Transfers a file or files from an input volume to an output
    volume. You can use the COPY command to do any of the following:

    o  Copy a file from a foreign volume to a native volume

    o  Copy a file from a native volume to a foreign volume

    o  Copy a file from one foreign volume to another foreign volume

    o  Convert the format of the file during the transfer

    o  Copy groups of files from volume to volume

    o  Give the output file a different name from the input file


      COPY  input-file-spec[, . . . ] output-file-spec

1  –  Parameters

 input-file-spec[, . . . ]

    Specifies the names of one or more input files to be copied. If
    you specify more than one input file, separate them with commas
    or plus signs. The syntax for input file names depends on the
    volume format option. You can specify standard OpenVMS wildcards
    in both Files-11 and foreign file names. COPY supports wildcard
    directories for Files-11 and DOS-11 input.


       The EXCHANGE COPY command does not process search lists as
       input files. If you specify a search list as input to the
       COPY command, only the first item is processed. For example,
       suppose you issue the following commands:

       $ DEFINE search_list [directory_1], [directory_2]
       $ EXCHANGE COPY search_list:*.* [directory_3]

       The EXCHANGE command does not copy anything from directory_


    Specifies the name of the output file, directory, or device
    to which the input files are to be copied. If the input is a
    single file, you can specify an explicit output name (which is
    equivalent to a rename on a copy operation). If the input is more
    than one file, the output specifier must be one of the following:

    o  Wildcards (*, *.* or *.*;*) specifying current default device
       and directory

    o  An explicit device and/or directory for Files-11 output, such
       as BB:[EXCHANGE.TMP], with or without wildcards for the file

    o  An explicit device for RT-11 as in DLA2:/VOLUME=RT11

    o  An explicit device or directory for DOS-11 output, such as
       TAPE:/VOLUME=DOS11 or TAPE:[11,132]/VOLUME=DOS11

    The output file names are constructed according to rules
    implied by the input and output volume qualifiers. COPY does
    not concatenate multiple input files into a single output file.
    Wildcard directories are not permitted. The syntax for input file
    names depends on the volume format option.

    You must specify at least one field in the output file
    specification; COPY replaces missing fields with the
    corresponding field of the related input file specification.
    If the input file has no corresponding field, COPY substitutes
    null text fields and maximizes version numbers.

    The UIC of the output file is the UIC of the current process.
    For DOS-11 output in UIC format, EXCHANGE uses the current
    default directory; otherwise, it uses the current process UIC
    as a directory. You can specify an alternate directory for DOS-11
    output in the command.

2  –  Description

    COPY transfers a file or files from an input volume to an output

    You can create multiple output files by specifying multiple input
    files. When multiple output files are created, the corresponding
    field from each input file is used in the output file name.

    If you do not specify a version number for Files-11 output, COPY
    applies a version number as follows:

    o  The same version number as that of the input file, if the
       input volume structure supports version numbers and no file
       exists with the same name and type

    o  A version number that is one greater than the highest version
       number of an existing file with the same file name and file

    o  Version 1, if neither of the above applies

    If you use an asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify the
    output file version number, COPY uses the version numbers of the
    associated input files (if any) as the version numbers of the
    output files.

    Note that ANSI-formatted magnetic tapes do not handle version
    numbers in the same manner as disks.

    EXCHANGE might reformat files during the copy operation. The
    defaults for reformatting are dependent on the record and volume
    format qualifiers that are attached to both the input and output
    file specifications, as well as the type fields of the file

    The COPY command does not copy a file with the SYS type unless
    you specify the /SYSTEM qualifier. EXCHANGE displays a message if
    it passes over one or more SYS files during a copy operation.

    EXCHANGE does not copy files with the type BAD if the file
    specification contains wildcards. EXCHANGE does not display a
    message when it passes over one or more BAD files during a copy
    operation. Therefore, to copy a file with the type BAD, specify
    the file name explicitly instead of using wildcards.

3  –  Qualifiers



    Forces the initial allocation of the output file to the number
    of 512-byte blocks that you specified as n. The /ALLOCATION
    qualifier is valid only for Files-11 and RT-11 output files.

    By default, COPY determines the initial allocation of the output
    file by the size of the input file. Typically, /ALLOCATION is
    needed only when you are creating a contiguous file on Files-11
    (using /BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS or /CONTIGUOUS), when the input file
    is on magnetic tape, or when you want additional space at the end
    of the file.

    If you specify /ALLOCATION, the file's allocated size does not
    change, unless you also specify /TRUNCATE. When you are unsure of
    the output size, you might want to specify both /ALLOCATION and



    Indicates whether the Files-11 output file is to be allocated
    contiguously on a "best effort" basis; that is, whether EXCHANGE
    will attempt to place the file on consecutive physical disk
    blocks. If insufficient contiguous space is available, the file
    occupies the largest available contiguous space plus additional
    extents as necessary for the rest of the allocation. You can
    apply this qualifier only to a Files-11 output file.

    The /BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS qualifier has no effect when you copy
    files to magnetic tape volumes. When you would like a file from a
    magnetic tape to be copied contiguously, use both the /ALLOCATION
    and the /BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS qualifiers, because the size of
    the file on magnetic tape cannot be determined until after it
    is copied to the disk. If you do not know the exact size of the
    file, overestimate the size and specify /TRUNCATE (along with
    /ALLOCATION and /BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS) to avoid wasted space.

    The default is /NOBEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS.

3.3    /BOOT


    Copies bootstrap information from a monitor and the handler files
    to blocks 0 and 2 through 5 of an RT-11 volume, permitting you to
    use that volume as a system volume. The COPY/BOOT operation does
    not create any files on the volume; it is intended only to create
    bootable RT-11 systems.

    The /BOOT qualifier implies /VOLUME_FORMAT=RT11 for both input
    and output specifications. The output device can be omitted, as
    it is assumed to be identical to the input device. You cannot
    combine the /BOOT qualifier with qualifiers other than /LOG.
    The COPY/BOOT command requires that both the input and output
    devices be the same volume or virtual device. The file name of
    the desired monitor must be specified as the input specification.

    RT-11 Version 1.0 through Version 3.0 monitors had the system
    device handler linked into the monitor image. For Version 4.0
    of RT-11, the system device handler uses the standard device
    handler, and the COPY/BOOT command must dynamically link the
    handler into the bootstrap area. COPY/BOOT finds the default
    handler for the specific device type and merges the handler with
    the monitor as it is copied to the boot area.

    You can use the two-letter argument nn to override the default
    system device handler. The most frequent use of this option
    occurs when a diskette is mounted in an RX02 drive, and you want
    to create a diskette bootable from an RX01 drive. (The diskette
    must be single density.) The default handler for the RX02 is
    DY.SYS, and the handler for the RX01 is DX.SYS; therefore, you
    would use the command COPY/BOOT=DX to create the bootable RX01
    system diskette. Do not specify /BOOT=nn for Version 3.0 RT-11
    and earlier systems; instead, choose the monitor file DYMNxx.SYS
    or DXMNxx.SYS as the source file.



    Defines the carriage control attributes of a file, as well as
    other attributes of the records. The carriage control options
    are: CARRIAGE_RETURN, which implies carriage return/line-feed
    control; FORTRAN, which indicates that the first character
    of each record is to be interpreted as the carriage control
    specifier; and NONE, which indicates that carriage control is
    not implied.




    Indicates whether the copied file is to be contiguous; that is,
    stored on consecutive physical blocks on an output disk volume.
    The /CONTIGUOUS qualifier is valid only for Files-11 output

    The /CONTIGUOUS qualifier has no effect when you copy files to
    magnetic tape volumes. When you would like a file from a magnetic
    tape to be copied contiguously, use both the /ALLOCATION and
    /CONTIGUOUS qualifiers because the size of the file on magnetic
    tape cannot be determined until after it is copied to the disk.
    If you do not know the exact size of the file, overestimate the
    size and specify the /TRUNCATE qualifier (along with /ALLOCATION
    and /CONTIGUOUS) to avoid wasted space.

    The default is /NOCONTIGUOUS.

3.6    /DELETE


    Controls whether COPY deletes existing files of the same name
    during the copy operation. This qualifier is valid for RT-
    11 output only; it is equivalent to the RT-11 COPY command
    qualifier /REPLACE. In fact, you can use the EXCHANGE COPY
    command qualifier /REPLACE to control file deletion, although
    its function differs from that of /DELETE (see the description of
    the /REPLACE qualifier for details on its function).

    If you want a message displayed when you delete a file, include
    the /LOG qualifier in your command. To prevent automatic file
    deletion, use /NODELETE.

    The default is /DELETE. Files with the same name as the output
    file name are deleted after the new file has been copied.



    Specifies the number of blocks to be added to the output file
    each time the file is extended. This qualifier is valid for
    Files-11 output files only.

    EXCHANGE determines the default extension according to the
    following hierarchy:

    1. An explicit value specified on the /EXTENSION qualifier

    2. The current process default extension value set by the command

    3. The current system default extension value set at system
       generation or with the SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM command

    Use the /EXTENSION qualifier to set an extension quantity with
    magnetic tape input; EXCHANGE preallocates a file of the correct
    size when the input is on a directory-structured-device.

3.8    /LOG


    Controls whether the EXCHANGE command COPY displays the file
    specifications of each file copied. If you specify /LOG, the
    system displays the following data for each copy operation:
    the file specifications of the input and output files, and the
    number of blocks or the number of records copied (depending on
    whether the file is copied on a block-by-block or record-by-
    record basis). The default is /NOLOG.

3.9    /PROTECT


    Determines whether protection is set for an RT-11 output file.
    The owner UIC of the output file is the UIC of the current
    process. This qualifier is not valid for Files-11 or DOS-11
    output files. Protection attributes for Files-11 output are taken
    from the current process default protection.

    EXCHANGE does not attempt to transfer protection attributes from
    the input file to the output file, because protection mechanisms
    of various operating systems do not readily translate to one

    The default is /NOPROTECT.


       /RECORD_FORMAT=(option[, . . . ])

    Defines the internal record structure of a file, as well as other
    attributes of the records.

3.11    /REPLACE


    Requests that if an RT-11 output file already exists with the
    same file specification as that entered for the output file, the
    existing file is to be deleted before the copy proceeds. COPY
    allocates new space for the output file. The /REPLACE qualifier
    is valid for RT-11 output only; it is equivalent to the RT-11
    COPY command qualifier /PREDELETE.

    By default, COPY creates the new file first and then, after the
    copy operation is done, deletes the previous file. However, when
    you use /REPLACE, COPY deletes the previous file before it copies
    the new file. This can be a problem if the input file has been
    corrupted because the previous version of the file will have been
    deleted. Therefore, you should use /REPLACE only when there is
    insufficient room for two copies of the file.

3.12    /REWIND


    Determines whether a DOS-11 input magnetic tape reel logically
    rewinds to the beginning-of-tape mark (BOT) before EXCHANGE
    searches for the file name specified in the input specifier. This
    qualifier is valid for DOS-11 magnetic tape only. The default is

    Use the /REWIND qualifier when you want COPY to search for a file
    from the logical beginning of the magnetic tape, instead of from
    the current physical position of the tape.

3.13    /START_BLOCK


    For RT-11 volumes, specifies the logical block number where the
    file is to be placed. This qualifier is especially useful with
    TU58 tape cassettes, because performance can be significantly
    enhanced by careful placement of files.

3.14    /SYSTEM


    Controls whether the COPY command copies files that have the file
    type SYS. Files with a file type of SYS are usually necessary for
    the operation of an RT-11 system. Only RT-11 volumes handle SYS
    files in this manner.

    The default is /NOSYSTEM; the COPY command does not copy an
    RT-11 file with the type SYS, whether matched by a wildcard
    specification or explicitly named. EXCHANGE displays a message
    whenever it skips over a SYS file during a copy operation.



    Specifies the I/O method to be used in a transfer. This qualifier
    is useful for all volume formats.

    Option   Function

    AUTO     Select BLOCK transfer for efficiency if possible
    BLOCK    Transfer block by block without looking at records
    RECORD   Transfer record by record

    The default is the AUTOMATIC transfer mode. In AUTOMATIC mode,
    EXCHANGE attempts to use a BLOCK transfer whenever possible.
    BLOCK transfers are possible between RT-11 volumes or between
    RT-11 and DOS-11 volumes, since the internal file structures are
    identical. AUTOMATIC does not use the BLOCK transfer if either
    file specification contains a /RECORD_FORMAT qualifier.

    A BLOCK transfer moves data between devices. Since no
    interpretation is done on the data, BLOCK transfers are more
    efficient than RECORD transfers. The block sizes on both devices
    must be identical. Both input and output must be in BLOCK format.
    Specifying BLOCK on one parameter implies BLOCK for the other
    file or device specification.

    A BLOCK transfer produces an exact copy of the file. If the
    output device is Files-11, the file will be a sequential
    file with fixed-length 512-byte records. This feature is used
    primarily to avoid any interpretation of the data during the
    transfer. If the Files-11 file is a sequential file with 512-byte
    fixed-length records, there is no difference between a /TRANSFER_
    MODE=BLOCK transfer and a /RECORD=FIXED=512 transfer.

    A RECORD transfer moves the data record by record. A RECORD
    transfer requires more time than a BLOCK transfer, but it must
    be used if the input and output record structures differ.

    When the /LOG qualifier is used in a COPY command, EXCHANGE
    displays the size of the file that was transferred. If BLOCK
    mode was used, the message gives the file size as the number of
    blocks transferred. If RECORD mode was used, the message displays
    the number of records.

3.16    /TRUNCATE


    Controls whether COPY truncates an output file at the end-of-
    file when copying it. The default is /NOTRUNCATE; COPY uses the
    allocation of the input file to determine the size of the output



    Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed. The
    default format qualifier is dependent on the device type.

    If used, volume format qualifiers must be attached to one or
    both of the file specification parameters; you cannot attach them
    directly to the command. A volume format qualifier determines the
    format of the file name and directory specifications, and often
    implies certain defaults.

4  –  Examples


      The command in this example copies the contents of the file
      TEST.DAT from the default disk and directory into a file named
      NEWTST.DAT on an RT-11 diskette (mounted on DYA0). If a file
      named NEWTST.DAT already exists, the COPY command replaces it.
      The record formats are variable length on the Files-11 input
      and ASCII stream on the RT-11 output.

      %EXCHANGE-S-DELETEPREV, previous copy of DYA0:NEWTST.DAT deleted
                   copied to  DYA0:NEWTST.DAT, 93 records

      The command in this example is the same as in the preceding
      example, except that the /LOG qualifier is included so that
      the actions of the command are displayed. The /VOLUME_FORMAT
      qualifier is omitted; EXCHANGE defaults to RT-11 format for the
      foreign mounted diskette. Since a file named NEWTST.DAT already
      exists on the diskette (from the command in the previous
      example), the first copy of the file is deleted after the
      second copy is successfully transferred.

      %EXCHANGE-S-DELETEPREV, previous copy of _DYA0:LARGE.DAT deleted
      %EXCHANGE-W-RTOUTEOF, end-of-file on output _DYA0:LARGE.DAT,
      insufficient space on volume
      %EXCHANGE-I-PARTCOPIED, WRKD$:[FRED]LARGE.DAT;9 partially copied to
      _DYA0:LARGE.DAT, 1670 records

      %EXCHANGE-S-DELETEPREV, previous copy of _DYA0:LARGE.DAT deleted
      _DYA0:LARGE.DAT, 3288 records

      The first command in this example fails because there is
      insufficient space on DYA0 for EXCHANGE to do a normal copy
      (that is, to copy the file into a temporary file on DYA0,
      delete the existing file of the same name, and then rename
      the temporary file).

      The second command in this example includes the /REPLACE
      qualifier, which directs COPY to delete an existing version of
      the output file before copying the new file. The first message
      generated by this command indicates that EXCHANGE has deleted
      an existing file. The second message indicates that the copy
      operation has successfully completed.


      The command in this example copies all files with the file type
      COM owned by UIC [11,132] to the subdirectory [FRED.TEMP]. The
      default DOS-11 record format is STREAM. The default Files-11
      record format is VARIABLE.


      The COPY/BOOT command in this example makes the diskette
      mounted on the RX02 drive DYA0 a bootable RT-11 system.
      Bootstrap information is written to the volume using the RT-11
      single job monitor RT11SJ.SYS and the system device handler
      DY.SYS. The diskette can be formatted in single or double


      As in the previous example, the COPY/BOOT command in this
      example makes the diskette mounted on the RX02 drive DYA0 a
      bootable RT-11 system. In this example, however, the system
      device handler is DX.SYS, the RX01 diskette handler. The
      diskette must be formatted in single density in order to boot
      on the RT-11 system.


      The command in this example writes bootstrap information on the
      console storage device on a VAX processor.


      The command in this example copies an ASCII stream file (the
      default) from an RT-11 volume to the current default device and
      directory. The output contains fixed-length records that are
      padded to 80 bytes with the space character.
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