/KB_CONTROL (default) /NOKB_CONTROL Enables (or disables) an ALLOWed watcher from supplying input for your terminal. /KB_CONTROL is a DCL positional qualifier. It can be used at the start of a PEEK/ALLOW command line, before any identifiers, in which case it applies to all identifiers on the command line. It can also be used on the PEEK/ALLOW command line after a particular identifier, in which case it will apply only to that one identifier in the list. Examples: $ PEEK/ALLOW/NOKB_CONTROL J_JONES,J_DOE $! J_JONES and J_DOE may watch you but without KB_CONTROL. $ PEEK/ALLOW J_JONES/NOKB_CONTROL,J_DOE $! J_JONES and J_DOE may watch you but only J_DOE may toggle $! input (since KB_CONTROL is the default). ALLOW/NOKB_CONTROL has no effect on SPY, nor on privileged PEEK users.