1 – Larea
Larea=(n [,...]) Specifies a list of logical area identifiers. The LAREA qualifier and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive.
2 – Length
Length[=value] Sets the length of the logical area. If no value is provided on the RMU Set AIP command, then Oracle Rdb will find the matching table and calculate a revised AIP nominal record length and apply it to the AIP.
3 – Log
Log Logs the names and identifiers of logical areas modified by this command.
4 – Rebuild Spams
Rebuild_Spams Locate each logical area with the "rebuild-spam" flag set and rebuild the SPAM pages.
5 – Rename To
Rename_To=new-name Used to change the logical area name. This qualifier should be used with caution as some RMU commands assume a strict mapping between table/index names and names of the logical area. This command can be used to repair names that were created in older versions of Oracle Rdb where the rename table command did not propagate the change to the AIP. The value of new-name may be delimited so that mixed case, punctuation and various character sets can be used.
6 – Threshold
Threshold=(t1 [,t2 [, t3]]) Changes the threshold on all logical areas specified using the Larea qualifier or the larea-name parameter. RMU accepts THRESHOLD=(0,0,0) as a valid setting to disable logical area thresholds. Values must be in the range 0 through 100. Any missing values default to 100.