VMS Help  —  EXTRACT  Qualifiers  /COLUMNS

   Select or reject certain columns within extracted records before
   writing them to the output file.  'column_range' is either a single
   column number or a low and high pair separated by "-" or ":".  If
   more than one range is desired, separate them with commas and enclose
   the list in parentheses.  If the first element of the list is "-",
   then the rest of the list represents columns to reject rather than
   ones to select.

   If the first range begins with ":" (ie, ":20") then column 1 is
   implied; if the last range ends with ":" (ie, "41:") or ":*" then
   the end of the record is implied.

   Note:  the output record consists of the selected columns in their
   original relative positions, not in the order listed in /COLUMNS.
   That is, /COLUMNS=(25:30,5:10) produces the same output as the list
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