/BP_OUTPUT (default) /NOBP_OUTPUT Enables or disables an ALLOWed watcher from diverting the output from your terminal so it goes only to his own terminal. The watched screen appears to just "go dead" during bypass-output until bypass-output is turned back off again. Bypass-output mode is turned on and off through use of the BYPASS_OUTPUT_TOGGLE hot-key. BYPASS_OUTPUT_TOGGLE is used by watchers to watch disconnected terminal-server sessions and terminals which have gone into a hold-screen mode. (For more information, see the PEEK Commands ALLOW Subtopic: /BYPASS_OUTPUT_TOGGLE.) /BP_OUTPUT is a DCL positional qualifier. It can be used at the start of a PEEK/ALLOW command line, before any identifiers, in which case it applies to all identifiers on the command line. It can also be used on a PEEK/ALLOW command line after a particular identifier, in which case it will apply only to that one identifier in the list. Examples: $ PEEK/ALLOW/NOBP_OUTPUT J_JONES,J_DOE $! J_JONES and J_DOE may watch you but without BP_OUTPUT. $ PEEK/ALLOW J_JONES/NOBP_OUTPUT,J_DOE $! J_JONES and J_DOE may both watch you but only J_DOE may $! BP_OUTPUT (since BP_OUTPUT is the default). ALLOW/NOBP_OUTPUT has no effect on SPY, nor on privileged PEEK users.