VMS Help  —  RMU72  Dump
    Dumps the contents of database files, including: storage area
    files, snapshot files, recovery-unit journal files, after-image
    journal files, optimized after-image journal files, and root
    files. You can dump database file contents to your terminal
    screen or to a text file.

1  –  Database

    Displays or writes to a specified output file the contents
    of database, storage area (.rda), and snapshot (.snp) files,
    including root information.


       The Start and End qualifiers apply only when the Areas,
       Lareas, Snapshots, Abms_Only or Spams_Only qualifier is

1.1  –  Description

    Use this command to examine the contents of your database root
    (.rdb), storage area (.rda), and snapshot (.snp) files, to
    display current settings for database definition options, and
    to display a list of active database users. The list of database
    users is maintained clusterwide in a VMScluster environment.

    You can display the contents of all pages in any data storage
    area of the database or display the contents of just those pages
    in which rows and indexes for a specific table are stored.

    See the chapter that explains the internal database page format
    in the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for tutorial

    Depending on your selection of qualifiers, the RMU Dump command
    can list:

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in the storage area
       of the database.

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in a uniform
       logical area of the database.

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in the snapshot
       area of the database.

    o  Header information. (This is listed by default if no
       qualifiers are specified.)

    o  Current users of the database.

1.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Dump root-file-spec

     File Qualifiers                           x Defaults
     /ABMS_Only                                x See description
     /[No]Areas [= storage-area-list]          x /Noareas
     /End=integer                              x See description
     /[No]Header[=detail-opt, type-opts]       x See description
     /[No]Lareas [ = logical-area-list]        x /Nolareas
     /Option={Normal | Full | Debug}           x /Option=Normal
     /Output = file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
     /Restore_Options=file-name                x None
     /[No]Snapshots [ = storage-area-list]     x /Nosnapshots
     /Spams_Only                               x See description
     /Start=integer                            x See description
     /State=Blocked                            x See description
     /[No]Users                                x /Nousers

1.3  –  Parameters

1.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    A file specification for the database root file whose root file
    header information, user information, storage area file pages, or
    snapshot area file pages you want to display.

1.4  –  Command Qualifiers

1.4.1  –  ABMS Only

    Specifies that the RMU/DUMP command will only dump ABM pages
    in uniform storage areas or in logical areas contained within
    uniform storage areas.

    The ABM pages can be dumped within a limited page range specified
    by the START and END qualifiers.

    If there are no ABM pages within the specified page range or
    the storage area is a mixed format area or the logical area
    is contained within a mixed storage area, no ABM pages will be

    This qualifier cannot be specified in the same Dump command as
    the SPAMS_Only qualifier. This qualifier cannot be specified in
    the same Dump command with the Snapshots qualifier.

1.4.2  –  Areas

    Areas [=storage-area-list]

    Specifies a display that consists of storage area pages. You can
    specify storage areas by name or by the area's ID number.

    If you specify more than one storage area, separate the storage
    area names or ID numbers in the storage area list with a comma,
    and enclose the list within parentheses.

    You can also specify the Areas=* qualifier to display all storage
    areas. If you do not specify the Areas qualifier, none of the
    storage areas are displayed.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers to display a range of
    storage area pages.

    The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

1.4.3  –  End


    Specifies the highest-numbered area or snapshot page to include
    in the display. The default is the last page.

    If you also use the Lareas qualifier, note that the Start and End
    qualifiers specify a page range relative to the logical area, not
    a specific storage area page number.

1.4.4  –  Header

    Header[=(detail-opt, type-opts)]

    Indicates whether to include the database header in the output.
    Specify the Header qualifier to include all database header
    information in the output. Specify the Noheader qualifier to
    suppress the database header listing. Specify the Header=(detail-
    opt, type-opts) qualifier to limit the output from the header to
    specific items of interest. Use the detail-opt options (Brief or
    Detail) to limit the amount of output. Use the type-opt options
    to limit the output to specific types of information.

    RMU Dump Command Header Options summarizes the Header options and
    the effects of specifying each option.

    Table 8 RMU Dump Command Header Options

    Option             Effect

    All                Generates the full output of all the header
                       information. If you specify this option and
                       other Header options, the other options are
                       ignored. This is the default option.
    Areas              Output displays information about active
                       storage areas and snapshot areas.
    Backup             Output displays information about backup and
    Brief              Generates a summary of the requested database
                       root file information.
    Buffers            Output displays information about database
    Corrupt_Page       Output displays the Corrupt Page Table (CPT).
    Detail             Generates a complete report of the requested
                       database root file information. This is the
    Fast_Commit        Output displays information about whether
                       fast commit is enabled or disabled, whether
                       commit to AIJ optimization is enabled or
                       disabled, the AIJ checkpointing intervals,
                       and the transaction interval.
    Hot_Standby        Output displays information regarding hot
                       standby databases.
    Locking            Output displays information about database
                       locking, such as whether or not adjustable
                       record locking, carry-over lock optimization,
                       and lock tree partitioning are enabled or
                       disabled, and fanout factors.
    Journaling         Output displays information about RUJ and AIJ
    Nodes              Output displays names of nodes that are
                       accessing the specified database.
    Parameters         Output displays basic root file header
    Root_Record        Output describes the Oracle Rdb specific
                       section of the database root. This includes
                       backup, restore, verify, and alter timestamps,
                       as well as flags that indicate that no such
                       operation has been performed. The bootstrap
                       DBKEY is used to locate the RDB$DATABASE
                       row for this database, and then the other
                       system tables. If an alternate bootstrap
                       DBKEY exists, then this database has been
                       converted using RMU Convert Nocommit command.
                       In this case, the current metadata version is
    Row_Caches         Output displays information about row caches.
    Security_Audit     Output displays information about security
    Sequence_Numbers   Output displays database sequence numbers.
    Users              Output displays information about active
                       database users.

    If you specify both the Detail option and the Brief option,
    Detail takes precedence. If you specify the All option and other
    detail-opt options, the All option takes precedence. If you
    specify the Brief option or the Detail option only, the default
    for the type-opt is All. If you specify type-opts options, but do
    not specify a detail-opt option, the default for the detail-opt
    is Detail.

    If you specify more than one option, separate the options with
    commas and enclose the list within parentheses.

    See the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for information
    on understanding the derived values found in the database header.

    The Header=All and Header=Root_Record qualifiers output
    information on the use of the RMU Alter command on the specified
    database. For example, you see the following line in the output
    if you have never used the RMU Alter command on the database:

      Database has never been altered

    Do not confuse this with alterations made by SQL ALTER
    statements. Information about alterations made with the SQL
    ALTER statement is not included in the output from the RMU Dump

    If you specify the Areas, Lareas, or Snapshots qualifier, the
    Noheader qualifier is the default. Otherwise, Header=(All,
    Detail) is the default.

    It is invalid to specify the Header=Root_Record and the
    Option=Debug qualifiers in the same Oracle RMU command line.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL DBMS: Guide to Hot
    Standby Databases manual for information about the "Hot Standby"
    references in the database header.

    For complete information on the contents of the database header,
    see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.

1.4.5  –  Lareas


    Specifies a display that consists of storage area pages allocated
    to a logical area or areas. In a single-file database, each table
    in the database is stored in its own logical area.

    You cannot use the Lareas qualifier with logical areas that are
    stored in storage areas that have a mixed page format.

    If you specify more than one logical area name, separate the
    storage area names in the logical area list with a comma, and
    enclose the list within parentheses.

    You can also specify the Lareas=* qualifier to display all
    logical areas that have a uniform page format.

    The default is the Nolareas qualifier.

    The Lareas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

1.4.6  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the output
    will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       The output includes summary information. This is the default.

    o  Full

       In addition to the Normal information, the output includes
       more detailed information.

    o  Debug

       In addition to Normal and Full information, the output
       includes internal information about the data. In general,
       use the Debug option for diagnostic support purposes.

1.4.7  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.

1.4.8  –  Restore Options


    Generates an options file designed to be used with the Options
    qualifier of the RMU Restore command.

    The Restore_Options file is created by reading the database root
    file. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this options file
    will work with all backup files you attempt to restore with
    a Restore operation. For example, if areas have been added or
    deleted from the database since the backup file was created,
    there will be a mismatch between the Restore_Options file and the
    backup file. Similarly if the backup file was created by a backup
    by-area operation, the Restore_Options file may refer to areas
    that are not in the backup file.

    By default a Restore_Options file is not created. If you
    specify the Restore_Options qualifier and a file, but not a file
    extension, Oracle RMU uses an extension of .opt by default.

1.4.9  –  Snapshots


    Specifies a display that consists of snapshot file pages. The
    RMU Dump command does not display snapshot pages if you omit the
    Snapshots qualifier or if you specify the Nosnapshots qualifier.

    In a single-file database, there is only one snapshot file. In
    a multifile database, each storage area has a corresponding
    snapshot file. Note that this parameter specifies the storage
    area name, not the snapshot file name. If you specify more than
    one storage area name, separate the storage area names with
    commas, and enclose the storage-area-list within parentheses.
    If you specify the Snapshots qualifier without a storage area
    name, information is displayed for all snapshot files.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers to display a range of
    snapshot file pages.

    The default is the Nosnapshots qualifier.

    The Snapshots qualifier can be used with indirect file
    references. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more

1.4.10  –  Spams Only


    Allows you to dump only the space area management (SPAM) pages in
    the selected areas and page range.

    A common usage for the RMU Dump command is to track down problems
    with storage allocation and record placement. When this qualifier
    is used, the SPAM pages are dumped, allowing you to locate the
    individual data pages that you want to examine.

    There is no negated form for this qualifier, and, if it is
    omitted, all the selected pages are dumped.

    The Start and End qualifiers can be used with the Spams_Only

1.4.11  –  Start


    Specifies the lowest-numbered area or snapshot page to include in
    the display. The default is the first page; that is, the Start=1

    If you also use the Lareas qualifier, note that the Start and End
    qualifiers specify a page range relative to the logical area, not
    a specific storage area page number.

1.4.12  –  State


    Specifies a list of all unresolved distributed transactions in
    the blocked database. A blocked database is a database that is
    not committed or rolled back and is involved in an unresolved
    distributed transaction. The State=Blocked qualifier displays the
    following information about each transaction:

    o  Process identification (PID)

    o  Stream identification

    o  Monitor identification

    o  Transaction identification

    o  Name of the recovery journal

    o  Transaction sequence number (TSN)

    o  Distributed transaction identifier (TID)

    o  Name of the node on which the failure occurred

    o  Name of the node initiating the transaction (parent node)

    You can use the State=Blocked qualifier only with the Users
    qualifier. For information on resolving unresolved transactions
    with the RMU Dump command, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Distributed Transactions.

1.4.13  –  Users


    Lists information about the current users of the database,
    including all users in a VMScluster environment. Oracle RMU does
    not consider a process that is running the Performance Monitor
    (with the RMU Show Statistics command or through the Windowing
    interface) to be a database user.

    The default is Nousers.

1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Dump command with the Areas qualifier or the
       Lareas qualifier or the Snapshots qualifier for a database,
       you must have the RMU$DUMP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

       To use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier for a
       database, you must have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN
       privileges in the root file access control list (ACL) for the
       database, or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

       To use the RMU Dump command with the Users qualifier, you must
       have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN privileges in the
       root file access control list (ACL) for the database or the
       OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  The Spams_Only qualifier conflicts with the Lareas and
       Snapshots qualifiers; an error is generated if you specify
       the Spams_Only qualifier with either of the other qualifiers.

    o  The Header=All and Header=Buffers qualifiers provide two
       derived values to provide an estimated size of the global
       section. These appear in the dump file as:

          Derived Data...
             - Global section size
                 With global buffers disabled is 43451 bytes
                 With global buffers enabled is 941901 bytes

       The first value (With global buffers disabled) indicates the
       approximate size of the global section when local buffers are
       being used. The second value (With global buffers enabled)
       indicates the approximate size of the global section if you
       were to enable global buffers.

       You can use these values to determine approximately how
       much bigger the global section becomes if you enable global
       buffers. This allows you to determine, without having to
       take the database off line, how much larger to make the
       VIRTUALPAGECNT and GBLPAGES SYSGEN parameters to accommodate
       the larger global section.

       However, note that you must take the database off line if
       you decide to enable global buffers and you must shut down
       and reboot the system to change the SYSGEN parameters. It
       is recommended that you run AUTOGEN after you change SYSGEN

       Also note that these changes may require you to change the
       MONITOR account quotas as well to ensure the paging file quota
       is adequate.

1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example displays the header information for the
    mf_personnel database on the terminal screen:


    Example 2

    The following example generates a list of unresolved transactions
    for the mf_personnel database:


    Example 3

    The following example shows the command you might use to view the
    SPAM pages associated with the area EMPIDS_LOW:


    Example 4

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Restore_Options
    qualifier. The first command performs a dump operation on the mf_
    personnel database and creates a Restore_Options file. The second
    command shows a portion of the contents of the options file. The
    last command demonstrates the use of the options file with the
    RMU Restore command.

    !  Options file for database USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    !  Created 19-JUL-1995 14:55:17.80
    ! Created by DUMP command

            /file=USER2:[STO]MF_PERS_DEFAULT.RDA;1 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -

            /file=USER3:[STO]DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -


    Example 5

    The following command generates a detailed display of backup,
    recovery, RUJ, and AIJ information for the mf_personnel database.


    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions for more examples showing
    the RMU Dump command and the output.

    Example 6

    The following example dumps all ABM pages contained in all
    uniform storage areas in the specified Rdb database.


    Example 7

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained in the
    named uniform storage area in the specified Rdb database are


    Example 8

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained in the
    named logical area in a uniform storage area in the specified Rdb
    database are dumped.


    Example 9

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained within
    the specified page range in the named uniform storage area in the
    specified Rdb database are dumped.


2  –  After journal

    Displays an after-image journal (.aij) file, a backed up .aij
    file (.aij if the backup is on disk, .aij_rbf if the .aij file
    was backed up to tape), or an optimized after-image journal
    (.oaij) file in ASCII format. Use this command to examine the
    contents of your .aij, .aij_rbf, or .oaij file. Whenever the
    term .aij file is used in this RMU Dump After_Journal command
    description, it refers to .oaij and .aij_rbf files, as well as
    .aij files.

    An .aij file contains header information and data blocks. Header
    information describes the data blocks, which contain copies of
    data stored in the database file.

2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump After_Journal command specifies an .aij file, not a
    database file, as its parameter, and is a separate command from
    the RMU Dump command used to display database areas and header

    The .aij file is in binary format. This command translates the
    binary file into an ASCII display format.

    The RMU Dump After_Journal command always includes the header of
    the .aij file in the display. You can use the Nodata qualifier to
    exclude data blocks from the display entirely, or you can use the
    Start and End qualifiers to restrict the data block display to
    a specific series of blocks. If you do not specify any of these
    qualifiers, Oracle RMU includes all data blocks.

2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/After_Journal aij-file-name

  File Qualifiers                         x Defaults
  /Active_IO=max-reads                    x /Active_IO=3
  /Area=integer                           x None
  /[No]Data                               x /Data
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])  x See description
  /End=integer                            x See description
  /First=(select-list)                    x See description
  /Format={Old_File|New-Tape}             x Format=Old_File
  /Label=(label-name-list)                x See description
  /Larea=integer                          x None
  /Last=(select-list)                     x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                    x None
  /Line=integer                           x None
  /[No]Media_Loader                       x See description
  /Only=(select-list)                     x See description

  (B)0/Option={Statistics|Nostatistics}       x Option=Statistics
  /Output=file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Page=integer                           x None
  /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}     x See description
  /No]Rewind                              x Norewind
  /Start=integer                          x See description
  /State=Prepared                         x See description

2.3  –  Parameters

2.3.1  –  aij-file-name

    The .aij file you want to display. The default file type is .aij.
    For .oaij files, you must specify the file type of .oaij.

2.4  –  Command Qualifiers

2.4.1  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from a backup
    device that the RMU Dump After_Journal command will attempt
    simultaneously. This is not the maximum number of read operations
    in progress; that value is the product of active system I/O

    The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance with some tape

2.4.2  –  Area


    Identifies a physical database storage area by number. Dump
    output is limited to the specified area. The minimum value is

2.4.3  –  Data


    Specifies whether you want to display data blocks of the .aij
    file, or just the .aij file header.

    The Data qualifier is the default. It causes the display of the
    .aij file data blocks (in addition to the file header) in an
    ASCII display format.

    The Nodata qualifier limits the display to the record headers of
    the .aij file.

2.4.4  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier decrypts the file of an after-image journal

    Specify a key value as a string or the name of a predefined key.
    If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC. For
    details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters type HELP
    ENCRYPT at the OpenVMS prompt.

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on your system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which
    has been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. You must
    specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command if you
    use the Encrypt qualifier.

2.4.5  –  End


    Specifies the number of the last data block that you want to
    display. The default integer is the number of the last data block
    in the file. If you do not use the End qualifier, Oracle RMU
    displays the entire .aij file.

2.4.6  –  First


    Allows you to specify where you want the dump output to begin.
    (See the Last=(select-list) qualifier for the end of the range.)
    If you specify more than one keyword in the select-list, separate
    the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.
    If you specify multiple items in the select list, the first
    occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle RMU. For example,
    if you specify First=(Block=100,TSN=0:52),the dump will start
    when either block 100 or TSN 52 is encountered.

    The First and Last qualifiers are optional. You can specify both,
    either, or neither of them. The keywords specified for the First
    qualifier can differ from the keywords specified for the Last

    The select-list of the First qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  BLOCK=block-number

       Specifies the first block in the AIJ journal.

    o  RECORD=record-number

       Specifies the first record in the AIJ journal. This is the
       same as the existing Start qualifier, which is still supported
       but obsolete.

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies the first TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TIME=date_time

       Specifies the first date and time in the AIJ journal, using
       absolute or delta date-time format.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies the first TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard
       [n:]m TSN format.

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.

2.4.7  –  Format


    Specifies whether the backup or optimized .aij file was written
    in the old (disk-optimized) or the new (tape-optimized) format.
    If you enter the RMU Dump After_Journal command without the
    Format qualifier, the default is the Format=Old_Tape qualifier.
    You must specify the same Format qualifier as was used with the
    RMU Backup After_Journal command or the RMU Optimize After_
    Journal command. If your .aij file resides on disk, you should
    use the Format=Old_File qualifier.

    If you specified the Format=Old_File qualifier when you optimized
    or backed up the .aij file to tape, you must mount the backup
    media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU
    Dump After_Journal command. Because the RMU Dump After_Journal
    command uses RMS to read the tape, the tape must be mounted as
    an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier
    with the MOUNT command).

    If you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you must mount the
    backup media by using the DCL MOUNT /FOREIGN command before you
    issue the RMU Dump After_Journal command.

    Similarly, if you specify OpenVMS access (you do not specify
    the /FOREIGN qualifier on the DCL MOUNT command) although your
    .aij backup was created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you
    receive an RMU-F-MOUNTFOR error.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


2.4.8  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal dump after-journal operation, the Label qualifier
    you specify with the RMU Dump After_Journal command should be
    the same Label qualifier you specified with the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command to back up your after-image journal file.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See Indirect-Command-Files for more information.

2.4.9  –  Larea


    Identifies a logical database storage area by number. Dump output
    is limited to the specified area. The minimum value is 0.

2.4.10  –  Last


    Allows you to specify where you want the dump output to end. (See
    the First=(select-list) qualifier for the beginning range.) If
    you specify more than one keyword in the select-list, separate
    the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.
    If you specify multiple items in the select list, the first
    occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle RMU.

    The First and Last qualifiers are optional. You can specify both,
    either, or neither of them. The keywords specified for the First
    qualifier can differ from the keywords specified for the Last

    The select-list of the Last qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  BLOCK=block-number

       Specifies the last block in the AIJ journal.

    o  RECORD=record-number

       Specifies the last record in the AIJ journal. This is the same
       as the existing End qualifier, which is still supported but

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies the last TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TIME=date_time

       Specifies the last date and time in the AIJ journal, using
       absolute or delta date-time format.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies the last TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard
       [n:]m TSN format.

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.

2.4.11  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

2.4.12  –  Line


    Identifies a database line number. Dump output is limited to
    the specified line. The minimum value is 0. This qualifier is
    intended for use during analysis or debugging.

2.4.13  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the file is being read has a loader or stacker. Use
    the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

2.4.14  –  Only


    Allows you to specify one select list item to output. (See also
    the First=(select-list) and Last=(select-list) qualifiers for
    specifying a range.) If you specify more than one keyword in the
    select-list, separate the keywords with commas and enclose the
    list in parentheses. If you specify multiple items in the select
    list, the first occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle

    The Only qualifier is optional.

    The select-list of the Only qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies a TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies a TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard [n:]m
       TSN format.

    o  Type=type-list

       Specifies the types of records to be dumped. The type-list
       consists of a list of one or more of the following keywords:

       -  Ace_header

          Type=A records

       -  Checkpoint

          Type=B records

       -  Close

          Type=K records

       -  Commit

          Type=C records

       -  Data

          Type=D records

       -  Group

          Type=G records

       -  Information

          Type=N records

       -  Open

          Type=O records

       -  Optimize_information

          Type=I records

       -  Prepare

          Type=V records

       -  Rollback

          Type=R records

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.

2.4.15  –  Option


    The Option=Statistics qualifier specifies that you want Oracle
    RMU to include statistics on how frequently database pages are
    referenced by the data records in the .aij file. In addition, if
    the database root file is available, the output created by the
    Options=Statistics qualifier includes the value to specify for
    the Aij_Buffers qualifier of the RMU Recover command. If several
    .aij files will be used in your recovery operation, perform an
    RMU Dump After_Journal on each .aij file and add the recommended
    Aij_Buffer values. Use the total as the value you specify with
    the Aij_Buffers qualifier. See Example 2 in the Examples help
    entry under this command for an example using this qualifier.

    Note that the value recommended for the RMU Recover command's
    Aij_Buffers qualifier is the exact number of buffers required
    by the data records in the specified .aij file. If you specify
    fewer buffers, you may see more I/O, but you will not necessarily
    see performance degrade. (Performance also depends on whether
    asynchronous batch-writes are enabled.)

    Using more buffers than are recommended may result in your
    process doing more paging than required, and if so, performance

    If you specify the recommended value, note that this does not
    mean that no buffers are replaced during the recovery operation.
    The Oracle RMU buffer replacement strategy is affected by
    whether asynchronous prefetches and asynchronous batch-writes are
    enabled, and on the contents of the buffers before the recovery
    operation begins.

    If the database root file is not available, the Option=Statistics
    qualifier does not provide a value for the RMU Recover command's
    Aij_Buffers qualifier. However, it does provide the statistics on
    the frequency with which each page is accessed.

    Specify the Option=Nostatistics qualifier to suppress .aij
    statistics generation.

    The default for the RMU Dump After_Journal command is

2.4.16  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default file type is .lis, if you
    specify a file name.

2.4.17  –  Page


    Identifies a database page number. Dump output is limited to
    the specified page. The minimum value is 1. This qualifier is
    intended for use during analysis or debugging.

2.4.18  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.

2.4.19  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The tape is searched
    for the backup file starting at the beginning-of-tape (BOT). The
    Norewind qualifier is the default and causes a search for the
    backup file to be started at the current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape

2.4.20  –  Start


    Specifies the number of the first data block that you want to
    display. If you do not use the Start qualifier, the display
    begins with the first record in the .aij file.

2.4.21  –  State


    Specifies a list of all records associated with unresolved

    For more information on listing unresolved transactions with
    the RMU Dump After_Journal command, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Distributed Transactions.

2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The First and Last qualifiers have been added to make
       dumping portions of the .aij file easier. The Start and End
       qualifiers were intended to provide similar functionality,
       but are difficult to use because you seldom know, nor can you
       determine, the AIJ record number prior to issuing the command.

    o  Be careful when searching for TSNs or TIDs as they are not
       ordered in the AIJ journal. For example, if you want to
       search for a specific TSN, use the Only qualifier and not
       the First and Last qualifiers. For example, assume the AIJ
       journal contains records for TSN 150, 170, and 160 (in that
       order). If you specify the First=TSN=160 and Last=TSN=160
       qualifiers, nothing will be dumped because TSN 170 will match
       the Last=TSN=160 criteria.

    o  To use the RMU Dump After_Journal command for an .aij file,
       you must have the RMU$DUMP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  You receive a file access error message regarding the
       database's .aij file if you issue the RMU Dump After_Journal
       command with the active .aij file when there are active
       processes updating the database. To avoid the file access
       error message, use the RMU Close command to close the database
       (which stops entries to the .aij file), then issue the RMU
       Dump After_Journal command.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on the steps Oracle RMU follows for tape label
       checking when you execute an RMU Dump After_Journal command
       using magnetic tapes.

    o  Use of the wrong value for the Format qualifier typically
       results in a failure, but sometimes may produce unintelligible

    o  The RMU Dump After_Journal command does not validate the file
       being dumped. If the file is not an .aij file or a backup
       of an .aij file, the RMU Dump After_Journal command produces
       unintelligible output.

2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command generates a list of records associated with
    unresolved transactions in the .aij file:


    Example 2

    The following example shows the value to specify with the Aij_
    Buffers qualifier along with information on how frequently each
    page is accessed. The output from this example shows that you
    should specify the Aij_Buffers=29 qualifier when you recover
    aij_one.aij. In addition, it shows that pages (1:623-625) were
    referenced 37 times which means that 8.9% of all data records in
    the dumped after-image journal file reference this page.

    Use "/AIJ_BUFFERS=29" when recovering this AIJ journal
    1 recovery buffer referenced 37 times (1:623-625): 8.9%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 23 times (4:23-25): 5.5%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 22 times (4:5-7): 5.3%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 21 times (4:44-46): 5.0%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 20 times (4:50-52): 4.8%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 19 times (4:41-43): 4.6%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 18 times (4:38-40): 8.7%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 17 times (4:17-19): 4.1%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 16 times (4:29-31): 3.8%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 15 times (4:35-37): 7.2%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 14 times (4:2-4): 3.3%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 13 times (4:11-13): 6.3%
    3 recovery buffers referenced 12 times (4:8-10): 8.7%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 11 times (5:2-4): 5.3%
    4 recovery buffers referenced 10 times (4:14-16): 9.7%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 9 times (4:47-49): 2.1%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 8 times (1:617-619): 3.8%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 6 times (4:20-22): 1.4%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 2 times (1:503-505): 0.4%
    Journal effectiveness: 97.3%
    175 data records
    412 data modification records
    423 total modification records
    2 commit records
    3 rollback records

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions for more examples of the
    RMU Dump After_Journal command.

    Example 3

    The following example shows how to start a dump from Block 100 or
    TSN 52, whichever occurs first.

    $ RMU/DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL /FIRST=(BLOCK=100,TSN=0:52) mf_personnel.aij

    Example 4

    This example shows how to dump committed records only.


    Example 5

    This example shows the dump output when you specify an area, a
    page, and a line.

    RMU/DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL/AREA=3/PAGE=560/LINE=1 mf_personnel.aij

    * Oracle Rdb X7.1-00                                     3-NOV-2005
    * Dump of After Image Journal

    2/4              TYPE=D, LENGTH=122, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.56, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:640, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=1
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=0, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data

    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    2/6              TYPE=D, LENGTH=224, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.56, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:641, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=3
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=1, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data
    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    3/9              TYPE=D, LENGTH=330, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.73, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:642, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=5
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=2, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data
    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    Use "/AIJ_BUFFERS=3" when recovering this AIJ journal.
    Make sure you have enough working set and pagefile quota
    for the recommended number of buffers.

    1 recovery buffer referenced 3 times (3:559-561): 50.0%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 2 times (3:436-438): 33.3%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 1 time (3:134-136): 16.6%
    Journal effectiveness: 54.5%

    3 data records
    6 data modification records
    11 total modification records
    3 commit records

3  –  Backup File

    Displays or writes to a specified output file the contents of a
    backup file. Use this command to examine the contents of a backup
    (.rbf) file created by the RMU Backup command.

3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Backup_File command reads an .rbf file and displays
    the contents. It uses an .rbf file, not a database file, as its
    parameter, and is a separate command from the RMU Dump command.
    The output captures unrecoverable media errors and indicates if
    there are unknown backup blocks on tape. This command can can
    be used to confirm that a backup file is formatted correctly and
    that the media is readable for the RMU Restore command.


       Successful completion of this command does not guarantee
       that data in a backup file is uncorrupt, nor that the backup
       file is complete, nor that a restore operation will succeed.

    Use the Root, Full, or Debug option to the Option qualifier to
    dump the database backup header information. The database backup
    header information includes the name of the backup file and
    the "Backup file database version". The "Backup file database
    version" is the version of Oracle Rdb that was executing at
    the time the backup file was created. The "Oracle Rdb structure
    level" listed in the section entitled "Database Parameters" is
    the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb.

    The backup header information is contained on the first volume of
    a database backup file on tape.

3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Backup_File backup-file-name

     Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults
     /Active_IO=max-reads                   x /Active_IO=3
     /Area=identity                         x None
     /Disk_File=[(Reader_Threads=n)]        x /Disk_file=(Reader_Threads=1)
     /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=]) x See description
     /End=integer                           x See description
     /Journal=file-name                     x See description
     /Label=(label-name-list)               x See description
     /Librarian[=options]                   x None
     /[No]Media_Loader                      x See description
     /Options=options-list                  x See description
     /Output=file-name                      x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
     /Process=process-list                  x See description
     /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}    x See description
     /Restore_Options=file-name             x None
     /[No]Rewind                            x /Norewind
     /Skip=skip-list                        x See description
     /Start=integer                         x See description

3.3  –  Parameters

3.3.1  –  backup-file-spec

    A file specification for the backup file. The default file type
    is .rbf.

    If you use multiple tape drives, the backup-file-spec parameter
    must include the tape device specifications. Separate the device
    specifications with commas. For example:

    $ RMU/DUMP/BACKUP_FILE $111$MUA0:PERS_FULL.rbf,$112$MUA1: -
    _$ /LABEL=BACK01

    When multiple volume tape files are processed, Oracle RMU
    dismounts and unloads all but the last volume containing the
    file, which is the customary practice for multiple volume tape
    files. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information on using multiple tape drives.

3.4  –  Command Qualifiers

3.4.1  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from the
    backup file that the RMU Dump Backup_File command will attempt
    simultaneously. The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range
    from 1 to 5. The default value is 3. Values larger than 3 might
    improve performance with multiple tape drives.

3.4.2  –  Area


    Only dump the storage area identified by the specified name or
    ID number. The area name must be the name of a storage area in
    the database root file and the area ID number must be a storage
    area ID number in the database root file. This information is
    contained in the "Database Parameters:" section of the backup
    file which is output at the start of the dump. Snapshot areas are
    not contained in the backup file and cannot be specified. If this
    qualifier is used without the /START and /END qualifiers, all
    page records in the specified storage area will be output.

3.4.3  –  Disk File


    Specifies that you want to dump a multiple disk backup file. This
    is a backup file that was created by the RMU Backup command with
    the Disk_File qualifier.

    The Reader_Threads keyword specifies the number of threads that
    Oracle RMU should use when performing a multithreaded read
    operation from disk files. You can specify no more than one
    reader thread per device specified on the command line (or in the
    command parameter options file). By default, one reader thread is

    This qualifier and all qualifiers that control tape operations
    (Label, Media_Loader, and Rewind) are mutually exclusive.

3.4.4  –  Encrypt


    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

3.4.5  –  End


    Only dump pages ending with the specified page number in the
    specified storage area. This qualifier cannot be used unless
    the /AREA qualifier is also specified. If no pages are dumped,
    either the specified page or range of pages does not exist in
    the specified area in the backup file, or this qualifier has been
    used in the same RMU/DUMP/BACKUP command as an /OPTIONS, /SKIP or
    /PROCESS qualifier option that has excluded the specified page or
    range of pages from the dump. If this qualifier is not used with
    the /START qualifier, all page records in the specified storage
    area ending with the specified page number will be output.

    If both the /START and /END qualifiers are specified, the
    starting page number must be less than or equal to the ending
    page number. If the starting page number equals the ending page
    number only the page records for the specified page number are
    dumped. The block header for each block which contains at least
    one of the requested pages is dumped followed by the requested
    page records in that block. The START AREA record is dumped at
    the start of requested page records and the END AREA record is
    dumped at the end of the requested page records. By default, the
    database root parameters are dumped at the very start following
    the dump header.

3.4.6  –  Journal


    Allows you improve tape performance by the dump backup file
    operation by specifying the journal file created by the RMU
    Backup command with the Journal qualifier.

    The RMU Backup command with the Journal qualifier creates the
    journal file and writes to it a description of the backup
    operation, including identification of the tape volumes, their
    contents, and the tape drive name.

    The RMU Dump Backup File with the Journal qualifier directs
    the RMU Dump Backup_File command to read the journal file
    and identify the tape volumes when the Label qualifier is not

    The journal file must be the one created at the time the backup
    operation was performed. If the wrong journal file is supplied,
    an informational message is generated, and the specified journal
    file is not used to identify the volumes to be processed.

3.4.7  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal dump backup operation, the Label qualifier you
    specify with the RMU Dump Backup_File command should be the same
    Label qualifier as you specified with the RMU Backup command that
    backed up your database.

    If no label is specified, the system will internally generate one
    consisting of the first six characters in the backup-file-spec

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See Indirect-Command-Files for more information.

3.4.8  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Reader_Threads=n

       Use the Reader_Threads option to specify the number of backup
       data streams to read from the Librarian utility. The value of
       n can be from 1 to 99. The default is one reader thread. The
       streams are named BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT02,
       FILENAME.EXT is the backup file name specified in the RMU
       Backup command.

       The number of reader threads specified for a database restore
       from the Librarian utility should be equal to or less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the database backup.
       If the number of reader threads exceeds the number of writer
       threads, the number of reader threads is set by Oracle RMU
       to be equal to the number of data streams actually stored
       in the Librarian utility by the backup. If the number of
       reader threads specified for the restore is less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the backup, Oracle RMU
       will partition the data streams among the specified reader
       threads so that all data streams representing the database are

       The Volumes qualifier cannot be used with the Librarian
       qualifer. Oracle RMU sets the volume number to be the actual
       number of data streams stored in the specified Librarian

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian implementation documentation
       for the name and location of this image and how it should be
       installed. For a parallel RMU backup, define RMU$LIBRARIAN_
       PATH as a system-wide logical name so that the multiple
       processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the

       _$ RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH librarian_shareable_image.exe


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.
       For a parallel RMU backup, the RMU$DEBUG_SBT logical should
       be defined as a system logical so that the multiple processes
       created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical.

    The following lines are from a backup plan file created by the
    RMU Backup/Parallel/Librarian command:

        Backup File = MF_PERSONNEL.RBF
        Style = Librarian
        Librarian_trace_level = #
        Librarian_logical_names = (-
                 logical_name_1=equivalence_value_1, -
        Writer_threads = #

    The "Style = Librarian" entry specifies that the backup is going
    to a Librarian utility. The "Librarian_logical_names" entry is
    a list of logical names and their equivalence values. This is an
    optional parameter provided so that any logical names used by a
    particular Librarian utility can be defined as process logical
    names before the backup or restore operation begins. For example,
    some Librarian utilities provide support for logical names for
    specifying catalogs or debugging.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

3.4.9  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the backup file is being read has a loader or stacker.
    Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

3.4.10  –  Options


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the output
    will include. If you do not specify the Options qualifier or if
    you specify the Options=Normal qualifier, the backup file will
    be read, but dump output is not generated. This is useful for
    confirming that the backup file is structured correctly and
    the media is readable for the RMU Restore command. However,
    this command does not indicate if the data in a backup file is
    corrupted, nor does it guarantee that a restore operation will

    If you specify more than one option, you must separate the
    options with a comma, and enclose the options-list parameter
    within parentheses. Eight types of output are available:

    o  Records

       Dumps the backup file record structure.

    o  Blocks

       Dumps the backup file block structure.

    o  Data

       The Data option can be used with either the Records option,
       the Blocks option, or both. When specified with the Records
       and Blocks options, the Data option dumps the contents of the
       backup file's records and blocks. When you do not specify the
       Data option, the Records and Blocks options dump the backup
       file's record structure and block structure only, not their

    o  Journal

       Dumps the contents of the journal file.

       Use the Journal option of the RMU Dump Backup_File command to
       direct Oracle RMU to dump the journal file created with the
       RMU Backup command with the Journal qualifier. The RMU Backup
       command with the Journal qualifier creates a journal file
       to which it writes a description of the backup operation,
       including identification of the tape volumes and their
       contents. You can use the output of the RMU Dump Backup_File
       with the Journal qualifier to identify the contents of each of
       the tapes that comprises the backup file.

    o  Root

       Dumps the database root file contents as recorded in the
       backup file. This includes a dump of the database backup
       header information.

    o  Normal

       The backup file will be read, but no dump output is generated.
       This is useful to verify the integrity of the backup file
       format and to detect media errors.

    o  Full

       Specifying the Full option is the same as specifying the Root,
       Records, and Blocks options. Includes a dump of the database
       backup header information. The contents of the backup file's
       record structure and block structure are not dumped when the
       Full option is specified.

    o  Debug

       Specifying the Debug option is the same as specifying the
       Root, Records, Blocks, Full, and Data options. The contents
       of the backup file's header, record structure, and block
       structure are dumped when the Debug option is specified.

3.4.11  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.

3.4.12  –  Process


    Specifies a list of keywords that determines how much of the
    backup file is to be dumped. If you specify more than one type
    of process-list option, separate the options with a comma, and
    enclose the process-list parameter within parentheses. You can
    specify the following three items in the process-list parameter:

    o  Volumes=integer

       The number of volumes to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for volumes. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Blocks=integer

       The number of blocks to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for blocks. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Records=integer

       The number of records to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for records. This option is
       valid regardless of whether the backup file resides on tape or

3.4.13  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.

3.4.14  –  Restore Options


    Generates an options file designed to be used with the Options
    qualifier of the RMU Restore command.

    The Restore_Options file is created after the root information
    has been read from the backup file.

    By default, a Restore_Options file is not created. If you
    specify the Restore_Options qualifier and a file, but not a file
    extension, Oracle RMU uses an extension of .opt by default.

3.4.15  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The Norewind qualifier
    is the default.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. You should use these qualifiers only when the target
    device is a tape device.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.

3.4.16  –  Skip


    Specifies a list of keywords that determines where the output
    display begins. The keywords indicate the position in the backup
    file from which to start the dump. If you specify more than one
    type of Skip position, separate the options with a comma, and
    enclose the skip-list parameter in parentheses. You can specify
    the following three items in the skip-list parameter:

    o  Volumes=integer

       The number of volumes to ignore before starting. This option
       is ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Blocks=integer

       The number of blocks to ignore before starting. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Records=integer

       The number of records to ignore before starting. This option
       is valid regardless of whether the backup file resides on tape
       or disk.

3.4.17  –  Start


    Only dump pages starting with the specified page number in the
    specified storage area. This qualifier cannot be used unless
    the /AREA qualifier is also specified. If no pages are dumped,
    either the specified page or range of pages does not exist in
    the specified area in the backup file, or this qualifier has been
    used in the same RMU/DUMP/BACKUP command as an /OPTIONS, /SKIP or
    /PROCESS qualifier option that has excluded the specified page or
    range of pages from the dump. If this qualifier is not used with
    the /END qualifier, all page records in the specified storage
    area starting with the specified page number will be output.

    If both the /START and /END qualifiers are specified, the
    starting page number must be less than or equal to the ending
    page number. If the starting page number equals the ending page
    number only the page records for the specified page number are
    dumped. The block header for each block which contains at least
    one of the requested pages is dumped followed by the requested
    page records in that block. The START AREA record is dumped at
    the start of requested page records and the END AREA record is
    dumped at the end of the requested page records. By default, the
    database root parameters are dumped at the very start following
    the dump header.

3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Dump Backup_File command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE privileges
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

       You must also have read access to the .rbf file.

    o  If you do not specify the Options qualifier or if you specify
       the Options=Normal qualifier, the backup file will be read,
       but dump output will not be generated. This is useful to
       verify the backup file integrity and to detect media errors.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for examples
       that show the RMU Dump Backup_File command.

3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following commands show the use of the Journal qualifier
    with the RMU Backup command and the RMU Dump After_Journal
    command. The first command creates a binary journal file that
    identifies the tapes used in the backup operation. The second
    command directs Oracle RMU to read the backup file (using the
    tapes identified in the BACKUP_JOURNAL.JNL file) to confirm that
    the backup file is structured correctly and the media is readable
    for the RMU Restore command. No dump output is generated because
    the Option qualifier is not specified.



    Example 2

    The following commands show the use of the Journal qualifier with
    the RMU Backup command and then with the RMU Dump Backup command.
    The first command creates a binary journal file that identifies
    the tapes used in the backup operation. The second command dumps
    the binary journal file created in the first command in ASCII



    Example 3

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Restore_Options
    qualifier. The first command performs a dump operation on the
    backup file of the mf_personnel database and creates a Restore_
    Options file. The second command shows a portion of the contents
    of the options file. The last command demonstrates the use of the
    options file with the RMU Restore command.

    !  Options file for database DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    !  Created 17-OCT-1995 13:09:57.56
    !  Created by DUMP BACKUP command

            /file=DISK2:[RDA]MF_PERS_DEFAULT.RDA;1 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /snapshot=(allocation=248, -

            /file=DISK3:[RDA]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=10, -

    Example 4

    The following example shows the dump of the page records for page
    10 in storage area 4 in the MFP.RBF backup file. Since the /START
    and /END qualifiers both specify page 10, only the page records
    for that page are dumped. At the start of the dump is the dump
    header, followed by the database root parameters which are not
    shown to save space, followed by the block header, which begins
    with the "HEADER_SIZE" field, for the block which contains the
    records for page 10 in storage area 4, followed by the start area
    record for area 4 (REC_TYPE = 6), the data page header record
    (REC_TYPE = 7) for page 10, the data page data record (REC_TYPE
    (REC_TYPE = 11) which ends the dump.

    * Oracle Rdb V7.2-420                                   11-JAN-2011 15:50:09.25
    * Dump of Database Backup Header
    *     Backup filename: MFP.RBF
    *     Backup file database version: 7.2

    Database Parameters:
    HEADER_SIZE = 80        OS_ID = 1024    UTILITY_ID = 722
    VOL_NUMBER = 1  BLOCK_SIZE = 32256      CRC = 0C5D3A78  NOCRC = 00
    LOW_PNO = 1     HDR_CHECKSUM = 9B3D

    REC_SIZE = 2    REC_TYPE = 6    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    REC_SIZE = 32   REC_TYPE = 7    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 28   REC_TYPE = 8    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 512  REC_TYPE = 11   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    Example 5

    The following example dumps the records for pages 10, 11 and
    12 in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area in the MFP.RBF backup file.
    Following the block header containing the target records that
    starts with "HEADER_SIZE =", are the start area record for
    RDB$SYSTEM area 1 (REC_TYPE = 6), then the target ABM page
    records for pages 10, 11, and 12 (REC_TYPE = 10), and finally
    the end area record for area RDB$SYSTEM area 1 (REC_TYPE = 11)
    which ends the dump.

    * Oracle Rdb V7.2-420                                   14-JAN-2011 14:40:46.88
    * Dump of Database Backup Header
    *     Backup filename: MFP.RBF
    *     Backup file database version: 7.2

    Database Parameters:

    HEADER_SIZE = 80        OS_ID = 1024    UTILITY_ID = 722
    VOL_NUMBER = 1  BLOCK_SIZE = 32256      CRC = 8329C24B  NOCRC = 00
    CRC_ALTERNATE = 00      BACKUP_NAME = MFP.RBF   AREA_ID = 1     HIGH_PNO = 178
    LOW_PNO = 1     HDR_CHECKSUM = 40DE

    REC_SIZE = 2    REC_TYPE = 6    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 3    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 4    PNO = 11

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 4    PNO = 12

    REC_SIZE = 512  REC_TYPE = 11   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

4  –  Export

    Displays the contents of an export interchange (.rbr) file or a
    formatted .unl file created by the RMU Unload command. This is a
    useful debugging tool.

4.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Export export_file

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults

     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /[No]Options[=options-list]               x /Nooptions
     /Output=file-name                         x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

4.2  –  Parameters

4.2.1  –  export-file

    The .rbr file or formatted .unl file to be displayed.

4.3  –  Command Qualifiers

4.3.1  –  Data


    The Data qualifier specifies that the contents of segmented
    strings and tables are to be displayed in hexadecimal format
    along with the ASCII translation. Specifying the Nodata qualifier
    excludes the contents of segmented strings and tables from the
    display and generates much less output.

    The default is the Data qualifier.

4.3.2  –  Options=option-list


    The Options qualifier allows the user to modify the output from
    the RMU Dump Export command.

    If you specify more than one option, you must separate the
    options with a comma and enclose the options-list parameter
    within parentheses.


       When importing databases for testing, the full allocation
       recorded in the interchange file is often not required. The
       clauses ALLOCATION and SNAPSHOT ALLOCATION are controlled by
       this option. The default is ALLOCATION. Use NOALLOCATION to
       omit these clauses from the generated SQL script. This option
       is ignored if NOIMPORT_DATABASE is specified or defaulted for
       the OPTIONS qualifier.


       When importing databases for testing, the full file
       specification for the database root, storage areas and
       snapshot areas recorded in the interchange file is often
       not required. The FILENAME clauses are controlled by this
       option which trims the specification to only the filename
       portion. The default is NOFILENAME_ONLY. Use FILENAME_ONLY to
       truncate the file specification in the generated SQL script.
       This option is ignored if NOIMPORT_DATABASE is specified or
       defaulted for the OPTIONS qualifier.


       This option allows the database administrator to display just
       the header portion of the interchange file and avoid dumping
       the data or metadata for every row in the table.


       This keyword requests that the output from RMU Dump Export
       be formatted as a SQL IMPORT DATABASE statement. It uses
       the database attributes present in the interchange file
       formatted as SQL clauses. Of particular interest are the
       CREATE STORAGE AREA clauses which are required to IMPORT the
       source interchange (.rbr) file.

       The keyword HEADER_SECTION is implicitly selected when IMPORT_
       DATABASE is used, limiting the I/O to the interchange file to
       the section containing the database attributes.

       The default is NOIMPORT_DATABASE.

4.3.3  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if you
    specify a file name.

4.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need Oracle RMU privileges to use the RMU Dump
       Export command. However, you must have OpenVMS read access to
       the .rbr or .unl file, or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

    o  If the source interchange file is created by RMU Unload, then
       it does not contain any IMPORT DATABASE information and the
       generated SQL script cannot be used to create a database from
       such an interchange file.

       $ SQL$ @EMP.SQL
       cont>     from 'DISK1:[TESTING]EMPLOYEES.UNL;1'
       cont>     -- ident ' Load/Unload utility'
       cont>     -- backup file version 4
       cont>     -- database ident 'Oracle Rdb V7.2-131'
       cont>     filename 'DB$:MF_PERSONNEL'
       cont> ;
       %SQL-F-EXTRADATA, unexpected data at the end of the .RBR file

    o  The IMPORT_DATABASE option is intended to create a SQL script
       as an aid to the database administrator. Some editing of the
       generated script may be required under some circumstances.

       Only a subset of the database attributes are dumped by RMU
       for the IMPORT_DATABASE output. Continue to use the RMU Dump
       Export Option=NOIMPORT_DATABASE to see all attributes recorded
       in the interchange file.

4.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following is an example of the RMU Dump Export command using
    the default qualifiers:

 Example 2

    The following is an example of how to use the HEADER_SECTION
    option to display just the header portion of the interchange
    file, and avoid dumping the data or metadata for every row in the


        NONCORE_TEXT HDR_BRP_ID - (20) :  Load/Unload utility
        NONCORE_TEXT HDR_DBS_ID - (18) : Oracle Rdb V7.2-10
        NONCORE_DATE HDR_DB_LOG_BACKUP_DATE - (8) :  3-JUL-2006 16:52:32.83

    In this example, the output describes the creator of the
    interchange file (RMU/UNLOAD), the version of Rdb used to create
    the file, the file specification of the database used, the date
    and time the interchange file was created, and an indication that
    compression was used by RMU Unload.

5  –  Recovery Journal

    Displays a recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file in ASCII format. Use
    this command to examine the contents of an .ruj file. You might
    find .ruj files on your system following a system failure.

    An .ruj file contains header information and data blocks. Header
    information describes the data blocks, which contain copies of
    data modified in the database file.

5.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command specifies an .ruj file, not
    a database file, as its parameter, and is a separate command from
    the RMU Dump command used to display database areas and header

    The .ruj file is in binary format. This command translates the
    binary file into an ASCII display format.

5.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Dump/Recovery_Journal ruj-file-name

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults
     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /Output = file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

5.3  –  Parameters

5.3.1  –  ruj-file-name

    The .ruj file. The default file type is .ruj.

5.4  –  Command Qualifiers

5.4.1  –  Data


    Specifies whether you want to display data blocks of the .ruj
    file or just the .ruj file header.

    The Data qualifier is the default. It causes the display of the
    .ruj file data blocks (in addition to the file header) in an
    ASCII display format.

    The Nodata qualifier limits the display to the file header of the
    .ruj file.

5.4.2  –  Output


    The name of the file where output will be sent. The default is
    SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if you specify
    a file name.

5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need Oracle RMU privileges to use the RMU Dump
       Recovery_Journal command. However, you must have OpenVMS READ
       access to the .ruj file or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command.

    o  The RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command does not validate the
       file being dumped. If the file is not an .ruj file, the output
       from the RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command is unintelligible.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for examples
       showing the RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command.

6  –  Row Cache

    Allows you to display the in-memory contents of a row cache for
    an open database.

6.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Row_Cache command is intended for use as a
    diagnostic aid that allows you to display the in-memory contents
    of a row cache for an open database. Use this command to display
    the following information for each row in the specified cache:

    o  GRIC - Address of the GRIC data structure for the cache slot

    o  GRIB - Address of the GRIB data structure for the cache slot

    o  SLOT - Slot number within the cache

    o  NXTGRIC - Slot number of the next slot within the hash chain

    o  LHMTE - Flag values indicating:

       -  L - Row is latched

       -  H - Row is marked Hot (modified since last checkpoint or

       -  M - Row is marked Modified

       -  T - Row is marked Too Big for (or removed from) the cache

       -  E - End of on-disk checkpoint file; should never be seen
          with the RMU Dump Row_Cache command

    o  SNAPPNO - Snapshot pointer (either snapshot page number or
       snapshot slot number

    o  LEN - Length of the row in cache; 0 indicates row has been

    o  ACTLEN - Actual length of allocated space on the database page
       for the row

    o  DBK - Database key for the row

    o  REFCNT - Reference count: number of processes with this row in
       a cache working set

    o  UPD_PID - Process ID of process currently updating the row in

    o  RVNO - In-memory row modification count

    o  TSN - Transaction sequence number of last transaction to
       modify the row

6.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Row_Cache root-file-spec

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults
     /Cache_Name=cachename                     x None
     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /Output=file-name                         x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

6.3  –  Parameters

6.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to dump the
    row_cache contents.

6.4  –  Command Qualifiers

6.4.1  –  Cache Name


    Secifies the name of the cache you want to dump. You must specify
    the cache name.

6.4.2  –  Data


    The Data qualifier specifies that the in-memory content of a row_
    cache is to be displayed in hexadecimal format along with the
    ASCII translation. The Data qualifier is the default.

    Specify the Nodata qualifier to display only header information
    for each cache slot.

6.4.3  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. If you specify a file name, the default
    output file type is .lis.
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