VMS Help  —  PEEK  Hot-Keys  Tips
   Control Characters to Avoid In PEEK & SPY Hot-Key Sequences

   Different control characters have special functions on a standard
   VT-series terminal. Some of these should not be used as part of
   hot-key sequences for PEEK & SPY.

   The following table lists control characters which have a special
   meaning to VMS. If any of these characters are used by PEEK & SPY,
   then you may have trouble activating the corresponding VMS or program
   function while using PEEK & SPY. Note that some of these may be used
   in the PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM file as supplied on the software distribution.
   If they conflict with other key usage on your system you will most
   likey want to change the definitions in PEEK_DEFAULTS.COM.

   The NULL, XON and XOFF characters will NOT be recognized in
   PEEK & SPY hot-key sequences and should not be specified.

   Other characters from this list MAY be used, but may create
   undesirable effects.

   Not Recommended:

   Control  Character    Function

   CTRL-@   NULL         Ignored by most programs including PEEK & SPY.
                         (Always ignored in hot-key sequences).
   CTRL-A                VMS line editing - toggle insert/overtype modes.
   CTRL-B                VMS line editing - recall prior command line.
   CTRL-C                Used by VMS to cancel input for most programs.
   CTRL-D                VMS line editing - move cursor one position to
                         the left.
   CTRL-E                VMS line editing - move cursor to end of line.
   CTRL-F                VMS line editing - move cursor one position to
                         the right.
   CTRL-H   BACKSPACE    VMS line editing - move cursor to the beginning
                         of the line.
   CTRL-I   TAB          Horizontal tab character.
   CTRL-J   LINE-FEED    VMS line editing - delete prior word.
   CTRL-M   RETURN       Carriage-return - used to end an input sequence.
   CTRL-O                Tells VMS to discard terminal output.
   CTRL-P                Used to halt certain CPUs when entered at the
                         OPA0 console terminal. (NOTE: If the CPU halts
                         when CTRL-P is pressed, the CONTINUE command
                         should be entered at the >>> prompt which is
                         displayed while the CPU is halted.)
   CTRL-Q   XON or DC1   Transmit on  - for terminal flow control.
                         (Always ignored in hot-key sequences).
   CTRL-R                VMS line editing - Re-displays current input.
   CTRL-S   XOFF or DC3  Transmit off - for terminal flow control.
                         (Always ignored in hot-key sequences).
   CTRL-T                Displays a line of statistics if a DCL
                         $ SET CONTROL=T command was done earlier.
   CTRL-U                Used by VMS to discard current line of typeahead.
   CTRL-V                Used by DCL to enable quoting of following
   CTRL-X                Used by VMS to discard all current typeahead.
   CTRL-Y                Used by VMS to interrupt program operation.
   CTRL-Z                Used as an end-of-file or exit command for many
                         VMS programs.
   CTRL-[   ESCAPE       Used as part of the sequences generated by any
                         of the function and keypad keys. Escape may be
                         used as part of a complete sequence, but in
                         general should not be used by itself as a
                         single character control sequence.
   CTRL-\                Used to tell SET HOST/DTE to end a connection to
                         a remote system.
   DEL      DELETE       VMS line editing - delete prior character.

   The following characters currently are not used by DCL and may be
   employed in PEEK & SPY control sequences:


   CTRL-]          CTRL-_          CTRL-~

   Printable text characters may be used as part of a hot-key sequence
   but should NOT be used as the initial character in such a sequence.
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