.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.

50  –  PAGE_SIZE

  Invalid pagesize specified on file

  Explanation:  The specified pagesize is zero.

  User Action:  Change the pagesize to a non-zero value.


  Unknown permanent error

  Explanation:  The system produced an unspecified error during an
  I-O operation.  Under normal operation, this message should never

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the statement to fail.

  Please submit a problem report suggesting that a better message
  be provided.  Be sure to include the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in
  your report.


  argument to FUNCTION PRESENT-VALUE out of bounds.

  Explanation:  The  first argument  to FUNCTION PRESENT-VALUE
  must be greater than -1.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  argument to FUNCTION RANDOM out of bounds.

  Explanation: The argument to FUNCTION RANDOM must be greater
  than or equal to zero.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Error during READ on file

  Explanation:  The system produced an error when attempting to read
  from a file.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the read operation to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  Recursize activation of PERFORM

  Explanation:  The program attempted to execute a PERFORM statement
  that has the same end paragraph or section as a currently active
  PERFORM statement.  Recursive activation of PERFORM statements
  violates the rules for nesting PERFORM statements in COBOL programs.
  PERFORM statements with the same end paragraph or section cannot be
  active at the same time.

  User Action: Check the program logic of the PERFORM statements to
  ensure that the program exits from the first PERFORM statement before
  attempting to execute a subsequent PERFORM statement with the same
  end paragraph or section.


  argument to FUNCTION REM out of bounds.

  Explanation: The 2nd argument to FUNCTION REM cannot be zero.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  FUNCTION REVERSE argument length cannot be zero.

  Explanation:  A group consisting solely of a variable-length
  table  was  used as an argument  to REVERSE and  its current
  lowbound was 0.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Error during REWRITE on file

  Explanation:  The system produced an error when attempting to
  update a file.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the REWRITE statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  Attempt to rewrite a different record size

  Explanation:  The record size specified for a REWRITE statement
  was less than the minimum or greater than the maximum record size
  specified for the file.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
  to the variables used in OCCURS DEPENDING ON phrases.


  Size of rewritten record changed

  Explanation:  For a file with sequential file organization, the
  REWRITE statement must not change the record size.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
  to the variables used in OCCURS DEPENDING ON phrases.


  Error during SORT or MERGE on SD

  Explanation:  The program produced an unknown error during a
  sort operation.

  User Action:  Check the secondary status displayed with the error
  message.  Consult the VMS documentation on SORT/MERGE for more
  information about specific SORT errors.


  Error during START

  Explanation:  The system produced an error while attempting to
  execute a START statement.  No more detailed information is

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the START statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


   SET external switch statement failed

   Explanation:  The system produced an error when attempting to change
   the switch setting.  Under normal operation, this error should not

   User Action:  Check to see that the logical name tables have not
   overflowed. If the problem is reproducible, please submit a problem
   report along with sample code demonstrating the problem.

64  –  UNDEF_EXP

  Attempting undefined exponentiations; Execution continues

  Explanation:  The system produced a size error when attempting to
  perform an undefined exponentiation operation whose associated
  statement does not include a SIZE ERROR clause.

  User Action:  Add an ON SIZE ERROR or a NOT ON SIZE ERROR clause to
  the statement in your program that causes the error.


  Error during UNLOCK

  Explanation:  The system produced an error while executing an
  UNLOCK statement.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused in the UNLOCK statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  UNLOCK on file that is not open

  Explanation:  The program attemped to execute an UNLOCK statement
  on a file connector that was not open.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
  to areas where the program opens and closes the specified file


  FUNCTION UPPER-CASE argument length cannot be zero.

  Explanation:  A group consisting solely of a variable-length
  table was used as an argument to UPPER-CASE and  its current
  lowbound was 0.

  User Action:   If this is not the desired result, modify the
  source  program  to  ensure a  valid  argument  or avoid the
  function with an invalid argument.


  Error during WRITE

  Explanation:  The program produced an error while executing a
  WRITE statement.  No more detailed information is available.

  User Action: Use the special symbol RMS-CURRENT-STS to see which
  RMS error caused the WRITE statement to fail.

  If the RMS condition is common, please submit a problem report
  suggesting that a better message be provided.  Be sure to include
  the value of RMS-CURRENT-STS in your report.


  Attempt to write a different record size

  Explanation:  The program attempted to write a record that was less
  than the minimum or greater than the maximum record size specified
  for the file.

  User Action:  Verify the program logic, paying particular attention
  to the variables used in DEPENDING ON phrases.
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