/FIPS=74 /NOFIPS (D) Supports the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 21--1 (FIPS-PUB 21--1), issued by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, interpretation of file status. FIPS-PUB 21--1 specifies that a file status of 10 be returned when reporting at end conditions. The /FIPS=74 qualifier returns a file status of 10 when reporting at end conditions. The following table compares the file status values that are returned when you use or do not use the /FIPS=74 qualifier. Note that these at end file status values apply to any file organization accessed sequentially. __________________________________________________________________ FILE STATUS VALUES __________________________________________________________________ /FIPS=74 /NOFIPS __________________________________________________________________ The file has no next logical record. 10 13 An optional file was not present. 10 15 The program did not establish a valid 10 16 next record. __________________________________________________________________ The default, /NOFIPS, ensures version to version compatibility for COBOL. The /FIPS=74 and /NOFIPS qualifier only apply when you also specify /STANDARD=V3.